Olivier Ferrando
Associate Professor at UCLy
Research group (3) Culture(s), language, imaginariesoferrando@univ-catholyon.fr
Campus Lyon - Saint Paul
10 Place des archives 69002 Lyon
10 Place des archives 69002 Lyon
- Associate Professor, Human Rights Institute of Lyon Lyon Catholic University
- Member of the Research group (3) Culture(s), language, imaginaries, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA1598) Lyon Catholic University
Further information
- CNU section: 04. Political Science (n° 202004225946)
- ORCID: 0000-0003-4398-6968
Research areas
Collective Identity Mobilizations Post-Soviet Shrinking Mining Cities Sociology of migrations Russia-Central Asia Central Asian SocietiesTeaching areas
International Relations International Project Management European Studies Minorities and Human RightsPresentation
Olivier Ferrando is a lecturer and researcher in political science at the CONFLUENCE: Sciences et Humanités research unit at Lyon Catholic University.
His work focuses on social transformations in Central Asia, in particular the construction of nation states and ethnic mobilisations, and more recently the impact of the war in Ukraine on human mobility between Central Asia and Russia.
He has managed the French Institute for Central Asian Studies (IFEAC) in Kyrgyzstan from 2013 to 2016.
His work focuses on social transformations in Central Asia, in particular the construction of nation states and ethnic mobilisations, and more recently the impact of the war in Ukraine on human mobility between Central Asia and Russia.
He has managed the French Institute for Central Asian Studies (IFEAC) in Kyrgyzstan from 2013 to 2016.
Scientific Publications & Communications
Books and coordination
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2024). La question minoritaire en Asie centrale. Construction nationale, mobilisations ethniques, et stratégies identitaires dans la vallée du Ferghana (1989-2010). Paris : Editions Petra, 380 p.
Coordination of a journal issue
- FERRANDO, Olivier (dir.) (2016). 1989, année de mobilisations politiques en Asie centrale, Cahiers d'Asie centrale, 26, 302 p. [+]
Coordination of conference proceedings
- AITPAEVA, Gulnara, CHOTAEVA, Cholpon, ESENGUL, Chinara, FERRANDO, Olivier, KOCHUMKULOVA, Elmira (dir.) (2017). Rethinking the 1916 Uprising in Central Asia. Bichkek : American University of Central Asia Press, 180 p. [+]
Articles In Peer-Reviewed Journals
- FERRANDO, Olivier (forthcoming). «L’incertitude du chercheur face à la rupture d’intelligibilité des relations internationales». Revue CONFLUENCE : Sciences & Humanités, 7.
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2020). «Education Language Policies and Practices in Post-Soviet Central Asia. An Historical Analysis of Ethnic Minorities in the Ferghana Valley». Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe, 19, 1, 32-57. [+]
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2016). «L’ethnicisation des mobilisations collectives en Asie centrale depuis 1989». Cahiers d'Asie centrale, 26, 195-223.
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2011). «Soviet Population Transfers and Interethnic Relations in Tajikistan: Assessing the Concept of Ethnicity». Central Asian Survey, 30, 1, 39-52.
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2011). «Déplacements de population et identités dans la vallée du Ferghana. Les limites du paradigme ethnique». Cahiers d'Asie centrale, 19-20, 177-212.
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2008). «Manipulating the Census. Ethnic Minorities in the Nationalizing States of Central Asia». Nationalities Papers, 36, 3, 489-520.
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2008). «Education and Ethnic Minorities in Central Asia. A Comparative Analysis». Central Eurasian Studies Review, 7, 1, 8-12.
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2006). «Du concept de minorité en Asie centrale. L’exemple de la vallée du Ferghana». Cahiers d’études sur la Méditerranée orientale et le monde turco-iranien, 39-40, 73-100.
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2023). «L’Asie centrale face à l’invasion russe de l’Ukraine : les débordements d’un conflit régional». In : Anne de Tinguy (dir.), Regards sur l'Eurasie. L'année politique 2022. Paris : Les Etudes du CERI, n°266-267, 38-43.
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2022). «Domestic & Foreign Policies in the Context of Eurasian Integration». In : David W. Montgomery (dir.), Central Asia: Contexts for Understanding. Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, 514-518.
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2019). «L’impact de la crise ukrainienne en Asie centrale : quelle évolution depuis 2014 ?». In : Anne de Tinguy (dir.), Regards sur l’Eurasie. L’année politique 2018. Paris : Les Etudes du CERI, n°241-242, 38-43.
