Marie Bui-Leturcq
Associate Professor at UCLy
Research group (6) Study of norms in legal, political and social contextsmbuileturcq@univ-catholyon.fr
Campus Lyon - Saint Paul
10 Place des archives 69002 Lyon
10 Place des archives 69002 Lyon
- Vice Rector in charge of the Socio-ecological Transition, Quality and Relations with Catholic Education Lyon Catholic University
- Member of the Research group (6) Study of norms in legal, political and social contexts, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA1598) Lyon Catholic University
- Lecturer in private law at UCLy, Teaching from Bac+1 to Bac+5 in the different teaching units Lyon Catholic University
Further information
- CNU section: 01. Private law and criminal sciences
- ORCID: 0009-0001-6832-2415
Research areas
Social Responsability Civil law (contract, liability, general system of obligations, special contracts) Social law (labour, social protection) Business law (commercial, corporate, criminal business, associations) Human rights law environmental lawTeaching areas
Civil law (contract, liability, general system of obligations, special contracts) Social law (labour, social protection) Business law (commercial, corporate, criminal business, associations) Human rights lawPresentation
The environmental and social responsibility of organizations, and in particular that of higher education institutions, is at the heart of Marie BUI-LETURCQ’s career. Doctor of private law, she combines research activities within the CONFLUENCE Research Unit: Sciences and Humanities of UCLy, Bac 4-5 courses at ESQESE-UCLy (Master Manager QSE - quality, safety, environment) and activities of Vice-Rector responsible for the Socio-ecological Transition, the Quality and the Relations with Catholic Education. It thus supports the mobilization in favour of sustainable development, and within its academic discipline, the capacity of the right to be a lever. It articulates the contributions of law (business, social, responsibility, human rights) and those of soft law ( technical standards quality): proposal of a right of professional activity, unifying the different status of workers (thesis), ethical approaches, SSE/non-SES business partnerships that are social innovation and adaptations of labour law.
Scientific Publications & Communications
Books and coordination
- BUI-LETURCQ, Marie, GABELLIERI, Emmanuel (dir.) (2020). Partenariats et innovation sociale - Vers une construction du bien commun. Lyon : Ed. Chroniques sociales, 236 p.
Articles In Peer-Reviewed Journals
- BUI-LETURCQ, Marie (2006). «Patrimonialité, droits de la personnalité et protection de la personne, une association cohérente». Revue de la recherche juridique, droit prospectif, 2006/4, 29.
- PRINCE AGBODJAN, Didier, BUI-LETURCQ, Marie (2020). «Le droit au service de la mise en place des partenariats entre entreprises classiques et organisations de l'économie sociale». In : M. Bui-Leturcq et E. Gabellieri (dir.), Partenariats et innovation sociale. Vers une coconstruction du bien commun. Lyon : Ed. Chroniques sociales, 69-84.
- PRINCE AGBODJAN, Didier, BUI-LETURCQ, Marie (2020). «Le droit au service de la performance sociale par les partenariats d'innovation sociale». In : M. Bui-Leturcq et E. Gabellieri (dir.), Partenariats et innovation sociale. Vers une coconstruction du bien commun. Lyon : Ed. Chroniques sociales, 144-159.
- BUI-LETURCQ, Marie, CHAPELLE, C. (2017). «Approche juridique». In : M. Younès (dir.), Faire communauté à distance du communautarisme. L’entreprise au défi des religions,Chapitre 7. Lyon : Ed. Chroniques sociales, 73-78.
Commentaires d'arrêts
- BUI-LETURCQ, Marie (1999). «Commentaire de l’arrêt de la Chambre Sociale de la Cour d’Appel de Douai, 27 mars 1998, Hochart». Bulletin de jurisprudence de la Cour d'appel de Douai, 29, 11-20.
- Presentations at Symposiums
Conference paper with proceedings
- BUI-LETURCQ, Marie, PRINCE AGBODJAN, Didier. «L’expérience juridique des partenariats entre entreprises classiques et entreprises de l’Economie sociale et solidaire». Colloque du programme de recherche Part’Innov, Les partenariats entre entreprises de l’ESS et entreprises hors ESS, UCLy, March 2019, Lyon, France.
Conference paper
- BUI-LETURCQ, Marie. «La complexité de l’approche juridique du travail, l’illusion d’une remédiation». 5e Colloque International Management, l’Innovation et l’Entrepreneuriat (MIE) « Intelligibilité de la complexité dans les organisations » UCLy-ESDES /RIGUEUR, November 2023, Lyon, France. [+]
- MUKA TSHIBENDE, Louis Daniel, BUI-LETURCQ, Marie. «L’espace professionnel appréhendé par le droit, à l’épreuve du numérique». Journée CRESO-ESDES, Révolution numérique et relations de travail, UCLy, May 2018, Lyon, France.
