Michel Cannarsa

Professor of UCLy

6. Legal, Political and Social Sciences


Campus Lyon - Saint Paul
10 Place des archives 69002 Lyon


  • Dean of the department, Pôle facultaire Sciences juridiques, politiques et sociales Lyon Catholic University
  • Dean of the Faculty of Law Lyon Catholic University

Further information

  • CNU section: 01. Private law and criminal sciences

Research areas


Teaching areas



Michel Cannarsa is Professor of Private Law and Dean of the Faculty of Law at Lyon Catholic University (UCLy). His areas of research are law and technology, international and European law, commercial law, comparative law, consumer law, law of obligations and product liability. His recent works have focused on the interaction between law and technology, contract, and product liability law, including, The Cambridge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence – Global Perspectives on Law and Ethics (Cambridge University Press, 2022, with L. DiMatteo and C. Poncibò), The Cambridge Handbook of Lawyering in the Digital Age (Cambridge University Press, 2021, with L. DiMatteo, M. Durovic, F. De Elizalde, A. Janssen and P. Ortolani), The Cambridge Handbook of Smart Contracts, Blockchain Technology and Digital Platforms (Cambridge University Press, 2019, with L. DiMatteo and C. Poncibò). He is a member of the editorial board of the European Review of Private Law, a fellow of the European Law Institute, a member of UCLy Research Unit’s Scientific Committee as well as of UCLy Vulnerability Research Group’s Scientific Committee.
  • Scientific Publications & Communications
    • Books and coordination
      • MONOT-FOULETIER, Marjolaine, CANNARSA, Michel, DISANT, Mathieu, TOULIEUX, Fabrice (dir.) (2024). Le consentement : Mutations et perspectives. Paris : Mare & Martin, 340 p.
      • CANNARSA, Michel, PIOTRAUT, Jean-Luc , QUIQUEREZ, Alexandre , RANDRIANIRINA, Iony (dir.) (2023). Droit des affaires et intelligence artificielle. Diagnostic et prospective. Paris : Mare & Martin, 324 p. [+]
      • CANNARSA, Michel, DIMATTEO, Larry A., PONCIBÒ, Cristina (dir.) (2022). Artificial Intelligence: Global Perspectives on Law & Ethics. Cambridge University Press, 454 p. [+]
      • DIMATTEO, Larry A., JANSSEN, André, CANNARSA, Michel, ORTOLANI, Pietro, DE ELIZALDE, Francisco, DUROVIC, Mateja (dir.) (2021). The Cambridge Handbook of Lawyering in the Digital Age. Cambridge University Press, 406 p. [+]
      • DIMATTEO, Larry A., CANNARSA, Michel, PONCIBÒ, Cristina (dir.) (2019). The Cambridge Handbook of Smart Contracts. Blockchain Technology and Digital Platforms. Cambridge University Press, 355 p. [+]
    • Coordination of conference proceedings
      • CANNARSA, Michel, DIMATTEO, Larry A., PONCIBÒ, Cristina (dir.) (2018). Dossier Impact of Technology on International Contract Law (actes du colloque 4-5 mai 2018), European Review of Private Law (ERPL), 26, 6, 340 p.
      • CANNARSA, Michel, CURSOUX-BRUYÈRE, Sandrine, PETIT, Carole (dir.) (2017). Dossier "La notion de personne", Actes de la conférence de synthèse (juin 2017), Recueil Dalloz, 35/2017, 10 p.
    • Articles In Peer-Reviewed Journals
      • CANNARSA, Michel (2021). «Négociation entre l’UE et les fabricants des vaccins contre le Covid-19 : d’un Brussels effect en matière de responsabilité du fait des produits défectueux à l’émergence d’un mécanisme de compensation au titre de la solidarité européenne ?». Revue de l'Union européenne, 653, 601-606. [+]
      • CANNARSA, Michel (2018). «Interpretation of contracts and smart contracts : smart interpretation or interpretation of smart contracts ?». European Review of Private Law (ERPL), 26, 6, 773-785. [+]
      • CANNARSA, Michel (2018). «French Case note on Punitive Damages. The Enforcement of Foreign Decisions Concerning Punitive Damages». European Review of Private Law (ERPL), 26, 5, 668-673. [+]
