Emmanuelle Gormally

Professor of UCLy

Research group (7) Biotechnologies, health and ethics


Campus Lyon - Saint Paul
10 Place des archives 69002 Lyon


  • Vice-Rector in charge of Training, Academic and Student Life Lyon Catholic University
  • Member of the Research group (7) Biotechnologies, health and ethics, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA1598) Lyon Catholic University

Further information

Research areas

Liver cancer in West Africa Heptatis B Virus

Teaching areas

Molecular Biology / Genetic Engineering Cancer Biology Biobanking science Biomarker science


Emmanuelle GORMALLY is a professor (HDR) in molecular biology at the Lyon Catholic University, and a member of the CONFLUENCE: Sciences et Humanités research unit (EA 1598). Her work focuses on the molecular epidemiology of liver cancer in West Africa.
She is also Vice-Rector for Training and Academic Life at UCLy.  She also teaches at ESTBB, UCLy's engineering school.
  • Scientific Publications & Communications
    • Articles In Peer-Reviewed Journals
      • LAWRENCE, Philip, CHABANE, M., ABROUK, Lucie, THIESSON, A., BERTHÉ, D., DIARRA, A.b., BENGALY, K., TRAORÉ, B., KASSOGUÉ, D., DURAND, Geoffroy, VOEGELE, C., LE CALVEZ-KELM, F., STEENKESTE, N., HAINAUT, Pierre, KOURIBA, Bourema, GORMALLY, Emmanuelle (2023). «First Molecular Characterization of Chronic Hepatitis B Carriers in Timbuktu, Mali». Diagnostics, 13 (3), 375. [+]
      • AMADOU, Amina, SIGHOKO, Dominique, COULIBALY, Bourama, TRAORÉ, Cheick, KAMATÉ, Bakarou, MALLÉ, Brahima S., DE SÈZE, Maëlle, KEMAYOU YOGHOUM, Francine N., BIYOGO BI EYANG, Sandrine, BOURGEOIS, Denis, CURADO, Maria-Paula, BAYO, Siné, GORMALLY, Emmanuelle, HAINAUT, Pierre (2022). «Decrease in liver cancer incidence rates in Bamako-Mali over 28 years of population-based cancer registration (1987-2015)». World Journal of Hepatology, 14, 9, 1767-1777. [+]
      • CASTELLANOS-URIBE, Marcos, GORMALLY, Emmanuelle, ZHOU, Hongkang, MATZKE, Elisabeth, H. WATSON, Peter (2020). «Biobanking Education». Biopreservation and Biobanking, 18, 1, 1-3. [+]
      • HAINAUT, Pierre, AMADOU, Amina, GORMALLY, Emmanuelle (2019). «Cancer prevention and control : hepatocellular carcinoma». Ecancermedicalscience, 13-949, 1-5. [+]
      • WASHETINE, Kevin, HEEKE, Simon, BONNETAUD, Christelle, GORMALLY, Emmanuelle, HOFMAN, Paul (2018). «Establishing a Dedicated Lung Cancer Biobank at the University Center Hospital of Nice (France). Why and How?». Cancers, 10, 7, 220. [+]
      • WASHETINE, Kevin, KARA-BORNI, Mehdi, HEEKE, Simon, GORMALLY, Emmanuelle, HOFMAN, Paul (2018). «Ensuring the Safety and Security of Frozen Lung Cancer Tissue Collections through the Encapsulation of Dried DNA». Cancers, 10, 6, 195. [+]
      • TRAORÉ, Fatou, GORMALLY, Emmanuelle, VILAR, Stéphanie, FRIESEN, Marlin D., GROOPMAN, John D., VERNET, Guy, DIALLO, Souleymane, HAINAUT, Pierre, MAIGA, Moussa Y. (2015). «Molecular Characteristics of Hepatitis B and Chronic Liver Disease in a Cohort of HB Carriers from Bamako, Mali». BMC Infectious Diseases, 15, 1-8. [+]
    • Review Articles
      • PHAM, Thanh Nhat, CAZIER, Elisabeth A., GORMALLY, Emmanuelle, LAWRENCE, Philip (2024). «Valorization of biomass polyphenols as potential tyrosinase inhibitors». Drug Discovery Today, 29, 1, 103843. [+]
      • GORMALLY, Emmanuelle, HARDY, Isabelle, CABOUX, Elodie, DI DONATO, Jeanne-Hélène, HAINAUT, Pierre, HOFMAN, Paul (2017). «Training the Next Generation of Biobankers: A Two-Year Master's Course in the Management of Biobanks». Biopreservation and Biobanking, 15, 5, 438-450. [+]
    • Chapters
      • LAWRENCE, Philip, HARDY, Isabelle, HAINAUT, Pierre, GORMALLY, Emmanuelle, CABOUX, Elodie, DI DONATO, Jeanne-Hélène (2021). «Ten years of experience in training Biobank Managers at Master level in France». In : Hainaut, P., Vaught, J., Zatloukal, K., Pasterk, M. (dir.), Hainaut, P., Vaught, J., Zatloukal, K., Pasterk, M., Biobanking of Human Biospecimens - Lessons from 25 years of Biobanking Experience. Springer Publishing, 135-151. [+]
    • Presentations at Symposiums
      • Conference paper
        • GORMALLY, Emmanuelle, LAWRENCE, Philip, HARDY, Isabelle. «Biobank Management Training for Masters Students – 10 years of experience of vocational training for students and professionals in France and deployment of an online training program in West Africa», Communications ESBB. European Biobank Week 2019, bbmri-eric, January 2019, Lübeck, Germany.
        • GORMALLY, Emmanuelle, LAWRENCE, Philip, HARDY, Isabelle. «Next Generation Biobankers: the French Example, Key note lecture». Europe Biobank Week 2018: Biosharing for Scientific Discovery, BBMRI-ERIC, ESBB, September 2018, Antwerp, Belgium.
        • GORMALLY, Emmanuelle. «Training the next generation of biobankers». 3rd BBMRI-LPC Workshop "Biobanks, data and Access", September 2015, Tartu, Estonia.