Books and coordination
Scientific valorisation and dissemination of knowledge
Products with a Didactic and/or Practical Purpose
Conferences and educational or professional interventions
- BUI-LETURCQ, Marie, MOUNSADE, F. «Formation QSE». Forum QHSE de Douala, Cabinet Go Ahead Africa Ltd, ESQESE, May 2018, Cameroon.
- (2017). Table-ronde « Quelles finalités et quels programmes de formation pour l’entrepreneuriat social et l’action humanitaire ? » avec M. Bui-Leturcq, D. Prince-Agbojan, B. Miribel, B. Devert, C. Delhaye. Colloque - Entreprendre : entre innovation, responsabilité et solidarité. Pour un nouvel humanisme social, Faculté de Philosophie, CRESO, UCLy, May 2017, Lyon, France.
Conferences and educational or professional interventions
Popular Science
- GABELLIERI, Emmanuel, BUI-LETURCQ, Marie (2021). «Comment valoriser la capacité d'action collective des organisations». In : C.-B. Heidsieck (dir.), Ensemble, valorisons l'ODD 17 en pratiques ! - L’alchimie du bien commun : Actes des Ateliers et de la Cérémonie de (Re)Connaissance du 01/10/2020, Fondation pour la co-construction du Bien commun. Vincennes : Editions Le Rameau, 95-100; 112-14, 120-26.
Conferences and presentations to the general audience
- (2017). Table–ronde, Le temps est supérieur à l'espace, animé par Dominique Greiner, rédacteur en chef de La Croix. Les Entretiens de Valpré, November 2017, Ecully, France.
Products with a Didactic and/or Practical Purpose
Scientific Collaborations
Member of research laboratories
- Since 2021, Member of the Research group (6) Study of norms in legal, political and social contexts, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA1598), UCLy, France
- 2019 - 2020, Co-leader of a Research group on Integral Human Development, Ecology and Ethics, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA 1598), Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2015 - 2020, Deputy Director and member of the CRESO, Research Centre for Social Entrepreneurship and Leader of research axis 3 "Man and new forms of work, Lyon Catholic University, France
Involvement in subsidised research contracts
- Project coordinator : 2017 - 2020, Part’Innov – For partnerships that generate social innovation, FEDER - Part'Innov, carried by Lyon Catholic University, in partnership with Les Ateliers de l'Entrepreneuriat Humaniste - AEH
Involvement in collective research projects
- Since 2015-09-01, Member of the Seminar "Religions and Business", directed by M. Younès, CECR, Faculty of Theology, Lyon Catholic University, France
Member of research laboratories
Research Evaluation Activities
Evaluation of laboratories, research projects
- Since 2023, member of the HCERES expert group
Evaluation of laboratories, research projects
Organisation Of Symposiums
- 2019 : Member of the Organising Committee of the European Colloquium Part'Innov': For partnerships between SSE and non-SSE companies that generate social innovation and job creation, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2004, Doctorat en Droit privé, mention très honorable, félicitations du jury, autorisation de publier. Directeur de thèse : Pr. Pierre Yves VERKINDT, Contribution à l'élaboration d'un droit de l'activité professionnelle : pour une liberté professionnelle effective, Université de Lille, France
- 1995, DEA droit privé, mention droit des affaires (Mémoire Droit des sociétés), Université de Lille, France
- 1990, Baccalauréat série C, Mathématiques et Sciences physiques, Académie de Lille, France
Pedagogical activities and responsabilities
- Since 2024, Vice Rector in charge of the Socio-ecological Transition, Quality and Relations with Catholic Education, UCLy, France
- Since 2023, Member of the Energy and Ecological Transition network of the UDL, UCLy, France
- 2023 - 2024 Vice Rector for Ecological Transition, Social Responsibility and Quality, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2021 - 2023 Vice-Rector in charge of Training and Academic Life, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2020 - 2021 Director of Training and Academic Life, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2017 - 2020 Academic director of ESQESE, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2011 - 2017 Head of studies, ESQESE, Lyon Catholic University, France
- Since 2007, Lecturer in private law at UCLy, Teaching from Bac+1 to Bac+5 in the different teaching units, UCLy, France
- 2004 - 2007 Temporary teaching and research assistant, I.U.T. C, Legal Careers Department, Université de Lille, France
- 2002 - 2004 Lecturer in engineering school, Institut Supérieur d’Electronique du Nord (ISEN), France
- 1995 - 2000 Temporary lecturer, Law, Université de Lille, France
- 2024 - 2025, Continuing professional training "Investing in error management"., Lyon Catholic University, France
- Since 2014, Support for professional missions and Master's theses, university tutor (internships, apprenticeships), Lyon Catholic University, France
- Since 2007, Introduction to Law, Civil Law of Obligations (liability, contracts and general regime), Company Law, Organisational Law, Labour Law, Social Welfare Law, Law of Associations, French Human Rights Issues (CM) and Civil Law (property, family, liability, contracts, general regime of obligations), Introduction to Law, Commercial Law, Legal Methodology (TD), Lyon Catholic University, France
- English - Capable d'enseigner
- German - Capable d'enseigner