Health directory

Finding a doctor/psysician, the emergency numbers, a 24/7 pharmacy etc.

You will find here a (non-exhaustive) list of websites, numbers, and facilities that are useful for your health!

Useful services, numbers, websites

  • Emergency phone number
    • Police : 17
    • SAMU (medical emergency) : 15
    • Firefighter: 18
    • Emergency in France and European Union: 112
    • For hard of hearing or deafened person: 114
    • Reporting violence against a child : 119 (Enfance en Danger / Child in Danger)
    • Reporting violence by SMS: 117
    • Reporting sexual violence or aussault by chatting:
    • Reporting violence against women: 3919
    • SOS homophobia: +33 (0)1 48 06 42 41
    • SOS Racism: +33 (0)1 40 35 36 55
  • UCLy’s Health Department – Pôle Santé

    UCLy’s Health Department helps you with the different aspects of physical and mental health and learning, to give you the best chance of success in your university studies. Throughout your time at UCLy, you will have access to consultations and individual support, as well as ad-hoc preventive actions (large scale or in small groups) around student health and well-being (diet, stress management, sleep, etc.).

    The Department includes:

    • Preventive healthcare with Dr Marie-Charlotte BOURDEL
    • Disability service “Mission handicap” with Mrs Angélique HENAULT
    • Counselling service “Point Ecoute” with a professional psychologist


    Info and contacts on the UCLy’s Health Department webpage.


    ENG_Booklet – UCLy’s Health Department (PDF)

  • Finding a (referring) doctor

    At each medical consultation, don’t forget to bring:

    • Your passport/ID card
    • Your Carte Vitale or Entitlement document (Attestation de droit) or European Health Insurance card (EHIC)
    • Your insurance card (carte mutuelle), if you have one


    Caution: some doctor do not accept new patients. Ask the doctor/medical center before booking an appointment.

    Health directory of the French Health Insurance

    You can filter per:
    Fees (explanations on this page),
    Reason for consultation (Motif de consultation): 1st consultation (Première consultation)
    More filters (Plus de filtres): for example means of payment or language


    Medical and dental center – Lyon
    44 rue Feuillat – 69003 Lyon
    +33 (0)4 72 11 30 09
    To make an appointment, click here

    Medical center – Annecy
    155 avenue d’Aix les Bains
    74600 Annecy
    To make an appointment, click here.


    Doctor’s fees

    Health costs/fees depend on your doctor. They are 2 sectors.

    Sector 1 doctors (general practitioner or specialist),  apply a pre-determined flat rate and do not charge additional fees.

    Sector 2 doctors (general practitioner or specialist), are allowed to charge additional fees that are not covered by the French health Insurance. Costs and fees are different, so are the refunded/paid portions.

    It is therefore very important for you to ask your doctor for their sector and price before booking an appointment.


    The refering doctor (médecin traitant)

    He/She is the doctor (generalist or specialist, from sector 1 or 2) who you freely choose and report to the CPAM with his/her agreement. He/She manages your medical records and coordinates your care pathway. Choosing a referring doctor allows you to receive better reimbursement.



    For more information, consult our dedicated pages:

  • Emergency consultation

    At each medical consultation, don’t forget to bring:

    • Your passport/ID card
    • Your Carte Vitale / Entitlement document (Attestation de droit)/European Health Insurance card
    • Your insurance card (carte mutuelle), if you have one


    Doctolib (You can filter by availability “Disponibilités“)


    16 rue des brosses – 69100 Villeurbanne
    Every day, from 8am to midnight
    +33 (0)4 28 29 76 60
    By appointment only

    SOS Médecins Lyon
    289 rue Garibaldi – 69007 Lyon
    Every day, from 8am to midnight
    By appointment only: by phone at +33 (0)4 78 83 51 51 or online on

    Doctor on duty, out-of-hours services (Maisons médicales de garde)
    By appointment only, by phone at 116 117 or +33(0)4 72 33 00 33
    The appointment will be given at the nearest Maison Médicale

    Nursing home (Centre de soins infirmiers)
    Monday to Friday: from 8am to 7pm
    Saturday: from 8:30zm to 12pm
    By appointment only on



    SOS Médecins (Doctors)
    40 Avenue de la Mavéria
    74940 Annecy Le Vieux

    By appointment only : by phone at 3624 or online on

    Doctor on duty, out-of-hours services (Maisons médicales de garde)
    1 avenue de l’hôpital – 74370 Epagny Metz-Tessy
    From Monday to Friday, from 8pm to 10pm
    Saturday, from 12pm 10pm
    Sunday and holyday, from 8am to 10pm
    No appointment necessary

    Medical center for immediate care
    164 avenue d’Aix-Les-Bains – 74600 SEYNOD
    From Monday to Friday, from 9am to 8pm
    Saturday, Sunday and holyday, from 10am to 6pm
    No appointment necessary

  • Hospitals and emergency departments

    Caution: emergency departments are for serious cases only!


