Nathalie Potin
Associate Professor at UCLy
Research group (6) Study of norms in legal, political and social contextsnpotin@univ-catholyon.fr
Campus Lyon - Saint Paul
10 Place des archives 69002 Lyon
10 Place des archives 69002 Lyon
- International partnerships with institutions, professional bodies, law firms and businesses, Faculty of Law Lyon Catholic University
- Member of the Research group (6) Study of norms in legal, political and social contexts, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA1598) Lyon Catholic University
Further information
- CNU section: 01. Private law and criminal sciences
- ORCID: 0009-0003-2022-4538
Research areas
International Investment Law International arbitrationTeaching areas
Arbitration Law International Business Law Resolution of International Investment Dispute International Arbitration International Invesment Agreements International and European Trade LawPresentation
Dr. Nathalie M.-P. Potin is an associate professor and researcher in law at UCLy, where she is a member of the CONFLUENCE: Sciences et Humanités research unit. At the Faculty of Law, she brings her extensive practical experience as an English and French-qualified lawyer to her teaching and research. Dr. Potin has specialized in dispute resolution, high-value commercial litigation, international commercial arbitration, and investment treaty arbitration during her career in leading international law firms. She has represented clients in complex international arbitrations, mediations, and litigations and regularly serves as a Tribunal Secretary for large arbitration matters, in addition to acting as an ADR advisor.
Scientific Publications & Communications
Books and coordination
- DIMATTEO, Larry A., INFANTINO, Marta, POTIN, Nathalie (2020). The Cambridge Handbook of Judicial Control of Arbitral Awards. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 458 p. [+]
Articles In Peer-Reviewed Journals
- POTIN, Nathalie (2024). «EU-Angola Sustainable Investment Facilitation Agreement: Key features, Benefits, and Impact». European Investment Law and Arbitration Review , Ed. Brill, 9, 2, 245-276. [+]
- POTIN, Nathalie (2024). «The digital revolution: Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence in International Arbitration». Revue CONFLUENCE : Sciences & Humanités, 5, 165-188. [+]
- POTIN, Nathalie (2022). «Lines of Attack and Defences for Foreign Investors and States in Future Investment Disputes post pandemic». International Trade Law and Regulation, 28, 2, 90-109.
- POTIN, Nathalie, WADY, Florence (2020). «Investment And Human Rights: From Nowhere To A Stronger Commitment Towards Human Dignity?». Spécial - La dignité de la personne humaine face aux défis du siècle approche comparée, Revue juridique de l'USEK, Spécial, 159-192.
- OWOEYE, Olasupo, POTIN, Nathalie, OKUNBOR, Orobosa (2019). «Safeguarding Africa’s Development Goals in the Global Governance of Trade». Australasian Review of African Studies, 40, 2, 8-26. [+]
- POTIN, Nathalie (2024). «Consent to international arbitration: Can consent be extended, implied or forced?». In : Michel Cannarsa, Mathieu Disant, Marjolaine Monot Fouletier & Fabrice Toulieux (dir.), Le Consentement: Mutation et Perspective. Paris : Mare & Martin, 89-110.
- POTIN, Nathalie (2023). «Arbitration & Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities & Challenges or Limits». In : Michel Cannarsa, Jean-Luc Piotraut, Alexandre Quiquerez, Iony Randrianirina (dir.), Droit des affaires et intelligence artificielle. Diagnostic et prospective. Paris : Mare & Martin, 287-310.
- DIMATTEO, Larry A., INFANTINO, Marta, POTIN, Nathalie (2020). «Introduction: Intersection of Courts and Arbitration». In : Larry A. DiMatteo, Marta Infantino, Nathalie Potin (dir.), The Cambridge Handbook of Judicial Control of Arbitral Awards. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Law Handbooks, 3-11. [+]
- POTIN, Nathalie, DIMATTEO, Larry A., INFANTINO, Marta (2020). «Divergence, Themes and Trends in National Arbitration Laws». In : Larry A. DiMatteo, Marta Infantino, Nathalie Potin (dir.), The Cambridge Handbook of Judicial Control of Arbitral Awards. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 417-442. [+]
- OGUNSEITAN, Babatunde, POTIN, Nathalie (2020). «Judicial Control of Arbitral Awards in Nigeria». In : Larry A. DiMatteo, Marta Infantino, Nathalie Potin (dir.), The Cambridge Handbook of Judicial Control of Arbitral Awards. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 275-291. [+]
- POTIN, Nathalie, SIMPSON, Katherine (2024). ICC Guidance Templates & Examples, Document Guides & Examples Section. Londres : Kluwer Arbitration Online. [+]
- Presentations at Symposiums
Conference paper with proceedings
- POTIN, Nathalie. «Le droit des peuples autochtones dans l’arbitrage international». Journée d'étude - 40 ans de l'IDHL "La participation effective des minorités et peuples autochtones à la vie de l’Etat", UCLy, January 2025, Lyon, France. [By invitation].
