Facts and figures

Key figures, organisation, status, charter...

Founded in 1875, UCLy (Lyon Catholic University) combines academic knowledge, respect for human-centred values and openness to the rest of society.

UCLy is situated on three campuses, two within the heart of the city of Lyon (Carnot / Saint Paul) and the other, in Annecy, which opened at the start of the 2020 academic year. UCLy aims to be international, while remaining close to the regional economic fabric, and strives to be a force of intelligence and proposals.

UCLy benefits from all the richness and plurality of its twenty-eight education and research units. Curiosity and a benevolent perspective on their surroundings is developed in our students through the diversity of subjects offered to them. UCLy programmes lead to university diplomas, mainly within the framework of agreements with public universities, and in a limited number of cases, in the electoral jury.

Looking outwards and closely following societal developments, UCLy never stops evolving, creating new courses and new research programmes combining scientific skills with a human-centred philosophy

UCLy is a non-profit-making organisation granted the status of a public interest private higher education institution (EESPIG) by the French government, and as such, it contributes to providing the public service of higher education. Our university brings together and opens up discussion between a variety of disciplines: Biology, Philosophy, Theology, Law, Psychology, the Humanities, Languages and Management Science...

UCLy is a founding member of the IPL (Polytechnical Institute of Lyon) and associate member of the COMUE of Lyon.

UCLy in Figures:

• 6 Faculties:

  • Legal, Political and Social Sciences
  • Economic Sciences and Management
  • Sciences and Health
  • Literature and Languages
  • Theology and Religious Sciences
  • Philosophy, Psychology and Education

• 1 Business School ESDES (commonly called "Grande École" in the French system)

• 1 Engineering School in biotechnology ESTBB

• 3 Professional schools (ESTRI, ESQESE, IFTLM)

• 1 research center "Sciences and Humanities Confluence" with 8 research teams

• More than 12,100 students and auditors, including 2,300 internationals

• More than 800 teachers and administrative staff

• Up to 180 courses (Level: undergraduate to postgraduate)

• 350 partner universities on 5 continents


The Rectoral Team

Professor Grégory WOIMBEE


Professor Emmanuelle GORMALLY

Vice-Rector in charge of Education, Academic life and Student life

Professor Valérie AUBOURG

Research Director

Portrait de Valérie AUBOURG

Professor Marie BUI-LETURCQ

Vice-Rector in charge of ecological transition, social and environmental responsibility and sustainable quality

Marie Bui-Leturcq


General Secretary

Clément larcher

The Deans:

Provisional administrator

Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management

Dr Michel YOUNES

Faculty of Theology and Religious Sciences

Pr Pascal MARIN

Faculty of Philosophy, Psychology and Education

Portrait Pascal MARIN

Professor Michel CANNARSA

Faculty of Legal, Political and Social Sciences

Photo de Michel Cannarsa

Pr Franck VIOLET

Faculty of Modern Languages and Literature

Dr Isabelle HARDY

Faculty of Sciences and Health

portrait d'isabelle hardy

Associative Status

UCLy is an association (law of 1901) administered by AFPICL, the Association of Founders and Protectors of the Catholic Institute of Lyon.

The Archbishop of Lyon, Primate of the Gauls, is by right the chancellor of this University.

UCLy Charter