Olivier Georgeon
Associate Professor at UCLy
Research group (4) People, support and educationogeorgeon@univ-catholyon.fr
Campus Lyon - Saint Paul
10 Place des archives 69002 Lyon
10 Place des archives 69002 Lyon
- Member of the Research group (4) People, support and education, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA1598) Lyon Catholic University
- Head of studies in computer sciences, ESQESE Lyon Catholic University
- Associate member Laboratoire d'Informatique en Image et Systèmes d'Information (LIRIS) - UMR 5205
Further information
- CNU section: 27. Computer Science
- ORCID: 0000-0003-4883-8702
- URL: Olivier Georgeon
Research areas
Computer science Artificial Intelligence Developmental learningTeaching areas
Computer science Artificial IntelligencePresentation
Olivier Georgeon has a doctorate in computer science and is a lecturer at the Lyon Catholic University, a member of the CONFLUENCE: Sciences et Humanités research unit (EA 1598). He is also responsible for a bachelor's degree in computer science at UCLy.
His work focuses on the development of developmental and constructivist learning algorithms for artificial agents and robots. In a nutshell, the aim is to make robots capable of learning like babies.
His work focuses on the development of developmental and constructivist learning algorithms for artificial agents and robots. In a nutshell, the aim is to make robots capable of learning like babies.
Scientific Publications & Communications
Coordination of conference proceedings
- MINSKY, Henry, ROBERTSON, Paul, GEORGEON, Olivier, MINSKY, Milan, SHAOUL, Cyrus (dir.) (2020). Volume 131 : International Workshop on Self-Supervised Learning, 27-28 February 2020, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Cambridge, Massachusetts : Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR), 98 p. [+]
- ROBERTSON, Paul, MINSKY, Henry, SHAOUL, Cyrus, MINSKY, Milan, GEORGEON, Olivier (dir.) (2020). IWSSL Introduction to this volume. Cambridge, Massachusetts : Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR). [+]
Articles In Peer-Reviewed Journals
- GEORGEON, Olivier, LURIE, David, ROBERTSON, Paul (2024). «Artificial Enactive Inference in Three-Dimensional World». Cognitive Systems Research, 86, 101234. [+]
- GUILLERMIN, Mathieu, GEORGEON, Olivier (2022). «Artificial Interactionism: avoiding isolating perception from cognition in AI». Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 5. [+]
- GEORGEON, Olivier, RIEGLER, Alexander (2019). «CASH Only: Constitutive Autonomy through Motorsensory Self-Programming». Cognitive Systems Research, 58, 366-374. [+]
- GEORGEON, Olivier, GUILLERMIN, Mathieu (2018). «Mastering the laws of feedback contingencies is essential to constructivist artificial agents». Constructivist Foundations (CF), 13, 2, 300-301. [+]
- GAY, Simon L., MILLE, Alain, GEORGEON, Olivier, DUTECH, Alain (2017). «Autonomous construction and exploitation of a spatial memory by a self-motivated agent». Cognitive Systems Research, 41, 1-35. [+]
- GEORGEON, Olivier, BERNARD, Florian J., CORDIER, Amélie (2015). «Constructing Phenomenal Knowledge in an Unknown Noumenal Reality». Procedia Computer Science, 71, 11-16. [+]
- GEORGEON, Olivier, CASADO, Rémi C., MATIGNON, Laetitia A. (2015). «Modeling Biological Agents Beyond the Reinforcement-learning Paradigm». Procedia Computer Science, 71, 17-22. [+]
- GEORGEON, Olivier, CORDIER, Amélie (2014). «Inverting the Interaction Cycle to Model Embodied Agents». Procedia Computer Science, 41, 243-248. [+]
- GEORGEON, Olivier, MARSHALL, James B. (2013). «Demonstrating sensemaking emergence in artificial agents: a method and an example». International Journal of Machine Consciousness, 05, 02, 131-144. [+]
- GEORGEON, Olivier, MARSHALL, James B., MANZOTTI, Riccardo (2013). «ECA: An enactivist cognitive architecture based on sensorimotor modeling». Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, 6, 46-57. [+]
- GEORGEON, Olivier, RITTER, Frank E. (2012). «An intrinsically-motivated schema mechanism to model and simulate emergent cognition». Cognitive Systems Research, 15-16, 73-92. [+]
- GEORGEON, Olivier, DE MONTÉRA, Béatrice, ROBERTSON, Paul (forthcoming). «Reducing Intuitive-Physics Prediction Error through Playing». In : Pr. Kark Friston (dir.), Active Inference 5th International Workshop, IWAI 2024, Oxford, UK, September 9–11, 2024, Revised Selected Papers. New-York : Springer Publishing, 1-12.