- POTIN, Nathalie. «La digitalisation de l’arbitrage dans un contexte international». Colloque : Le droit des affaires à l’épreuve de la digitalisation, Université de Lorraine, UCLy, Université Lyon 2, November 2019, Nancy, France. [By invitation]. [+]
Conference paper
- POTIN, Nathalie. «Artificial Intelligence & International Arbitration: Chances and Challenges». International Workshop "The Digitization of Dispute Resolutions: Chances and Challenges", Radboud University, May 2023, Nijmegen, Netherlands. [By invitation].
- POTIN, Nathalie. «The case for Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence in International Arbitration». Cyprus Retreat on Corporate Finance and Law for Educators and Professionals 2022, Partenariat entre University of Bologna, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, et SOAS University of London, April 2022, Protaras, Cyprus. [By invitation].
- POTIN, Nathalie. «International Arbitration and Fundamental Rights -Virtual Hearings & Fair Trial». International Seminar: Dispute resolution and fundamental rights, Universidad Pablo De Olavide, September 2021, Seville, Spain. [By invitation].
- POTIN, Nathalie. «FDI & International Trade in Covid Time». International Conference: Law and Global Security, Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University, December 2020, Tbilisi, Georgia. [By invitation].
- POTIN, Nathalie. «The Multilateral Investment Court in the context of the ISDS reform». Workshop: Resolution of international disputes current trends and challenges, UCLy & Radboud University, January 2020, Lyon, France. [By invitation].
- POTIN, Nathalie. «The African Continental Free Trade Agreement». Africa and International Economic Law Roundtable on Foreign Direct Investment, the Right to Regulate and Sustainable Development in Africa, RMIT University, July 2018, Melbourne, Australia. [By invitation].
- POTIN, Nathalie. «Is Investment Arbitration Dead?». Symposium - International Arbitration in the context of Global Trade and Investments, UCLy, November 2017, Lyon, France. [By invitation].
Other contributions
- (2019). Panel Chair: Enforcing Commercial Arbitration (Panel 2). International Symposium: Judicial Control over Arbitral Awards: Scope, Vacation and Public Policy, UCLy, University of Florida and University of Trieste, April 2019, Lyon, France [By invitation].
- (2019). Panel chair. Seminar Multinational corporations facing Human Rights Violations / Les entreprises multinationales face aux violations des droits de l’Homme, UCLy, February 2019, Lyon, France [By invitation].
Books and coordination
Scientific valorisation and dissemination of knowledge
Products with a Didactic and/or Practical Purpose
- POTIN, Nathalie, BRITO DE URQUIZA, Camila (2021). «The Brazilian Cooperation and Facilitation Investment Agreement: Are Foreign Investors Protected?». Kluwer Arbitration Blog. [+]
Conferences and educational or professional interventions
- (2023). Discussion – How Can Technology Help A Party Win Its Case? CIArb European Branch (France Chapter) & London Branch Joint Conference on the Impact and Future of Technology in International Arbitration, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), White & Case LLP, February 2023, Paris, France [By invitation].
- POTIN, Nathalie. «International Commercial Arbitration». International Legal week (study days), University of Navarra & Clifford Chance, June 2022, Londres, United Kingdom. [By invitation].
- (2019). Présidence de séance: La digitalisation au service du droit des affaires. Colloque: L'irruption des nouvelles technologies de digitalisation en droit des affaires: un phénomène juridique, UCLy, Université de Lorraine et Université Lumière Lyon 2, November 2019, Lyon, France [By invitation].
- POTIN, Nathalie, OGUNSEITAN, Babatunde. «Exploring the Parameters of Conflicts of Interests». Symposium : Judicial Control over Arbitral Awards: Scope, Vacation and Public Policy, UCLy, April 2019, Lyon, France. [By invitation].
