Ioannis Assiouras
Maître de conférences de l'UCLy
Groupe de recherche (8) Entreprises et organisations durablesiassiouras@univ-catholyon.fr
Campus Lyon - Saint Paul
10 Place des archives 69002 Lyon
10 Place des archives 69002 Lyon
- Membre du Groupe de recherche (8) Entreprises et organisations durables, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA1598) UCLy
Informations complémentaires
- Section CNU : 17. Philosophie
- ORCID : 0000-0003-4881-660X
Domaines de recherche
Value Co-creation Service Recovery Corporate Social Responsibility Sustainable consumption Smart ServicesDomaines d'enseignement
Marketing Marketing Research Brand Management Research Methodology Crisis Communication Consumer Experience in the Age of Digital Transformation Marketing in the Age of ResponsibilityPrésentation
Ioannis Assiouras est enseignant-chercheur en marketing à l'ESDES et membre de l'unité de recherche CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités de l'UCLy. Il est également coordinateur du groupe de recherche 4 sur le marketing durable et la connaissance du consommateur au sein de l'ESDES. Il a obtenu son doctorat à l'Université d'économie et de commerce d'Athènes et ses travaux portent sur la co-création de valeur, le tourisme et les comportements touristiques durables.
Publications & Communications scientifiques
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
- ASSIOURAS, Ioannis, GIANNOPOULOS, Antonis, MAVRAGANI, Eleni, BUHALIS, Dimitrios (2024). «Virtual Reality facilitated Travel Inspiration: The role of Pleasure and Arousal». Current Issues in Tourism, Online version of record. [+]
- ASSIOURAS, Ioannis, BAYER, Rabia (2024). «Self-transcendent emotions as the locomotive of value co-creation in sustainable tourism: A horizon 2050 paper». Tourism Review, ahead-of-print. [+]
- ASSIOURAS, Ioannis, GIANNOPOULOS, Antonis, MAVRAGANI, Eleni, BUHALIS, Dimitrios (2024). «Virtual Reality and Mental Imagery Towards Travel Inspiration and Visit Intention». International Journal of Tourism Research, 26, 2, e2646. [+]
- ASSIOURAS, Ioannis, VALLSTROM, Niklas, SKOURTIS, George, BUHALIS, Dimitrios (2024). «Exploring how interaction leads to value cocreation, value co-destruction, and value nocreation during service mega-disruptions». Current Issues in Tourism, 27, 20, 3231-3248. [+]
- ASSIOURAS, Ioannis, CLIFFT, Sarah (2023). «The transformation of post pandemic hybrid teaching and learning through experiences of remote digital learning in French Business schools». Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 60, 2023/6, 810-823. [+]
- ASSIOURAS, Ioannis, VALLSTROM, Niklas, SKOURTIS, George, BUHALIS, Dimitrios (2022). «Value propositions during service mega-disruptions : Exploring value co-creation and value co-destruction in service recovery». Annals of Tourism Research, 97, 103501. [+]
- ASSIOURAS, Ioannis, SKOURTIS, George, GIANNOPOULOS, Antonis, BUHALIS, Dimitrios, KARAOSMANOGLU, Elif (2022). «Testing the relationship between value, cocreation, perceived justice and guests' enjoyment». Current Issues in Tourism, 26, 4, 587-602. [+]
- ASSIOURAS, Ioannis, SKOURTIS, Georges, GIANNOPOULOS, Antonis, BUHALIS, Dimitrios, KONIORDOS, Michalis (2019). «Value co-creation and customer citizenship behavior». Annals of Tourism Research, 97, 102742. [+]
- SKOURTIS, Georges, DECAUDIN, Jean-Marc, ASSIOURAS, Ioannis, KARAOSMANOGLU, Elif (2018). «Does Co-Creation of Service Recovery Create Value for Customers? The Underlying Mechanism of Motivation and the Role of Operant Resources». European Management Review, 16, 4, 997-1013. [+]
- ASSIOURAS, Ioannis, LIAPATI, Georgia, KOULETSIS, Giorgos, KONIORDOS, Michalis (2015). «The impact of Brand Authenticity on Brand Attachment in the Food Industry». British Food Journal, 117, 2, 538-552. [+]
- LIAPATI, Georgia, ASSIOURAS, Ioannis, DECAUDIN, Jean-Marc (2015). «The role of Fashion Involvement, Brand Love, and Hedonic Consumption Tendency in Fashion Impulse Purchasing». Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 6, 4, 251-264. [+]
- Interventions dans les colloques
- ASSIOURAS, Ioannis. «VR facilitated Travel Inspiration: The role of Pleasure and Arousal». 53rd EMAC Annual Conference, EMAC, Mai 2024, Bucarest, Roumanie.
