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The UR and UCLy publish several journals and book collections

Publications at the heart of science

Scientific publications are at the heart of the researcher's work. Depending on the discipline, they can take various forms: articles in scientific journals, books, conference proceedings, chapters, etc.

While scientific articles are the norm and are becoming increasingly important in the Life Sciences and in certain Humanities and Social Sciences disciplines, monographs remain a reference in the humanities in terms of knowledge production.

These publications allow researchers to present and share the latest results of their research with their disciplinary community. Some of them are also vectors for the dissemination of research in society.

Article in peer-reviewed journal

O'KANE, Conor, MANGEMATIN, Vincent, ZHANG, Jing A., HAAR, Jarrod (2024). «How research agendas are framed: Insights for leadership, learning and spillover in science teams». Research Policy, 53, 7, 105029.

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Article in peer-reviewed journal

GEORGEON, Olivier, LURIE, David, ROBERTSON, Paul (2024). «Artificial Enactive Inference in Three-Dimensional World». Cognitive Systems Research, 86, 101234.

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Chapter in proceeding of symposium

GIRARD GAYMARD, Tristan (2024). «Role of NFTs, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies». In : Larry A. DiMatteo, Michel Cannarsa (dir.), Research Handbook of Metaverse and Law. Edward Elgar Publishing, 48-59.

Management / coordination of book

FRECHET, Claudine, ARMAND, Fabio, CATTIN, Paul, GERFAUD, Jean-Pierre, PONCET, Noël (dir.) (2024). Châtellenies et celléreries de Cerdon et du Barrioz (1336-1353), Comptes des seigneurs de Thoire et Villars, Tome II. Editions Lambert Lucas, 452 p.

Book chapter

BLANCHET, Béatrice (2024). «'I wanted to think, write, stay or move on at my own speed and unencumbered'. Pedestrian rites of passage in Patrick Leigh Fermor's Time of Gifts». In : Charles Forsdick, Zoë Kinsley et Kate Walchester (dir.), Microtravel. Confinement, Deceleration, Microspection. Londres/New York : Anthem Press, 97-110.

Article in peer-reviewed journal

SIMEONI, Francesca (2024). «Paradoxes éthiques et divinisation du sage : Philon d’Alexandrie et les stoïciens». Les paradoxes dans la philosophie antique, Revue de métaphysique et de morale, 122, 2, 205-222.

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Article in non-peer reviewed journal

THEVAND, Aude (2024). «Le retour de l'impartialité structurelle : le refus du Conseil d'Etat de céder à la tyrannie de l'apparence»., AJU013p5.

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Article in non-peer reviewed journal

GIRARD GAYMARD, Tristan, MESTRE, Jacques, BRUSCHI, Jean, DUBUCQ, Cédric (2024). «Chronique Contrats d'Affaires». Revue Lamy droit des affaires, Juin, 204, 35.

Article in non-peer reviewed journal

ELSAYED AHMED, Ahmed, BILLAH MABRUK SYED, Mabruk Syed, GOODELL, John W., HADHRI, Sinda (2024). «Examining connections between the fourth industrial revolution and energy markets». Energy Economics, 133, 107476.

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Article in peer-reviewed journal

ALLOUCHE, Sylvie (2024). «Imaginer et reconnaître l’“autrui totalement autre” : extraterrestres, intelligences artificielles, etc.». Mineure 94. L'eutopie extraterrestre, Multitudes, 94, 1.

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Book chapter

DESCREUX, Jacques (2024). «"Digne est l'Agneau égorgé de recevoir la puissance !" (Ap 5,12) Signification et portée de l'image de l'agneau égorgé dans l'Apocalypse de Jean». In : Marie Pelé, Catherine Vialle (dir.), La vulnérabilité de l'animal en question. Vulnérabilités du vivant II. Paris : Cerf Patrimoines, 227-241.

Article in peer-reviewed journal

BILLAH MABRUK SYED, Mabruk Syed, HADHRI, Sinda, BALLI, Faruk, MUNEER SHAIK, Muneer (2024). «Asymmetric connectedness and investment strategies between commodities and Islamic banks: Evidence from gulf cooperative council (GCC) markets». Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, In Press, journal pre-proof, 102406.

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Book chapter

RAQUET, Michel (2024). «L'icône, une fenêtre vers Dieu». In : Xavier Dufour (dir.), Culture et christianisme, artistes, écrivains et savants face à Dieu. Editions peuple libre, 5-12.

Article in peer-reviewed journal

MECKING, Volker (2024). «Les trésors d'écriture de Lucinge». René de Lucinge, de la disgrâce au retour à l'écriture. Cahiers d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 200, 51-70.

Book chapter

SIMEONI, Francesca (2024). «Essenza e assenza: il volto assoluto di Dio in Filone di Alessandria». In : Collectif (dir.), I volti di Dio nel cristianesimo antico. Secc.I-IX. Firenze : Edizioni Nerbini, Studia Ephemeridis Augustiniaum (SEA), 25-41.

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Article in peer-reviewed journal

ASSIOURAS, Ioannis, BAYER, Rabia (2024). «Self-transcendent emotions as the locomotive of value co-creation in sustainable tourism: A horizon 2050 paper». Tourism Review, ahead-of-print.

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Article in peer-reviewed journal

GHAEMI ASL, Mahdi , BEN JABEUR, Sami (2024). «Could the Russia-Ukraine war stir up the persistent memory of interconnectivity among Islamic equity markets, energy commodities, and environmental factors?  ». Research in International Business and Finance, 69, 102260.

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Article in peer-reviewed journal

BEN JABEUR, Sami (2024). «Natural capital accounting for sustainability: Bibliometric analysis and explainable artificial intelligence modeling for citation counts». Journal of Cleaner Production, 451, 142138.

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