- POTIN, Nathalie, OGUNSEITAN, Babatunde. «Judicial Control Over Arbitral Awards in Nigeria». Symposium : Judicial Control over Arbitral Awards: Scope, Vacation and Public Policy, UCLy, April 2019, Lyon, France. [By invitation].
- POTIN, Nathalie. «International Commercial Arbitration - A practical approach». Study day, University of Navarra & Clifford Chance LLP, June 2018, Londres, United Kingdom.
- (2017). Panel Chair: International Investment Arbitration. International Symposium: International Arbitration in the context of Global Trade and Investments, UCLy, November 2017, Lyon, France [By invitation].
Popular Science
Conferences and presentations to the general audience
- (2023). Panel Chair: Metaverse, Business & Law (a new market of goods and services). International symposium Metaverse and the Law, UCLy & University of Florida, April 2023, Lyon, France [By invitation]. [+]
Radio, TV and press Broadcasts
- (2019) «The Digitalisation Of Business Law: A 2-day symposium on 8th and 22nd November 2019 in Lyon and Nancy». November 2019, ArbitralWomen Newsletter, 8. [+]
- (2019) «Report on Symposium on Judicial Control over Arbitral Awards: Scope, Vacation and Public Policy, 26-27 April 2019 in Lyon, France». July 2019, ArbitralWomen Newsletter, 9-10. [+]
Conferences and presentations to the general audience
Products with a Didactic and/or Practical Purpose
Scientific Collaborations
Member of research laboratories
- Since 2021, Member of the Research group (6) Study of norms in legal, political and social contexts, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA1598), UCLy, France
Member of research laboratories
Editorial Activities
Participation in editorial committees
- 2020 : Review, Orbeliani Law Review, Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Teaching University, Georgia
Participation in editorial committees
Research Evaluation Activities
Evaluation of laboratories, research projects
- 2024 : Member of the accreditation team of the Bachelor and Master programmes in Public Administration, Faculty of Law, Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Teaching University, Georgia
- 2021 : Member of the accreditation team for LL.B. Programme, College of Law, Al Yamamah University, Saudi Arabia
- 2021 : Member of the accreditation team for PhD Program of the Faculty of Law, Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Teaching University, Georgia
- 2019 : Expert for the Commission for Academic Accreditation of Bachelor and Masters Programs of the Faculty of Law, Sorbonne Abu Dhabi, Ministry of Education of the United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Evaluation of laboratories, research projects
Organisation Of Symposiums
- 2025 : Seminar: ICC Arbitration & Appointment of arbitrators in ICC Proceedings, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2024 : Seminar: Maritime Arbitration and its specificities, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2024 : Seminar: VIAC Arbitration, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2024 : Seminar: Arbitral proceedings under the Omani Arbitration Rules, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2023 : Seminar: SCC Arbitration & Enforcement of Awards in Sweden, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2023 : Seminar: Arbitral Proceedings & Evidence in International Arbitration, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2023 : Seminar: Online Dispute Resolution, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2023 : Seminar: ICC Arbitration with a focus on EPP Arbitration, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2022 : Seminar: Center for International Environmental Law, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2022 : Seminar: WIPO & its dispute resolution mechanism, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2022 : Seminar: Digitalisation of dispute resolution & eBRAM, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2022 : Seminar : Online Dispute Resolution and ODR Africa Network, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2022 : Seminar: Practical perspective from an independent arbitrator, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2021 : Seminar: CIArb Arbitration & Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2021 : Seminar: ICC Expert Determination & ICC Process with respect to Dispute Boards, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2021 : Seminar: Treaty disputes involving states and states entities, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2019 : Co-organiser of Symposium: Judicial Control over Arbitral Awards: Scope, Vacation and Public Policy Judicial Control over Arbitral Awards: Scope, Vacation and Public Policy. University of Florida, University of Trieste, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2017 : Symposium: International Arbitration in the context of Global Trade and Investments International Arbitration in the context of Global Trade and Investments, Lyon Catholic University, France
Scientific valorisation and dissemination of knowledge
Consulting activities
- 2020 : Advisory Board Member, ODR Africa, Nigeria
- 2010 : Consultant & Adviser in Arbitration, Mediation and Dispute Resolution
