Thibault Moulin

Associate Professor at UCLy

Research group (6) Study of norms in legal, political and social contexts

Campus Annecy - Alpes Europe
25 Rue de la Cité 74000 Annecy


  • Associate Professor (Teaching & Research), Law Faculty Lyon Catholic University
  • Member of the Research group (6) Study of norms in legal, political and social contexts, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA1598) Lyon Catholic University

Further information

Research areas

Public international law Regulation of New Technologies (Cyber, Neurosciences, AI, Human Enhancement and Transhumanism) International and European Human Rights Law Law of Armed Conflicts / International Humanitarian Law Defence and Cyber-Defence

Teaching areas

Public international law European Union Law Public Law of European Countries Ethics & Regulation of Artificial Intelligence International Relations


Dr Thibault MOULIN is a Tenured Associate Professor of Law at the Lyon Catholic University and is mainly based at the Alps-Europe campus in Annecy. He is a graduate of the University of Manchester (PhD in Law) and the Grenoble-Alps University (Doctorate in International Law), and was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
His research interests focus on the adequacy of law in the face of emerging threats, with three main themes: conflictuality and the regulation of new technologies (cyberspace, artificial intelligence, neuro-technologies and transhumanism, jus ad bellum and jus in bello), crimes and the fight against impunity (international criminal law and human rights violations, extradition and immunities), as well as energy and the environment. He has published several monographs and articles in European and North American peer-reviewed journals.
He is a qualified Maître de Conférences (section 02 - public law), and is an Associate Researcher at the HUJI Federmann Cyber Security Center and at CERDAF. He also serves as a Captain in the Citizens' Reserve of the French Air and Space Force
  • Scientific Publications & Communications
    • Books and coordination
      • MOULIN, Thibault (2023). Cyber-Espionage in International Law: Silence Speaks. Manchester : Manchester University Press, 312 p. [+]
      • MOULIN, Thibault (2021). Le Cyber-Espionnage en Droit International. Paris : Editions A. Pedone, 370 p.
    • Articles In Peer-Reviewed Journals
      • MOULIN, Thibault (2024). «A (Sovereign) License to Kill? The Boundaries of Jurisdictional Immunities for State-Sponsored Crimes». Emory International Law Review, 38, 2, 405-454. [+]
      • MOULIN, Thibault (2024). «The Thin Red Line: Neutrality and Belligerency in Modern Armed Conflicts». Cardozo International and Comparative Law Review, 7, 1, 901-956. [+]
      • MOULIN, Thibault (2023). «Waking Sleeping Beauty? Exploring the Challenges of Cyber-Deterrence by Punishment». Loyola of Los Angeles International & Comparative Law Review, 46, 1, 45-85. [+]
      • MOULIN, Thibault (2022). «‘I Will Control your Mind’: The International Regulation of Brain-Hacking». San Diego International Law Journal, 24, 1, 65-110. [+]
      • MOULIN, Thibault (2022). «Qu’est-ce que l’infraction politique dans une procédure d’extradition ? Une analyse inspirée de l’affaire Assange». Revue des Droits et Libertés Fondamentaux, chron n°47. [+]
      • MOULIN, Thibault (2022). «No More Humans? Cybernetically-Enhanced Soldiers Under the Legal Review of Article 36». Journal of Law and Cyber Warfare, 8, 2, 59-104.
      • MOULIN, Thibault (2021). «Un Nouveau “Cheval de Troie” ? Regard sur la Codification des Normes Impératives du Droit International Général (Jus Cogens)». Annuaire Canadien de Droit International / Canadian Yearbok of International Law, 58, 225-262. [+]
      • MOULIN, Thibault (2021). «Doctors Playing Gods? The Legal Challenges in Regulating the Experimental Phase of Human Enhancement». Israel Law Review, 54, 2, 236-262. [+]
      • MOULIN, Thibault (2020). «Reviving the Principle of Non-Intervention in Cyberspace: The Path Forward». Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 25, 3, 423-447. [+]
    • Chapters
      • MOULIN, Thibault (2020). «L’Efficacité de la Cour Pénale Internationale à l’Épreuve de la Souveraineté Étatique». In : François GENTON et Philippe GRÉCIANO (dir.), Stéphane Hessel : les perspectives d'un engagement. Paris : Editions Institut Francophone pour la Justice et la Démocratie, 169-192.
    • Commentaires d'arrêts
      • MOULIN, Thibault (2017). «Howrani and 4 others [UN Tribunal – 1951]», (Case No 17, Case No 18, Case No 19, Case No 20, Case No 21, Judgment No 4, UN Doc AT/DEC/4). Oxford International Organizations, 276.
      • MOULIN, Thibault (2017). «Effect of Awards of Compensation Made by the United Nations Administrative Tribunal [International Court of Justice – 1954]», ([1954] ICJ Rep 47). Oxford International Organizations, 265.
      • MOULIN, Thibault (2017). «General Comment No 31: The Nature of the General Legal Obligation Imposed on State Parties to the Covenant [Human Rights Committee – 2004]», (UN Doc CCPR/C/21/Rev.1/Add.13). Oxford International Organizations, 198.
      • MOULIN, Thibault (2016). «Weber and Saravia v Germany [European Court of Human Rights – 2006]», App No 54934/00, ECHR 2006-XI, [2006] ECHR 1173. Oxford International Organizations, 199.
      • MOULIN, Thibault (2016). «Resolution on the Existence of a Global System for the Interception of Private and Commercial Communications (Echelon Interception System) [European Parliament – 2001]», ECHELON Interception System), 5th September 2001 (2001/2098 (INI). Oxford International Organizations, 15.
  • Scientific Collaborations
    • Member of research laboratories
      • Since 2024, Research Associate, Centre de recherche en droit Antoine Favre, France
      • Since 2023, Member of the Research group (6) Study of norms in legal, political and social contexts, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA1598), UCLy, France
      • Since 2022, Research Associate at the Federmann Cyber Security Center, Université hébraïque de Jérusalem, Israël
  • Diplomas
    • 2018, PhD in Law (University of Manchester) & Doctorat en Droit International (Université Grenoble-Alpes), Cyber-Espionage in International Law // Le Cyber-Espionnage en Droit International, Université de Manchester, Royaume Uni
  • Pedagogical activities and responsabilities
    • Since 2023, Associate Professor (Teaching & Research), Law Faculty, UCLy, France
    • 2020 - 2023 Assistant Professor (Teaching & Admin), Lyon Catholic University, France
    • 2018 - 2019 Postdoctoral Fellow at the Federmann Cyber Security Center, Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
  • Languages
    • English - Capable d'enseigner
    • German - Capable d'enseigner
    • Spanish - Capable d'enseigner