      • CANNARSA, Michel (2018). «French Case Note on the Penalty Clause Decision of the UK Supreme Court», Cavendish Square Holding BV (Appellant) v Talal El Makdessi (Respondent) and Parking Eye Limited (Respondent) v Beavis (Appellant). European Review of Private Law (ERPL), 25, 1, 219-225. [+]
      • CANNARSA, Michel (2015). «Contractual Penalties in French Law». European Review of Private Law (ERPL), 23, 3, 297-307. [+]
      • CANNARSA, Michel (2008). «La réforme des pratiques commerciales déloyales par la loi Chatel». La Semaine juridique - Édition générale (JCP G), 36, 17-21.
    • Chapters
      • CANNARSA, Michel (2023). «La responsabilité civile à l’épreuve de l’IA». In : Michel Cannarsa, Jean-Luc Piotraut, Alexandre Quiquerez, Iony Randrianirina (dir.), Droit des affaires et intelligence artificielle. Diagnostic et prospective. Paris : Mare & Martin, 45-59.
      • CANNARSA, Michel (2023). «The Role of Core Legal Areas: Contract Law and Tort Law». In : André Janssen, Mathias Lehmann, Reiner Schulze (dir.), The Future of European Private Law. Munich : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 245-265.
      • CANNARSA, Michel (2022). «The Perpetual French Codification». In : M. Graziadei and L. Zhang (dir.), The Making of the Civil Codes: A twenty-first century perspective. New-York : Springer Publishing, 104, 65-87. [+]
      • CANNARSA, Michel (2022). «An EU Perspective on Products Liability in Asia». In : G. Howells, A. Janssen, H. Micklitz, M. Durovic (dir.), Consumer Protection in Asia. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 365-373.
      • CANNARSA, Michel (2021). «Civil Liability and New Technologies». In : M. Durovic and T. Tridimas (dir.), New Directions in European Private Law. Munich : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 193-212.
      • CANNARSA, Michel (2021). «Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI». In : Michel Cannarsa, Larry DiMatteo, Mateja Durovic, Francisco de Elizalde, André Janssen, Pietro Ortolani (dir.), The Cambridge Handbook of Lawyering in the Digital Age. Cambridge University Press, 283-297. [+]
      • CANNARSA, Michel (2021). «Products Liability». In : L. DiMatto, A. Janssen, U. Magnus, Reiner Schulze (dir.), International Sales Law: A Handbook. Munich : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2ème éd. Chapter 24.
      • CANNARSA, Michel (2019). «Remedies and damages». In : L. A. DiMatteo, C. Lei (dir.), Chinese Contract Law. Civil and Common Law Perspectives. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 377-403.
      • CANNARSA, Michel (2016). «Chapter on Products Liability». In : Larry DiMatteo, André Janssen, Ulrich Magnus, Reiner Schulze (dir.), International Sales Law (1ère éd.). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 783-811.
      • CANNARSA, Michel (2015). «Les consommateurs aussi ont des sentiments ! Quels effets sur leur patrimoine ?». In : Franck Violet (dir.), Personne et patrimoine en droit. Recherche sur les marqueurs d’une connexion. Bruxelles : Éditions Bruylant, 107-118.
      • CANNARSA, Michel (2014). «Citoyenneté de l’Union et patrimoine». In : L.-D. Muka Tshibende (dir.), Personne et patrimoine en droit Variations sur une connexion. Bruxelles : Éditions Bruylant, 502-523.
      • CANNARSA, Michel, MUKA TSHIBENDE, Louis-Daniel (2013). «Le brevet de l’Union européenne, ou l’impossible innovation». In : J. Mestre et L. Merland (dir.), Droit et innovation. Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, 135-148.
      • CANNARSA, Michel (2006). «Financial Compensation for Catastrophes». In : M. Faure and T. Hartlief (dir.), Financial Compensation for Victims of Catastrophes: A Comparative Legal Approach. New-York : Springer Publishing, 81-118.
    • Commentaires d'arrêts
      • CANNARSA, Michel (2009). «Commentaire des arrêts de la deuxième chambre civile du 23 octobre 2008 (n° 07-19163) et de la première chambre civile de la Cour de cassation du 5 novembre 2008 (n° 07-14598), en matière de stipulation pour autrui dans le cadre de l’assurance-vie». La Semaine juridique - Édition générale (JCP G), 10041.
    • Book report And Rewiews
