Tina Ilc

Associate Professor at UCLy

7. Biosciences, Technologies and Ethics


Campus Lyon - Saint Paul
10 Place des archives 69002 Lyon


  • Teacher-researcher, ESTBB Lyon Catholic University
  • Researcher, Biosciences, technologies, ethics research group, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA1598) Lyon Catholic University

Further information

Research areas

Biotechnology for the environment

Teaching areas

Biotechnology Microbiology
  • Articles
    • Articles in peer-reviewed journals
      • ILC, Tina, ARISTA, Gautier, TAVARES, Raquel, NAVROT, Nicolas, DUCHÊNE, Eric, VELT, Amandine, CHOULET, Frédéric, PAUX, Etienne, FISCHER, Marc, NELSON, David R., HUGUENEY, Philippe, WERCK-REICHHART, Danièle, RUSTENHOLZ, Camille (2018). «Annotation, classification, genomic organization and expression of the Vitis vinifera CYPome». PLoS ONE, 13, 6, e0199902.  [+]
      • ILC, Tina, HALTER, David, MIESCH, Laurence, LAUVOISARD, Florian, KRIEGSHAUSER, Lucie, ILG, Andrea, BALTENWECK, Raymonde, HUGUENEY, Philippe, WERCK‐REICHHART, Danièle, DUCHÊNE, Eric, NAVROT, Nicolas (2017). «A grapevine cytochrome P450 generates the precursor of wine lactone, a key odorant in wine». New phytologist, 213, 1, 264-274.  [+]
      • MIETTINEN, Karel, DONG, Lemeng, NAVROT, Nicolas, SCHNEIDER, Thomas, BURLAT, Vincent, POLLIER, Jacob, WOITTIEZ, Lotte, VAN DER KROL, Sander, LUGAN, Raphaël, ILC, Tina, VERPOORTE, Robert, OKSMAN-CALDENTEY, Kirsi-Marja, MARTINOIA, Enrico, BOUWMEESTER, Harro, GOOSSENS, Alain, MEMELINK, Johan, WERCK-REICHHART, Danièle (2014). «The seco-iridoid pathway from Catharanthus roseus». Nature Communications, 5, 1, 3606.  [+]
    • Review articles
      • ILC, Tina, PARAGE, Claire, BOACHON, Benoît, NAVROT, Nicolas, WERCK-REICHHART, Danièle (2016). «Monoterpenol Oxidative Metabolism: Role in Plant Adaptation and Potential Applications». Frontiers in Plant Science, 7, 509.  [+]
  • Academic background
    • 2015 PhD, Biology : Molecular and cellular biology, Université de Strasbourg, France
  • Educational responsibilities and professional experiences
    • Since 2023 Teacher-researcher, ESTBB, Lyon Catholic University, France
  • Languages
    • English - Able to teach
    • French - Able to teach