BOUBEKRI, A., GERNIGON-SPYCHALOWICZ, T., KHAMMAR, F., EXBRAYAT, J.-M. 2009. Morphometry and immunohistochemistry of folliclesgrowth and steroidogenesis in saharian wild sand rat, Psammomys obesus, ovary. Folia histochemica et cytobiologica, 47 (5): S59-S66.
HAMMOUCHE, S., GERNIGON, T., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2009. Correlation between ovarian steroidogeneisand b-endorphin in the Lizard Uromastyx acanthinura: immunohistochemical approach. Folia histochemica et cytobiologica, 47 (5): S95-S100.
EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2009. Les crises de la biodiversité. Rev. Univ. Cathol. Lyon, 16 : 43-49.
TABOUREAU, J.-L., 2009. Crise énergétique: réalité ou fiction? Rev. Univ. Cathol. Lyon, 16 : 50-53.
CHEVALIER, C., DE CONTO, C., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2009. Du follicule ovarien à l'œuf : description du cycle sexuel femelle de Zingel asper. IVème Rencontres de l'Ichtyologie en France, Paris 24-27 mars 2009.
MOUDILOU, E., POIRIER, A.-L., BRUN, C., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2009. Calpain expresion during Xenopus laevis development. 16th International Society of Developmental Biologists Congress, Edinburgh. 6 - 10 Sept 2009, M. O. D., 126, supplt : 167.
EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2009. Spermatogenesis and male reproductive system in Amphibia-Gymnophiona. In OGIELSKA, M. (ed) Reproduction of Amphibians, Science Publishers Inc. 125-152. EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2009. Oogenesis and female reproductive system in Amphibia-Gymnophiona.In OGIELSKA, M. (ed) Reproduction of Amphibians, Science Publishers Inc. 306-342.
BOUBEKRI, A., GERNIGON-SPYCHALOWICZ, T., KHAMMAR, F., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2009. Morphometry and immunohistochemistry of follicles growth and steroidogenesis in saharian wild Psammomys obesus ovary. 11th Polish-French Symposium Endocrinology of Reproduction, April 2009, Krakow, Poland., Abstracts, 56.
BELHOCINE M., GERNIGON T., BENAZZOUG Y., EXBRAYAT J.-M., 2009. Gelatinase (MMP-2, MMP-9) immunoexpression in seminal vesicles and ventral prostate of Libyan jird (Meriones libycus) during reproduction. Physiologie, pharmacologie, Marseille, 2009. Abstracts.
EXBRAYAT, J.-M., RAQUET, M., 2009. Vertebrate evolution: the strange case of gymnophionan amphibians. In PONTAROTTI, P. (ed) Evolutionary biology from concepts to application II, 71-89.
HAMMOUCHE, S., GERNIGON, T., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2009. Correlation between ovarian steroidogenesis and -endorphine in the lizard Uromastyx acanthinura: immunohistochemical approach. 11th Polish-French Symposium Endocrinology of Reproduction, April 2009, Krakow, Poland., Abstracts, 34.
BENMOULOUD, A., KHAMMAR, JF., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., AMIRAT, Z., 2009. The fat sand rat Psammomys obesus adrenocorical apoptosis detection by in situ end-labelling of DNA analysis. "La biologie moléculaire au service des sciences de la vie", 4èmes de journées de Biologie, Univ. M'hamed Bougara de Boumerdès, Abstracts, 44.
BELHOCINE, M., GERNIGON-SPYCHALOWICZ, T., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2009. Matrix metalloproteinanses (MMP-3, MMP-7) immunoexpression in prostatic lobes of Libyan jird (Meriones libycus) during seasonal reproductive cycle and after castration. XIth Congress of European Biological Rythms Society, August 2009, Strasbourg, France, Abstracts, 186.
MOUDILOU, E., MOUTERFI, N., VEROT-ABROUK, L., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., BRUN, C., 2009. Expression des calpaïnes au cours du développement de Xenopus laevis. ClubAmphibien 2009, Rennes, 6-8 juillet 2009. Résumés.