Participation in expert bodies or committees, juries
- 2024 : Member of Board of Arbitration, Interprofessional Arbitration and Mediation Centre (CIMA.), France
- Since 2023, International Arbitration Panel, AFSA International, South Africa
- Since 2023, Panel of International Arbitrators, Kigali International Arbitration Centre (Kiac), Rwanda
- 2022 : EU Roaster of Arbitrators and TSD Experts in Bilateral Disputes under the EU’s Trade Agreements with Third Countries, European Commission, Belgium
- 2022 : eBRAM Panels of Arbitrators, Mediators and APEC Neutrals, eBRAM, China (PRC)
- 2021 : CIArb BAS Panel Arbitrator, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), United Kingdom
Consulting activities
- 2011, Master 2 Droit des Affaires et Fiscalité, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, France
- 2003, Legal Practice Course (English Law), Nottingham Law School, Royaume Uni
- 1997, Doctorat (PhD), 'A comparative study of the context of arbitration and the powers and duties of arbitrators in the light of the English, French, Scottish laws and the ICC Rules', Université d'Édimbourg, Royaume Uni
- 1994, LL.M. in International Law, Université d'Édimbourg, Royaume Uni
Pedagogical activities and responsabilities
- Since 2023, International partnerships with institutions, professional bodies, law firms and businesses, Faculty of Law, UCLy, France
- Since 2021, Lecturer, Université Lumière Lyon 2, France
- 2018 - 2023 Director (LL.M./Master 1 in International Business Law) Faculty of Law, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2018 - 2021 Director (LL.M. Digital Law & Management) Faculty of Law, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2015 - 2024 Visiting Professor, Al Yamamah University, Saudi Arabia
- 2015 - 2023 Director (LL.M. /Master 2 in International Trade & Investment Law) Faculty of Law, Lyon Catholic University, France
- Since 2013, Lecturer, Faculty of Law, UCLy, France
- 2024 - 2025, Introduction to International Economic Law and Trade Law, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2024 - 2025, Introduction to European and International Trade Law, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2023 - 2025, Business & HR Diplomacy, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2023 - 2025, Digital Impact on Dispute ResolutionResolution, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2023 - 2025, International Investment Agreements, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2023 - 2025, Resolution of International Investment Disputes, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2023 - 2024, Chair of Jury Board - Dissertations Viva Master 2 Droit des affaires, parcours Droit du marché digital et des données, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2023 - 2024, Dissertation Supervision Master 2 Droit des affaires, parcours Droit du marché digital et des données, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2021 - 2024, Reform of ISDS, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2020 - 2025, International Arbitration, Université Lumière Lyon 2, France
- 2020 - 2023, International Commercial Arbitration, Visiting Professor, Al Yamamah University, Saudi Arabia
- 2020 - 2022, International Business Law, Université Lumière Lyon 2, France
- 2019 - 2020, International Commercial Arbitration, Guest Lecturer, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Spain
- 2018 - 2023, Jury Chair - Dissertation Viva - Master 2 /LL.M. in International Trade and Investment Law, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2018 - 2023, Dissertations Supervision - Master 2 /LL.M. in International Trade and Investment Law, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2018 - 2020, International Commercial Arbitration, Guest Lecturer, St. John's University School of Law, United States of America
- 2017 - 2018, International Business Law, Guest Lecturer, University of Stirling, United Kingdom
- 2016 - 2017, International Commercial Arbitration, Guest Lecturer, Maynooth University, Ireland
- 2015 - 2025, Arbitration Law, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2015 - 2025, Resolution of International Investment Disputes, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2015 - 2023, Dissertation Supervision - Master 1/LL.M. in International Business Law, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2015 - 2022, Business Ethics & Law, Visiting Professor, Al Yamamah University, Saudi Arabia
- 2015 - 2020, International Investment Agreements, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2015 - 2018, Legal Skills, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2013 - 2018, International Business Law, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2013 - 2018, Introduction to Common Law, Lyon Catholic University, France
Certificates and training
- Since 2019 Diploma in International Arbitration towards the Fellowship, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), Royaume Uni
- Since 2012 French Bar, EFB - École de Formation des Barreaux, France
- Since 2006 Solicitor of England and Wales, Law Society of England & Wales, Royaume Uni
- English - Capable d'enseigner
- Spanish - Capable d'enseigner
- French - Capable d'enseigner