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2013). «Central Asian States and their Co-Ethnics from Abroad: Diaspora Policies and Repatriation Programs». In : Marlène Laruelle (dir.), Migration and Social Upheaval as the Face of Globalization in Central Asia. Leyde : Ed. Brill, 239-262.
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2012). «Soviet Population Transfers and Interethnic Relations in Tajikistan: Assessing the Concept of Ethnicity». In : John Heathershaw & Edmund Herzig (dir.), The Transformation of Tajikistan. Routledge, 35-48.
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2012). «Policies and Practices of Language Education in Post-Soviet Central Asia: Between Ethnic Identity and Civic Consciousness». In : Katriona Kelly, Mark Bassin (dir.), Soviet and Post-Soviet Identities. Cambridge University Press, 254-277.
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2011). «Ethnic Minorities and the Media in Central Asia». In : E. Freedman, R. Shaffer (dir.), After the Czars and Commissars: Journalism in Authoritarian Post-Soviet Central Asia. Michigan State University Press, 161-183.
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2010). «Politiques diasporiques et flux migratoires : les États-nations et leurs minorités co-ethniques de l’étranger». In : M. Laruelle (dir.), Dynamiques migratoires et changements sociétaux en Asie centrale. Paris : Editions Petra, 49-76.
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2009). «Politics of ‘Diasporization’ in Post-Soviet Central Asia». In : Jane Fernandez (dir.), Diasporas: Critical and Inter-Disciplinary Perspectives (ebook). Oxford : Inter-disciplinary press, 41-51.
Book report And Rewiews
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2024). «Review of Tsypylma Darieva. Making a Homeland. Roots and Routes of Transnational Armenian Engagement. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2023. 238 pages.». Diaspora. A Journal of Transnational Studies, 24, 2, Advance access.
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2015). «Madeleine Reeves, Johan Rasanayagam et Judith Beyer, Ethnographies of the State in Central Asia. Performing Politics, Indiana University Press, 2013». Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest, 3, 46, 223-224.
Articles scientifiques dans des revues sans comité de lecture
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2012). «Strany Tsentral’noy Azii i ih ‘rodstvennye men’shinstva’ v regione: ot diasporal’noy politiki k programmam repatriatsii». Diaspory, 1, 66-94.
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2010). «Les violences ethniques de juin 2010 au Kirghizstan. L’identité manipulée». Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest, 41, 3, 107-136.
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2024). Islam, politique et société en Ouzbékistan. Enquête sur le renouveau religieux de la jeunesse ouzbèke, Russie/Eurasie Report n°45. Paris : Institut français des relations internationales, 48 p.
- Presentations at Symposiums
Conference paper with proceedings
- FERRANDO, Olivier. «L’incertitude du chercheur face à la rupture d’intelligibilité des relations internationales». JE Incertitude(s), UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités, UCLy, February 2023, Lyon, France.
- FERRANDO, Olivier. «The Shkolnyi Fond in Non-State Language Schools. A Liberal Practice under State Control». Conference “Philosophical and Political Aspects of International Education Projets”, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Laura Turarbek), October 2018, Almaty, Kazakhstan : Abai State University Press, 65-71.
Conference paper
- FERRANDO, Olivier. «Russian migrants’ identity. Navigating between civic and ethnic belongings». Annual Conference 'Geopolitics, Migrations and Identities in Central Eurasia', CESS-ESCAS, January 2025, Lisbonne, Portugal.
- FERRANDO, Olivier. «Education multilingue et minorités nationales dans l'espace eurasiatique: le cas des Ouzbeks au Kirghizstan». Journée d'étude sur la participation effective des minorités et peuples autochtones à la vie de l’État, IDHL, January 2025, Lyon, France.
- FERRANDO, Olivier. «"Russian" Migrants in Central Asia: Between Allegiance and Distrust in Citizenship of a State at War». Conference: Russian Citizens Since 2022. Forming, Expressing and Embodying Stances on the War in Ukraine, Rus-Op 2022 Project / FMSH, December 2024, Paris, France.
- FERRANDO, Olivier. «Les migrants russes en Asie centrale : entre appartenance nationale et engagement transnational». Séminaire de recherche L'asie centrale dans tous ses Etats: questions et méthodes, EHESS, December 2024, Paris, France. [By invitation].