- Presentations at Symposiums
Conference paper with proceedings
- SCHNEIDER, Howard, GEORGEON, Olivier. «Grounding Artificial General Intelligence with Robotics: The PetitCat Project». BICA 2024. Studies in Computational Intelligence, Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA) Society, December 2024, Seattle, United States of America : Springer Nature, 477. [+]
- GAY, Simon L., SURO, François, GEORGEON, Olivier, JAMONT, Jean-Paul. «An Affordance-Based Intersubjectivity Mechanism to Infer the Behaviour of Other Agents». International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), ICDL, November 2023, Macau, China (PRC) : Proceedings of the IEEE, 403-408. [+]
- GAY, Simon L., JAMONT, Jean-Paul, GEORGEON, Olivier. «Identifying and localizing dynamic affordances to improve interactions with other agents». 2022 IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), ICDL, September 2022, Londres, United Kingdom : Proceedings of the IEEE, 42-47. [+]
- GEORGEON, Olivier, VIDAL, Juan R., KNOCKAERT, Titouan, ROBERTSON, Paul. «Simultaneous Localization and Active Phenomenon Inference (SLAPI)». 3rd International Workshop on Self-Supervised Learning, Reykjavik University, July 2022, Reykjavik, United States of America : Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR), 192, 77-88. [+]
- GAGNON, Philippe, GUILLERMIN, Mathieu, VIDAL, Juan R., GEORGEON, Olivier, DE MONTERA, Béatrice. «Acquisition of Autonomy in Biotechnology and Artificial intelligence». 11th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2020, IDREC, December 2020, Orlando, Florida, United States of America : International Institute for Informatics and Systemics (IIIS), 2, 168-172. [+]
- ROBERTSON, Paul, GEORGEON, Olivier. «Continuous Learning of Action and State Spaces (CLASS)». First International Workshop on Self-Supervised Learning, IWSSL, February 2020, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America : Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR), 131, 15-31. [+]
- GEORGEON, Olivier, ROBERTSON, Paul, XUE, Jianyong. «Generating Natural Behaviors using Constructivist Algorithms». First International Workshop on Self-Supervised Learning, February 2020, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America : Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR), 131, 5-14. [+]
- XUE, Jianyong, GEORGEON, Olivier, GUILLERMIN, Mathieu. «Causality reconstruction by an autonomous agent». BICA 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA) Society, August 2018, Pragues, Ceszk Republic : Springer Publishing, 848, 347-354. [+]
- GAY, Simon L., GEORGEON, Olivier, WOLF, Christian. «Autonomous object modeling based on affordances for spatial organization of behavior». 2014 Joint IEEE International Conferences on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-Epirob), IEEE, October 2014, Gênes, Italy : IEEE Computer, 87-92. [+]
- GEORGEON, Olivier, WOLF, Christian, GAY, Simon. «An Enactive approach to autonomous agent and robot learning». 2013 IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL), IEEE, August 2013, Osaka, Japan : IEEE Computer. [+]
- GEORGEON, Olivier, MARSHALL, James B., GAY, Simon. «Interactional Motivation in artificial systems: Between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation». 2012 IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL), IEEE, November 2012, San Diego, United States of America : IEEE Computer. [+]
- GEORGEON, Olivier, MARSHALL, James B., RONOT, Pierre-Yves R. «Early-stage vision of composite scenes for spatial learning and navigation». 2011 IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), IEEE, August 2011, Francfort, Germany : IEEE Computer, 1-6. [+]
Conference paper
- GEORGEON, Olivier. «Artificial lifelong incremental learning: A gentle start». 8th International conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA), August 2017, Moscou, Russia.
