Revue Confluence, Sciences et Humanités
The new journal Revue CONFLUENCE : Sciences & Humanités (Sciences & Humanities CONFLUENCE), run by UCLy’s Research Center, is being developed so as to meet today's scientific requirements. It sits at the confluence of life sciences and human and social sciences. The diversity of the disciplines and departments its committee members belong to reflects its multidisciplinary and international ambitions. It sets out to explore unique scientific subjects by combining different perspectives.
The journal has an editorial board made up of academics and international experts.
The first issue was published in April 2022.
COLLECTION Science - Histoire - Philosophie
Collection Science - Histoire – Philosophie (Science - History - Philosophy Collection), run by UCLy’s Research Center and co-published with Éditions VRIN, sits at the confluence of the sciences and the humanities with the intention of stimulating dialogue between the two. It favours a multidisciplinary approach, publishing work that takes a philosophical, historical and/or ethical look at established sciences recognised by the scientific community; natural sciences but also human, social, legal, economic and religious sciences for example.
The collection is open to monographs and also edited works and colloquium or conference proceedings.
Théophilyon, which has been published since 1996, has the singularity of being a joint venture between the Departments of Theology and Philosophy. Bringing interaction between philosophy and theology into dialogue with contemporary thinking and research, Théophilyon is aimed at anyone looking for a critical, reasoned approach to the ethical, social, philosophical and spiritual issues of our time.
The journal has a scientific committee of theologians and philosophers as well as a review panel made up of academics and international experts.
It is approved by the HCERES (High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education) and is fully available in electronic form on the ATLA Religion Database site.
Sémiotique et Bible
The journal Sémiotique et Bible (Semiotics and the Bible), created in 1975, is mainly focused on semiotic readings of biblical texts, but also covers semiotic theory and practice. For over forty years, it has been providing textual analysis, pieces serving as an introduction to semiotic readings and theological and theoretical discussion.
Classed in category C by the AERES (Evaluation Agency for Research and Higher Education), Sémiotique et Bible is the only French language journal to deal with both biblical sciences and disciplines falling under language sciences. The journal is run by an editorial board with the support of a scientific committee of academics and international experts.