- FERRANDO, Olivier. «Les migrants "russes" du Kazakhstan, une expérience migratoire entre allégeance citoyenne, appartenance nationale et engagement transnational». Séminaire EHESS "Guerre, autoritarisme et mobilisations", EHESS, June 2024.
- FERRANDO, Olivier. «Les mobilités entre l'Asie centrale et la Russie: l'impact de la guerre en Ukraine». JE L'Asie centrale, un carrefour de la société globale, ENS Lyon, May 2024, Lyon, France. [By invitation].
- FERRANDO, Olivier. «Les frontières mouvantes de l’identité des migrants « russes » de la guerre en Ukraine». Colloque pluridisciplinaire. Les frontières naturelles : une notion à déconstruire - Stratégies, enjeux, perceptions, langages, imaginaires, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (pôle 3), UCLy, May 2024, Lyon, France.
- FERRANDO, Olivier. «Trois décennies de recherche en Asie centrale». Table ronde sur les 30 ans de l'Institut français d'études sur l'Asie centrale, IFEAC, April 2024, Paris, France. [By invitation].
- FERRANDO, Olivier. «Russian Migrants in Kazakhstan since 2022. Citizenship & Belonging at Stake». International Conference "(In)Visible Russian (Anti-)War Migration", University of Warsaw, March 2024, Varsovie, Poland.
- FERRANDO, Olivier. «Les migrants russes du Kazakhstan depuis 2022. L'appartenance citoyenne en question». Anthropology Webinar, European University, December 2023, Saint-Pétersbourg, Russia. [By invitation].
- FERRANDO, Olivier. «Being a Russian Migrant in Kazakhstan in 2023. A Mobility between Ruptures and Continuities». ESCAS Regional Conference “Power, people and cultural change in an ever-evolving Central Asia”, European Society for Central Asian Studies, September 2023, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
- FERRANDO, Olivier. «Being Ukrainian in Kazakhstan in 2023. Social Interactions & Representations Between Ukrainian Communities in Wartime». Conférences de l'IFEAC, Institut français d'études sur l'Asie centrale, September 2023, Bichkek, Kirghizistan. [By invitation].
- FERRANDO, Olivier. «Gastarbeiter vs. Relokant. Being a Migrant in Eurasia During Wartime». International Conference “Central Asia & the World in the Time of Turbulence: Challenges & Opportunities”, AlmaU, April 2023, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
- FERRANDO, Olivier. «Les études centrasiatiques face à la guerre en Ukraine : la nécessaire décolonisation d’un champ d’études postcolonial ?». Journée d'étude Les études sur l'Asie centrale. Dynamiques scientifiques, nouveaux contextes de recherche, GIS Moyen-Orient et Mondes Musulmans, INALCO, February 2023, Paris, France. [By invitation].
- FERRANDO, Olivier. «Les perceptions et répercussions de la guerre en Asie centrale». Conférence "Le choc de la guerre en Ukraine: l'Eurasie un an après le 24 février", CERI/Sciences Po, February 2023, Paris, France. [By invitation].
- FERRANDO, Olivier. «Ethnic minorities political mobilization. A comparative analysis in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan». International Symposium "From the Soviet Komsomol to Independence: How Former Communists Built Civil Society in Former Soviet Republics", Södertörn University, June 2022, Stockholm, Sweden. [By invitation].
- FERRANDO, Olivier. «Une analyse des représentations véhiculées par le discours dans la guerre en Ukraine». JE interne de l'UR Confluence Sciences et Humanités, UCLy, June 2022, Lyon, France.
- FERRANDO, Olivier. «Aïdarken, ville-usine de la périphérie postsoviétique. Une étude de cas des processus de déclin urbain». JE Espace urbain, marges, marginalités, UR Confluence Sciences et Humanités (pôle 3), UCLy, May 2022, Lyon, France. [By invitation].
Other contributions
- (2023). Président de séance "Défis méthodologiques dans les études sur la migration forcée". JE Exil et mobilisation dans les diasporas d'Europe de l'Est, CERI/SciencesPo, December 2023, Paris, France [By invitation].
- (2021). «Approche sociologique des relations interethniques le long de la frontière tadjiko-kirghize». Table-Ronde Tensions frontalières en Asie centrale: analyse des relations entre le Kirghizstan et le Tadjikistan, Institut français d'études sur l'Asie centrale, May 2021, Bichkek, Kirghizistan [By invitation].