      • CANNARSA, Michel (2018). «Comparative Property Law, Global Perspectives », de M. Graziadei, L. Smith (dirs.), Hart Publishing, coll. « Research Handbooks in Comparative Law Series, 2017». RTD Civ. : Revue trimestrielle de droit civil, 2018/11, 3, 759-762.
    • Interventions In Symposiums
      • Keynote speaker
        • CANNARSA, Michel (2019). «New technologies and Civil Liability, The Future of European Private Law». Dickson Poon School of Law, King's College London (M. Durovic et T. Tridimas), February 2019, Londres, United Kingdom.
        • CANNARSA, Michel (2018). «Future of Technologies Law Clinic». Digital Revolution: Data Protection, Smart Products & Blockchain Technology, European Law Institute, Conseil National des Barreaux italien, May 2018, Trévise, Italy.
        • CANNARSA, Michel (2017). «Le projet de code européen des affaires», Faculté de Droit de l’USEK. Colloque sur les 75 ans du Code de commerce du Liban, 30 mars, Gaby Chahine, March 2017, Kislik, Lebanon.
        • CANNARSA, Michel (2017). «Smart Contracts». Conference on Digitalisation : Emerging Legal Issues in an Increasingly Digital Society, European Law Institute, Hull University, March 2017, Hull, United Kingdom.
        • CANNARSA, Michel (2017). «Products Liability in Asia : A European Perspective». Colloque Consumer Protection in Asia - Past, Present and Future, City University Hong Kong School of Law, January 2017, Hong-Kong.
        • CANNARSA, Michel (2016). «Remedies and Damages – Civil Law/Chinese Law Perspectives». Colloque Perspectives on Chinese Contract Law, City University Hong Kong School of Law, April 2016, Hong-Kong.
        • CANNARSA, Michel (2015). «Unfair Commercial Practices in France». 3rd Annual Conference on the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, May 2015, Budapest, Hungary.
        • CANNARSA, Michel (2015). «New Opportunities and New Obligations for Companies». Communication, Institute for Financial and Corporate Law, Université Libre d’Amsterdam, January 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
      • Communications in a symposium, scientific seminars
        • CANNARSA, Michel (2018). «Legal Perspective on Smart Contracts (formation, performance and interpretation)». Interdisciplinary Workshop on Blockchains, ENS-PSL, July 2018, Paris, France.
        • CANNARSA, Michel (2018). «L’interprétation des contrats « intelligents », dans les perspectives de common law et civil law». Colloque Smart Contracts and Blockchain Technology, co-organisé par l’Université de Floride, l’Université de Turin et la Faculté de Droit de l’UCLy, May 2018, Lyon, France.
  • Scientific valorisation and dissemination of knowledge
    • Products with a Didactic and/or Practical Purpose
      • Chapters
        • CANNARSA, Michel (2003). «Personal injury compensation in France». In : M. Bona and Ph. Mead (dir.), Personal Injury Compensation in Europe. Prague : Editions Wolters Kluwer, 169-206.
      • Conferences and educational or professional interventions
        • CANNARSA, Michel (2019). «Interpretation of Smart Contracts». La semaine de la digitalisation, Université de Lausanne (Anne-Christine Fornage et Eva Lein), February 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland.
    • Popular Science
      • Articles
        • CANNARSA, Michel (2022). «La réforme del Code civil 5 anni dopo: un modello per la ricodificazione italiana». Jus Civile, 559-563. [+]
        • CANNARSA, Michel (2018). «Interpretation of Smart Contracts». Michel Cannarsa, Larry DiMatteo, Cristina Poncibò (dir.), Impact of Technology on International Contract Law, Actes du colloque des 4 et 5 mai 2018, European Review of Private Law (ERPL), 26, 6, 773-785.
        • CANNARSA, Michel (2011). «La Loi Lagarde du 1er juillet 2010 et la libéralisation du marché de l’assurance-emprunteur». La Gazette du Palais, 9-14.
        • CANNARSA, Michel (2009). «Les facultés de rétractation en droit de la consommation et en droit des assurances : continuité en droit interne, changements en droit communautaire». Revue générale du droit des assurances, 2022/3, 25-40.
