Les masters de Droit de l'UCLy

LL.M. in International Business Law - Master 1

en convention avec l'Université Lumière Lyon 2

This program is open to law graduates wishing to develop a career in international business law.

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LL.M. in European and International Trade & Investment Law - Master 2

en convention avec l'Université Lumière Lyon 2

LL.M. in European and International Trade & Investment Law covers major existing negotiated European and multilateral trade and investment agreements and their interaction with the WTO with a particular focus on the European Union.

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Master 1 et 2 - Droit des affaires, parcours Droit du marché digital et des données

en convention avec l'Université Lumière Lyon 2

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Master 1 et 2 - Droit public, parcours Action publique : État, Europe et collectivités territoriales

en convention avec l'Université Lumière Lyon 2

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Online LL.M. Digital Law and Technology (University Diploma)

The LL.M. Digital Law and Technology is designed to give students a deep understanding of the legal issues and challenges brought by the digital transformation of our economy and the regulation of the innovations it implies.

Law diploma open to post-graduate students, exclusively taught in English, online, full-time or part-time study possible.

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