Books and coordination
Scientific valorisation and dissemination of knowledge
Popular Science
- FERRANDO, Olivier, TER MINASSIAN, Taline (2024). «La vallée du Ferghana: concentré du grand jeu en Eurasie». Conflits. Revue de Géopolitique, 53, 20-22.
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2024). «Le Tadjikistan, nouvelle base arrière de la menace djihadiste? Un raccourci trompeur». The Conversation.
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2023). «L’influence russe en Asie centrale au prisme de la guerre en Ukraine». AOC, 2 mars.
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2022). «Kirghizstan et Tadjikistan : les effets funestes de la militarisation des frontières». The Conversation.
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2010). «Violences au Kirghizstan : ce que cache le discours ethnique». Hommes & Libertés, 151, 32-34.
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2010). «Nationalités, minorités ou diasporas. L’identité mouvante des peuples autochtones d’Asie centrale». Etudes interculturelles, 3, 193-215.
- FERRANDO, Olivier (2009). «Minorités ethniques d’Asie centrale. Le destin croisé des Ouzbeks de la vallée du Ferghana». Etudes interculturelles, 2, 33-45.
Radio, TV and press Broadcasts
- (2024) «Ce que l'attentat de Moscou dit de la Russie». April 2024, Le Monde, Paris, France.
- (2022) «En Asie centrale, la puissance tutélaire de Moscou perd en influence». Les enjeux internationaux, October 2022, France Culture, Paris, France.
- (2022) «Guerre en Ukraine : "L’appui tacite des Etats d’Asie centrale à la Russie est un revers pour les droits humains"». June 2022, Le Monde, Paris, France.
- (2010) «Violences au Kirghizstan: l'ethnicité a bon dos!», Tribune. June 2010, Le Monde, France.
Popular Science
Scientific Collaborations
Member of research laboratories
- 2021 - 2022, Invited Member, Chair on Vulnerabilities, Lyon Catholic University, France
- Since 2020, Member of the Research group (3) Culture(s), language, imaginaries, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA1598), UCLy, France
- 2013 - 2017, Associate Researcher at CERI/Sciences Po, Centre for International Studies - UMR 7050, France
Involvement in scientific groups and learned societies
- Since 2023, Bord Member of the European Society for Central Asian Studies (ESCAS), Netherlands
- 2018 - 2020 Member of the Pluridisciplinary Initiative on Central Asia (IPAC), UMR 7528 Monde iranien et indien, France
- 2010 : Member of the Research Group on Central Asia (GRAC), Centre for International Studies - UMR 7050, France2010 - 2017 Member of the Research Group on Central Asia (GRAC), Centre for International Studies - UMR 7050, France
- 2008 - 2014 Member of the Program Committee of the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN), Association for the Study of Nationalities, United States of America
Involvement in collective research projects
- Since 2023, Member of the WG Migration, Politization, Mobilization of the French Association of Political Science, French Association of Political Science (AFSP), France
- Since 2011-09-01, ANR Research Project "Le Caucase et l'Asie Centrale Postsoviétique. Un AUtre Sud?", Agence Nationale pour la Recherche - ANR, France
- Since 2007-09-01, Associate Researcher of the Project "Oral History in Tajikistan", OSCE Academy in Bishkek, Kirghizistan
Member of research laboratories
Editorial Activities
Direction of collections, series, journals
- Since 2013-03-15, Director of Publication and Chief Editor, Cahiers d'Asie centrale, French Institute for Central Asian Studies (IFEAC) - USR 3140, Kirghizistan
Direction of collections, series, journals
Research Evaluation Activities
Member of thesis juries
- Thesis jury member : M. SADOZAI, La frontière comme ressource : contacts, ruptures et pouvoirs à la frontière entre le Tadjikistan et l’Afghanistan dans le Haut-Badakhchan, PhD thesis, National Institute of Oriental Languages & Civilisations, Paris, France, 06/10/2022
Member of thesis juries
Organisation Of Symposiums
- 2024 : International Conference "Natural Borders: A Notion to Be Deconstructed. Strategies, Issues, Perceptions, Languages, Imaginaries", CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités - EA 1598, France
- 2023 : Co-Direction of the Research Seminar "Beyond Post-Sovietism: Societies and territories on the move", Centre for International Studies - UMR 7050, France
- 2016 : International Conference "Rethinking 1916 Uprising in Central Asia", French Institute for Central Asian Studies (IFEAC) - USR 3140, Kirghizistan
- 2016 : International Conference "Education & Cultural Diversity in Central Asia", French Institute for Central Asian Studies (IFEAC) - USR 3140, Kirghizistan