Coordination of conference proceedings
Scientific valorisation and dissemination of knowledge
Products with a Didactic and/or Practical Purpose
Autres supports (e-learning, multimédia,…) / Other materials (e-learning, multimedia, etc.)
- (2021) «Little AI. Jeu pédagogique sur l'IA développementale». July 2021. [+]
Autres supports (e-learning, multimédia,…) / Other materials (e-learning, multimedia, etc.)
Popular Science
Other media (exhibitions, films, videos, etc.)
- (2014) «Chaîne Youtube de vidéo scientifiques». January 2014. [+]
Other media (exhibitions, films, videos, etc.)
Products with a Didactic and/or Practical Purpose
Scientific Collaborations
Member of research laboratories
- Since 2020, Member of the Research group (4) People, support and education, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA1598), UCLy, France
- Since 2016, Associate member, Laboratoire d'Informatique en Image et Systèmes d'Information (LIRIS) - UMR 5205, France
- 2010 - 2016, Member of a research team, Laboratoire d'Informatique en Image et Systèmes d'Information (LIRIS) - UMR 5205, France
Involvement in subsidised research contracts
- Member : 2018 - 2023, Artificial constructivist agents that learn ETHICS in humAn-Involved co-construction, ETHICS.ai, carried by CNRS, in partnership with Laboratoire d'Informatique en Image et Systèmes d'Information (LIRIS) - UMR 5205 ; Laboratoire Hubert Curien - UMR 5516 ; Institut d'optique Graduate School (IOGS) ; Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne
Member of research laboratories
Supervision Of Theses
- 2017 - 2020 : XUE J., Constructivist cognitive architecture: A model for designing self-motivated agent capable of sense-making and knowledge construction of the environment. PhD thesis Defended. Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1.
- 2011 - 2014 : GAY S., Mécanismes d'apprentissage développemental et intrinsèquement motivés en intelligence artificielle : étude des mécanismes d'intégration de l'espace environnemental. PhD thesis Defended. Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1.
Research Evaluation Activities
Member of thesis juries
- Thesis Reviewer : Felix Woolford, Sensorimotor Intelligence and Habits in Simulated Artificial Agents, PhD thesis, University of Aukland, Aukland, New Zealand, 21/11/2023
- Thesis Reviewer : A. GUEDET, Apprentissage développemental multi agents, Master's thesis, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, France, 21/02/2025
Member of thesis juries
Organisation Of Symposiums
- Since 2024-09-12, International Workshop on Situated Self-Guided Learning, St Stephen House Anglican Theological Foundation, United Kingdom
- 2022 : International Workshop on Self-Supervised Learning, Reykjavik University, Iceland
- 2020 : International workshop on self-supervised learning, Massachusetts Institute of Technologies, United States of America
- 2015 : Member of the organising committee of the international conference BICA Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, LIRIS Laboratory (UMR 5205), Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France
- 2008, Doctorat interdisciplinaire, sciences cognitives, informatique, Analyse de traces d'activité pour la modélisation cognitive : application à la conduite automobile, Université Lumière Lyon 2, France
- 2004, Master en Psychologie, Université Lumière Lyon 2, France
- 1988, Diplôme d’ingénieur, Informatique, Informatique, Ecole Centrale Marseille, France
Pedagogical activities and responsabilities
- Since 2016, Temporary teacher, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France
- Since 2011, Developmental learning, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France
Awards and distinctions
- 2011 - 2014, Programme Retour post-doctorant, Agence Nationale pour la Recherche - ANR, France
- English - Capable d'enseigner