- ASSIOURAS, Ioannis. «Virtual Reality and Travel Inspiration». AMS Annual Conference, Academy of Marketing Science, Mai 2024, Coral Gables, Etats-Unis.
- ASSIOURAS, Ioannis, KARAOSMANOGLU, Elif. «Location-based Mobile Content Content Consumption: Information versus Transformational Content in the Form of in-App Push Notifications». 48th EMAC Annual Conference, Special Session Submission “Unpacking the Mystique of Mobile Digital Content and Its Consumers: Insights for Consumer-Brand Relationships”, University of Hamburg, Mai 2019, Hambourg, Allemagne.
- ASSIOURAS, Ioannis, SKOURTIS, Georges, GIANNOPOULOS, Antonis, KONIORDOS, Michalis. «The Effect of Value Co-Creation on Customer Citizenship Behaviour in the hospitality context». 47th EMAC Annual Conference, University of Strathclyde, Juin 2018, Glasgow, Royaume Uni.
- ASSIOURAS, Ioannis, SKOURTIS, Georges, KARAOSMANOGLU, Elif. «Exploring the role of context and adaptability on customer value co-recovery behaviour». 5th Conference Naples Forum on Service : "Service Dominant Logic, Network & Systems Theory and Service Science: Integrating Three Perspectives for a New Service Agenda", University of Naples “Federico II”, University of Salerno, Juin 2015, Naples, Italie.
- ASSIOURAS, Ioannis, SKOURTIS, Georges, KARAOSMANOGLU, Elif. «Hen employee co-destroyed customers’ well-being». 5th Conference Naples Forum on Service : "Service Dominant Logic, Network & Systems Theory and Service Science: Integrating Three Perspectives for a New Service Agenda", University of Naples “Federico II”, University of Salerno, Juin 2015, Naples, Italie.
- ASSIOURAS, Ioannis, SKOURTIS, Georges, DECAUDIN, Jean-Marc. «Conceptualizing Service Dominant-logic through the Lens of Service-Dominant Logic: A Value-Based Approach». AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, American Marketing Association, Février 2015, San Antonio, Etats-Unis.
- ASSIOURAS, Ioannis, LIAPATI, Georgia, SKOURTIS, Georges, PAPAROIDAMIS, Nicolas. «Make the Customers to Love the Brand by Co-creating». 17th AMS World Marketing Congress, ESAN, Août 2014, Lima, Pérou.
- ASSIOURAS, Ioannis, SKOURTIS, Georges, DECAUDIN, Jean-Marc. «Service Failures as Co-destruction moments». AMS Annual Conference, Academy of Marketing Science, Mai 2014, Indianapolis, Etats-Unis.
- ASSIOURAS, Ioannis, LIAPATI, Georgia, DECAUDIN, Jean-Marc. «Fashion Impulse Purchasing: The role of Brand Love, Fashion Involvement and Hedonic Consumption Tendency». AMS Annual Conference, Academy of Marketing Science, Mai 2014, Indianapolis, Etats-Unis.
- ASSIOURAS, Ioannis, SKOURTIS, Georges, DECAUDIN, Jean-Marc. «Reconsidering Service Failures and Service Recovery Strategies: Introducing Mechanism of Value Restoration (MVR)». 30ème Congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing, AFM, Mai 2014, Montpellier, France.
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Collaborations scientifiques
Membre de laboratoires de recherche
- Depuis 2020, Coordinateur de l'axe de recherche - Perspectives du consommateur et du marché, ESDES, UCLy, France
- Depuis 2020, Membre du Groupe de recherche (8) Entreprises et organisations durables, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA1598), UCLy, France
Membre de laboratoires de recherche
- 2011, Doctorat en Sciences de gestion, The Effects of Brand Crises on Corporate Brand: Empirical Investigation in the Greek Banking Sector, Athens University of Economics and Business, Grèce
Certificats et formations
- 2016 - 2017 PgCert in Academic Practice in Higher Education, Coventry University, Royaume Uni
- Grec - Capable d'enseigner
- Français - Capable d'enseigner
- Anglais - Capable d'enseigner