Let's welcome the World!

For several years now, UCLy has been doing its very best to make sure that the high-quality welcome offered to students from all over the world remains a priority. By doing so, it intends to cultivate its distinctiveness, based on the ongoing support of each and every student, especially those coming from abroad

In order to welcome and support international students throughout their stay in France, UCLy has progressively implemented a wide range of measures aimed at facilitating their integration in the city. This support begins when incoming students are start to prepare their departure and still haven’t left their home institution; indeed, through the information available on our website, and thanks to email exchanges for example, they are already informed of the variety of activities especially dedicated to them at UCLy.

Then, upon arrival in Lyon, each student is given a welcome booklet, packed full of great advice, suggestions and other tips, which is handed out during a Welcome evening, the “Welcome Cocktail” organised in their honour. On this occasion, after a presentation of UCLy and the city of Lyon, international students are invited to a mini forum to meet representatives from the sports bureau, the chaplaincy, the Human Training Department, the International Relations office, the accommodation service, etc. with the objective of ensuring that they have the most successful stay possible.

Festive and cultural activities throughout the year

Groupe d'étudiants internationaux de l'UCLy sur un pont de Lyon

Once here, they can be part of our Buddy Programme, managed by the International Relations office’s trainee. International students get to meet French students on an individual basis, to discuss life in France, or any difficulties they may encounter, particularly so during the initial stages of their stay in Lyon. All throughout
the academic year, they can take part in many different events especially organised for them, such as the Movie Club, Languages Café, the Get Together Cocktail, International Dinners, Days out in Lyon, etc.

Over the last few years, new activities have been launched and have been met with resounding success, such as the guided tour of the Musée des Beaux-Arts. There’s no lack of entertainment on offer, and international students are generally very eager to take part in order to acquaint themselves with local culture. These activities also enable them to see life in France in a different light during their stay in the capital of the Gauls!


Promoting meetings with French students

Two schools focused on the study of foreign languages and cultures could only join forces. It was this obvious fact that led to the setting up of meetings between ESTRI and ILCF students since 2017. These meetings have mobilised ESTRI’s French TSIL students (Specialist Translation and Liaison Interpretation) on the one hand, and on the other, ILCF students with an already good command of French. ILCF students produce written works on different topics, which are then used as a basis for conversation with their French counterparts studying translation and interpretation, thus offering the latter actual proofreading and editing experience (spelling, lexicon, syntax), as well as experience in mediation.

Besides the linguistic aspect, the scheme underlines the intercultural exchanges and relationship-building within our university’s student community. And each meeting tends to maintain and reinforce these bonds even more!

The above-mentioned programmes, along with promoting dialogue and discussion, are a great opportunity for students to learn about others. After ESQESE, ESTRI, ESDES and the Faculty of Law, UCLy’s International Relations office’s Buddy programme should further promote such inter-disciplinary collaboration, and continue to boost relations between French and international students at UCLy.

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