      • Posters
        • SAVARINO, Baptiste, COSSOUD BEATRIX, Paule-Martine, CAZIER, Elisabeth A., GORMALLY, Emmanuelle, LAWRENCE, Philip, PHAM, Thanh Nhat. «Valorisation of polyphenols from industrial black tea waste». XXXI International Conference on Polyphenols - ICP2023, INRAE & Groupe Polyphénols, July 2023, Nantes, France. [+]
        • LAWRENCE, Philip, CHABANE, M., ABROUK, Lucie, THIESSON, A., BERTHÉ, D., DIARRA, A.b., BENGALY, K., TRAORÉ, B., DURAND, Grégory, VOEGELE, C., LE CALVEZ-KELM, F., STEENKESTE, N., HAINAUT, Pierre, KOURIBA, Bourema, GORMALLY, Emmanuelle. «First Molecular Characterization of Chronic Hepatitis B Carriers in Timbuktu, Mali.». Colloque scientifique, 2022 International HBV Meeting, September 2022, Paris, France.
  • Scientific valorisation and dissemination of knowledge
    • Popular Science
      • Articles
        • GORMALLY, Emmanuelle, LAWRENCE, Philip (2019). «Infection chronique au virus de l’hépatite B et cancer hépatocellulaire au Mali – Etiologie et caractérisation moléculaire». Revue de l’Université catholique de Lyon, 35, 35-42.
  • Scientific Collaborations
    • Member of research laboratories
      • Since 2020, Member of the Research group (7) Biotechnologies, health and ethics, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA1598), UCLy, France
      • 2019 - 2023, Head of Biosciences, technologies, ethics research team, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA 1598), Lyon Catholic University, France
    • Involvement in scientific groups and learned societies
      • 2015 - 2019 Chair Working Group Education&Training, ESBB - European, Middle Eastern & African Society for Biopreservation and Biobanking-
    • Involvement in subsidised research contracts
      • Project coordinator : Caracterisation of viral infection to Hepatitis B and D and exposure to Aflatoxine B1 in Mali, 21 007315 01 - 17902
      • Project coordinator : Projet de recherche sur la séroprévalence, 150009009.03 COOPERA
      • Project coordinator : REECAO - Renforcement de l’Ethique des essais Cliniques en Afrique de l’Ouest , EDCTP-Ethics2015-880, carried by Ministère de la Santé et de l’Hygiène Publique, in partnership with Lyon Catholic University ; Centre National de Formation et de Recherche en Santé Rurale ; Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research du Ghana
      • Member : Recovery of industrial by-products through biotechnological solutions, Val-Indus, carried by Lyon Catholic University
  • Supervision Of Theses
    • 2014 - 2021 : WASHETINE K., Optimisation continue des processus qualité de management des ressources biologiques dans le cadre des projets de recherche associés au cancer du poumon. PhD thesis Defended. Ecole doctorale (ED 472) - Mention « Systèmes intégrés, environnement et biodiversité » (SIEB).
  • Research Evaluation Activities
    • Member of thesis juries
      • Thesis Reviewer : É. JACQUIER, Les échantillons biologiques et les données, "sésame" de la recherche en santé : une relecture du principe de consentement éclairé en faveur de l'information active des personnes, PhD thesis, Université Paris-Descartes, Paris, France, 22/02/2021
    • Evaluation of laboratories, research projects
      • Since 2018-09-01, HCERES expert
      • 2018 : Member of a HCERES jury for the evaluation of the FUPL and the ICL (Institut Catholique de Lille)
    • Reviewer of Scientific Publications
      • 2021 : Review of an article for Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences
      • 2020 : Article review for PlosOne, PLoS ONE
      • 2018 : Evaluation of an article for the journal "Biopreservation and Biobanking, Biopreservation and Biobanking
  • Organisation Of Symposiums
    • 2017 : Coordinator of the Education and Training working group, ESBB - European, Middle Eastern & African Society for Biopreservation and Biobanking-
  • Diplomas
    • 2012, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches en Sciences de la Vie, Biospécimens, Biomarqueurs: Applications à l'épidémiologie moléculaire des cancers dans les régions à faibles revenus, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France
    • 1998, Doctorat, Biochimie - Génétique, An Investigation of the Mouse Mutant Tattered, Université d'Oxford, Royaume Uni
  • Pedagogical activities and responsabilities
    • Since 2023, Vice-Rector in charge of Training, Academic and Student Life, UCLy, France
    • 2015 - 2023 Pedagogical Director of the Master in Biobank Management, School of Biology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Lyon Catholic University, France
    • 2008 - 2023 Deputy Director, ESTBB, Lyon Catholic University, France
  • Languages
    • French - Capable d'enseigner
    • English - Capable d'enseigner