- 2015 : International Conference "Migrations & Healthcare in Central Asia", French Institute for Central Asian Studies (IFEAC) - USR 3140, Tajikistan
- 2015 : International Conference "Water Management in Central Asia. International & Local Perspectives, French Institute for Central Asian Studies (IFEAC) - USR 3140, Kirghizistan
- 2015 : International Conference "Welfare State and Collective Action in Central Asia, French Institute for Central Asian Studies (IFEAC) - USR 3140, Kazakhstan
- 2014 : International Symposium "Social Mobilisations and Geopolitics in Central Asia", Centre for International Studies - UMR 7050, France
- 2014 : International Conference "1989, Also a Key Year in Central Asia?", French Institute for Central Asian Studies (IFEAC) - USR 3140, Kirghizistan
- Since 2009-09-01, Co-Animation of the Seminar "L'Asie centrale dans tous ses Etats", Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), France
- 2008 : ASN Regional Convention "Empires & Nations, SciencesPo Paris, France
- 2011, Doctorat (PhD) en Science politique, La question minoritaire en Asie centrale post-soviétique: reconfiguration ethnique dans la vallée du Ferghana (1989-2008), Institut d’études politiques de Paris (SciencesPo), France
- 2005, Master 2 Recherche en Droit international des droits de l'Homme, UCLy, France
- 1994, Diplôme d’Ingénieur en Sciences agronomiques, Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine (INPL), France
Research professional experiences
- 2013 - 2016, Regional Director, French Institute for Central Asian Studies (IFEAC) - USR 3140, Kirghizistan
Pedagogical activities and responsabilities
- 2021 - 2022 Administrator , Human Rights Institute of Lyon, Lyon Catholic University, France
- Since 2020, Associate Professor, Human Rights Institute of Lyon, UCLy, France
- Since 2016, Member of the UNESCO Chair "Memory, Cultures & Interculturality", UCLy, France
- Since 2024, Human Rights of Minorities & Indigenous Peoples (15h in English), Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2023 - 2024, Migrations & Human Rights (15h in English), Lyon Catholic University, France
- Since 2023, Methodology of Research (8h), Lyon Catholic University, France
- Since 2023, State-Building and War-Making in Comparative Perspective (distant class), National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (NaUKMA), Ukraine
- Since 2022, Human Rights of Minorities & Indigenous Peoples (21h), Lyon Catholic University, France
- Since 2022, Project cycle management (24h), Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2020 - 2024, Strategic Issues in Eurasia (21h), Université Paris 13, France
- Since 2020, International Conflict Resolution (21h), Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2019 - 2021, Areal Approach of IR: Caucasus & Central Asia (20h), National Institute of Oriental Languages & Civilisations, France
- 2018 - 2021, Development Project Management (30h), Université Paris Nanterre - Paris 10, France
- 2018 - 2021, EU International Policies (24h), Université Paris 13, France
- 2018 - 2021, EU Public Territorial Policies (21h), Université Paris 13, France
- 2018 - 2021, Vocational Integration (12h), Université Paris Nanterre - Paris 10, France
- 2018 - 2021, European Integration & Institutions (30h), Université Paris 13, France
- Since 2018, Religions & Human Rights (18h), Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2017 - 2020, Cultural Diversity & Development (24h), Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris 1, France
- 2017 - 2020, Vocational integration (12h), Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris 1, France
- Since 2016, International Law & Cultural Diversity (12h), Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2015 - 2019, Political Systems (30h), Institute Sorbonne-Kazakhstan (ISK), Kazakhstan
- 2012 - 2013, Water Challenges in the Middle East (12h in English), Sciences Po Grenoble, France
- 2011 - 2013, International Project Management (30h in English), Lille Political Studies Institute, France
- 2011 - 2013, Introduction to Geopolitics & International Relations (24h in English), Rouen Business School, France
- Since 2008, Security Issues in Eurasia. Domestic Concerns & Foreign Interferences (24h in English), SciencesPo Paris, France
- 2007 - 2013, Geopolitics of Central Asia & the Caucasus (24h in English), Lille Political Studies Institute, France
- 2007 - 2011, IR Theory & World Politics (20h), Lille Political Studies Institute, France
- French - Capable d'enseigner
- English - Capable d'enseigner
- Russian - Capable d'enseigner
- Spanish - Capable d'enseigner