  • Scientific Collaborations
    • Involvement in subsidised research contracts
      • Project coordinator : 01/10/2018 - 30/09/2020, Notaries Beyond Frontiers, NBF
      • Member : 01/03/2014 - 28/02/2016, Warning on Crime, Strengthening Knowledge Enhancing Warnings Raising Awareness on Public Works Corruption and Criminal Infiltration (W.O.C.), HOME/2012/ISEC/AG
  • Editorial Activities
    • Participation in editorial committees
      • Since 2022, Member of the Editorial Board, European Review of Private Law (ERPL), Netherlands
  • Organisation Of Symposiums
    • 2023 : Colloque Colloque Metaverse and the Law, co-organised with Larry DiMatteo (University of Florida), Lyon Catholic University, France
    • 2019 : Member of the scientific committee of the conference Le droit des affaires à l'épreuve de la digitalisation, Lyon Catholic University, France
    • 2019 : Member of the scientific committee of the colloquium Lawyering in the Digital Age, co-organisé par University of Florida, King's College, IE University, UCLy, Radboud University, Netherlands
    • 2018 : Scientific coordination of the Smart Contracts and Blockchain Technology conference, Lyon Catholic University, France
    • 2017 : Participation in the organisation of the Restorative Justice conference: feedback from experience. Which philosophy? Which meaning, which actors?, Lyon Catholic University, France
    • 2017 : Organisation of the seminar Responsibility and digital, European Law Institute, Austria
    • 2017 : Organisation of a round table on "Ethics, algorithms and justice" as part of the CNIL's national debate on "Ethics and digital technology: algorithms in debate, Cour administrative d'appel de Lyon, France
    • 2017 : Co-organisation of a synthesis seminar on the "notion of the person", Lyon Catholic University, France
    • 2015 : Coordination of the 1st Lyon International Trade and Investment Symposium, Lyon Catholic University, France
  • Scientific valorisation and dissemination of knowledge
    • Organisation of scientific mediation events
      • 2017 : Organisation of a round table on Digital Compliance: The legal response, Medef, France
  • Diplomas
    • 2020, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Droit, Convergence des droits nationaux et européens en droit des obligations et des nouvelles technologies, CY Cergy Paris Université, France
    • 2003, Doctorat en Droit, La responsabilité du fait des produits défectueux: étude comparative, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, France
  • Pedagogical activities and responsabilities
    • Teaching
      • 2020 - 2022, Law of the Digital Single Market, Lyon Catholic University, France
      • 2019 - 2022, Introduzione al diritto, Université Lumière Lyon 2, France
      • 2016 - 2018, Law of Contract, Lyon Catholic University, France
      • 2014 - 2016, European Free Trade Agreements, Lyon Catholic University, France
      • 2014 - 2015, Comparative Legal Systems, Lyon Catholic University, France
      • 2013 - 2017, Common Law, Lyon Catholic University, France
      • 2011 - 2016, European Business Law, Lyon Catholic University, France
      • 2011 - 2014, International Business Law, Lyon Catholic University, France
      • 2011 - 2014, International Contract Law, Lyon Catholic University, France
      • 2011 - 2013, Law of Obligations, Lyon Catholic University, France
      • 2011 - 2012, EU Law, Lyon Catholic University, France
      • 2005 - 2010, International Sales Law, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, France
      • 2005 - 2010, Comparative Legal Systems, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, France
      • 2005 - 2010, Introduction to the Private Law of EU Member States, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, France
  • Languages
    • French - Capable d'enseigner
    • Italian - Capable d'enseigner
    • English - Capable d'enseigner