    At each medical consultation, don’t forget to bring:

    • Your passport/ID card
    • Your Carte Vitale / Entitlement document (Attestation de droit)/European Health Insurance card
    • Your insurance card (carte mutuelle), if you have one



    Hôpital Edouard Herriot
    5 place d’Arsonval – 69003 Lyon
    +33 (0)4 72 11 69 53
    Tram T2 / Metro D: « Grange Blanche » station

    CHU Lyon Sud
    165 chemin Revoyet – Pierre-Bénite
    +33 (0)4 78 86 16 36 ou +33 (0)4 78 86 16 37

    Hôpital St Joseph / St Luc
    20 quai Claude Bernard – 69007
    04 78 61 81 81
    Tram T1 : « Quai Claude Bernard » station

    Hôpital Croix-Rousse
    103 grande rue de la Croix-Rousse – 69004
    +33 (0)4 72 07 10 46
    Metro C : « Hénon » or « Cuire » station

    Psychiatric emergencies et suicide prevention
    Centre hospitalier le Vinatier
    95 boulevard Pinel – 69500 Bron
    Tram T2/T5/T6 : «  Desgenettes » station



    Centre hospitalier Annecy Genevois
    1 avenue de l’hôpital – 74370 Epagny Metz-Tessy
    04 50 63 63 63 / 04 50 63 66 01
    Bus 2 or Bus 10 : « Hôpital » station

  • Psychological supports and helplines

    Consult a complete list of helplines and on-site support organizations:

    ENG_All information and helplines


    On site



    Center dedicated to students mental health and welfare in Lyon.The team is composed by generalists, nurse, psychologist, and psychiatrist.
    Consultations in English or another foreign language is possible.
    No costs in advance: visit are payed by the French Health Insurance and your complementary health insurance (if you have one).
    To book an apoointment: online (click here) or per phone at +33 (0)4 829 102 20

    Santé Psy support

    Support allowing students to have up to 8 free consultations, on referral from a doctor.
    Consultations in a foreign language are proposed.
    To benefit from this support, go to a doctor (preventive medicine at the UCLy or a doctor), then choose the professional of your choice and benefit from free consultations.

    Institut régional Jean Bergeret – Lyon

    Free, anonymous, confidential and without judgment conversations with bilingual professionals (Arabic, Chinese, English, Greek, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish).
    From Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., upon registration.
    Free registration online or at +33 (0)7 64 42 92 59.

    CPCT – Psychoanalytic center with consultation and non-medical treatment

    Support offering listening, non-medical treatment and guidance in French, English, Arabic and German.
    Possibility to benefit from a free and limited non-medical treatment (16 consultations = 4 months).
    84 rue de Marseille
    69007 Lyon
    From Monday to Friday, from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 6pm.
    By appointment only.
    +33 (0)4 78 96 10 56

    Centre Médico-Psychologique Adulte (CMPA) – Annecy

    Individual consultation, psychotherapy, therapy monitoring, support.
    1 bis, boulevard du Fier
    From Monday to Friday, from 8:30am to 6pm.
    By appointment.
    +33 (0)4 50 67 72 88


    On the phone


    Nighttime helpline run by students for students.
    Free, anonymous, confidential and without judgment conversations (phone or chat) in French and English.
    In French: every day, from 9pm to 2:30am at +33 (0)4 85 30 00 10
    In English: from Thursday to Monday, from 9pm to 2:30am at +33 (0)4 85 30 00 20

    Pro-Consulte national support

    Free, anonymous, confidential and without judgment conversations with psychologists.
    You can choose the professional and the language (English, German, Spanish, Farsi, Dari, Polish and other languages):
    Available 24/24 and 7/7.
    +33 (0)8 00 73 05 56

    SOS Help

    Helpline for English speakers living in France.
    Free, anonymous, confidential and without judgment conversations.
    Available 7/7, from 3pm to 11pm.
    +33 (0)1 46 21 46 46

    31 14 – National number to prevent from suicide

    Free, anonymous, confidential and without judgment conversations with  professionals.
    Available 24/24 and 7/7.
    n° 31 14


  • Pharmacies 24/7

    Grande pharmacie lyonnaise
    From Monday to Saturday: 24h
    Sunday: 7:00pm-12:00am
    22 rue de la République – 69002 Lyon
    +33 (0)4 72 56 44 00

    Pharmacie des Gratte-Ciels
    From Monday to Saturday: 24h
    Sunday: 7:00pm-12:00am
    28 avenue Henri Barbusse – 69100 Villeurbanne
    +33 (0)4 78 84 71 63

    Pharmacie des Portes du Sud
    From Monday to Friday: 9:00am-12:30pm | 2:30pm-7:30pm |8:00pm-7:30am
    Saturday: 9:00am-1:00pm | 7:30pm-7:30am
    Sunday: 8:00pm-8:00am
    Centre Commercial Darnaise
    49 boulevard Lénine – 69100 Villeurbanne
    +33 (0)4 72 89 40 62

    Pharmacie Porte des Alpes
    From Monday to Saturday: 24h
    Sunday: 7:00pm-12:00am
    Centre Commercial Auchan
    Boulevard André Bouloch – 69290 Saint-Priest
    +33 (0)4 72 37 02 31

    Pharmacie de l’Horloge
    From Monday to Saturday: 8:30am-7:30am
    Sunday: 7:00pm-7:00am
    13 place Pierre Vauboin – 69160 Tassin-la-Demi-Lune
    +33 (0)4 78 34 26 38