Sthefanny Varvaro
Étudiante à l'ILCF (Institut de Langue et de Culture Françaises), Sthefanny témoigne sur son expérience au sein d'une famille d'accueil
mise à jour le 1 juillet 2020
Sthefanny Varvaro, 21 ans, d’origine Vénézuélienne, a fait le choix de vivre en famille d’accueil durant ses études à l’Institut de Langue et de Culture Françaises de l’UCLy.
Découvrons son témoignage en anglais.

How did you find out about this accommodation offer (host family)?
Many friends of my dad recommended this way of living to us, because their kids did the same in other countries and had very good experiences.
Can you tell us about your living conditions (how many people live under the same roof ? How many students among them ? Do you share your room, etc.?) as well as your host family’s living conditions?
I lived with a French couple (Mr and Mrs Pasquier) and a Japanese girl, named Misuki, in a house in Oullins. After the situation with COVID-19, Misuki went back to Japan and the youngest daughter of the family came from Paris (where she studies) and started living with us.
Why did you chose to live with a host family rather than live in your own apartment or get a room in a student residence ?
The experience of living the « The french way », seeing how they eat, the topic of their conversations and learning about France through them. That way I could practice my French at every hour and learn the words and phrases that you don’t necessarily hear in the classroom.
What does this experience bring to you ?
A family. Truly, with the situation of COVID-19 they were an important company throughout the whole situation. I also learn a lot about France, specifically about Alsace, that is the hometown of Mrs Pasquier.
What would you say to a student who is reluctant to live with a host family ?
If you are interested in being immerge in the French experience I totally recommend this way of living. Also you will create a relationship that hopefully will last you years.
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