Environmental challenges : biodiversity

Enseignante : Karen Johnstone

We will use games and group activities to explore the causes, mechanisms and consequences of current biodiversity loss and mass extinction of species

Course description

This course aims to use games, group workshops, and case studies to equip you with an overview of ecosystem dynamics and the current rapid loss of biodiversity. Firstly, we will play a game exploring uses of natural resources and use case studies to better understand some key concepts. We will then look at the causes, mechanisms and consequences of biodiversity loss, and play a workshop called “The Biodiversity Collage”. Finally we will explore actions and develop ideas to mitigate biodiversity, such as re-wilding and ecological corridors.

Course objectives

Use interactive learning (group activities, games, case studies) to equip students with a clearer vision of the current rapid loss of biodiversity, and the dynamics of natural resources:

  • Understand the causes, mechanisms and consequences of current biodiversity loss.
  • Explore actions and develop scenarios to mitigate biodiversity loss at a global or local scale
  • Explore some concepts useful for understanding biodiversity and ecosystems dynamics.
  • Discuss concepts such as resilience and over consumption.


Département de formation humaine

04 72 32 51 56