Manager: Professor Marjolaine MONOT-FOULETIER
Permanent members: Dr Marion BRIATTA, Dr Marie BUI-LETURCQ, Professor Michel CANNARSA, Dr Carine COPAIN, Dr Sandrine CURSOUX-BRUYÈRE, Dr Tristan GIRARD GAYMARD, Dr Camille KUREK, Professor Roger KOUDE, Dr Frédérique LONGÈRE, Dr Djoleen MOYA, Dr Louis-Daniel MUKA TSHIBENDE, Dr Marc OLLIVIER, Dr Alexandre PALANCO, Dr Cécile PELLEGRINI, Dr Carole PETIT, Dr Yann SACCUCCI, , Dr Aude THEVAND, Dr Emmanuel DE VAUJANY, Dr. Flora VERN, Professor Franck VIOLET, Dr Noam ZAMIR
Fellow members: Professor Pascale BOUCAUD (Honorary Professor of UCLy), Dr Iony RANDRIANIRINA (Université de Lorraine), Dr Giulia TERLIZZI (Università degli Studi di Torino)
Disciplines involved: Private Law and Criminal Sciences, Public Law, History of Law, Political Sciences
Topic and goals
This group brings researchers working on legal, political and social sciences together to give a multidisciplinary dimension to the research undertaken and enable researchers to compare and make use of the complementarity of different methods applied to complex subjects.
The group’s originality lies in the use of observational research (work on vulnerability - incarcerated women and law on foreign nationals in particular) based on our courses, research that is both experimental and foresightbased (legal clinics looking at law on new technologies and environmental law) and pure research (based on the development of seminar and/or lecture series ending with a symposium then edited publications, for example in international business and investment law).
It can also be seen in the international dimension to the research, through an extensive network of partnerships with foreign universities. The research and events related to business law have mostly been done in English in order to give them a fully international dimension in terms of contributions (foreign academics and practitioners) and dissemination (publication in European journals and by international publishers such as Cambridge University Press).
Flagship project for 2020-2025
‘Changes and regulations’
Law being both a product and a driver of changes, it seems appropriate to analyse how the relationships between law and changes raise essential political, social and economic considerations and, at the same time, bring risks of crisis and hope for progress.
One aspect will be engaging in a critical analysis to draw up a list of changes and put them into context, a cross-disciplinary context where appropriate, in order to reveal the existence or absence of cross-over and/or consistency of the phenomena observed, beyond their mere definition for example. This complex operation will involve identifying cross-disciplinary themes (the role of judges, elected representatives and individual will, the weakening of individual rights, etc.), drafting assessment criteria for the expected changes and formulating a method for examining these changes. This critical analysis is intended to lead to identification of the trends and conditions governing the combination ‘changes and law'.