Louis Cossus

Associate Professor at UCLy

Research group (7) Biotechnologies, health and ethics


Campus Lyon - Saint Paul
10 Place des archives 69002 Lyon


  • Teacher-researcher, ESTBB Lyon Catholic University
  • Member of the Research group (7) Biotechnologies, health and ethics, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA1598) Lyon Catholic University

Further information

Research areas

Sciences du vivant

Teaching areas

Biologie Sciences du vivant Ecologie
  • Scientific Publications & Communications
    • Articles In Peer-Reviewed Journals
      • BOUCHARD-ROCHETTE, Mathieu, MACHRAFI, Younes, COSSUS, Louis, THUY AN NGUYEN, Thi, ANTOUN, Hani, DROIT, Arnaud, TWEDDELL, Russell J. (2022). «Bacillus pumilus PTB180 and Bacillus subtilis PTB185: Production of lipopeptides, antifungal activity, and biocontrol ability against Botrytis cinerea». Biological Control, 170, 104925. [+]
      • COSSUS, Louis, ROUX-DALVAI, Florence, KELLY, Isabelle, NGUYEN, Thi Thuy An, ANTOUN, Hani, DROIT, Arnaud, TWEDDELL, Russell J. (2021). «Interactions with plant pathogens influence lipopeptides production and antimicrobial activity of Bacillus subtilis strain PTB185». Biological Control, 154, 104497. [+]
    • Review Articles
      • CAZIER, Elisabeth A., PHAM, Thanh Nhat, COSSUS, Louis, ABLA, Maher, ILC, Tina, LAWRENCE, Philip (2024). «Exploring industrial lignocellulosic waste: Sources, types, and potential as high-value molecules». Waste Management, 188, 11-38. [+]
    • Presentations at Symposiums
      • Conference paper
        • COSSUS, Louis, KELLY, Isabelle, ANTOUN, Hani, ROUX-DALVAI, Florence, DROIT, Arnaud, TWEDDELL, Russell J. «Effet du mycélium autoclavé de différents agents phytopathogènes sur la production de lipopeptides et les propriétés antimicrobiennes de Bacillus subtilis PTB185». Réunion annuelle conjointe centre SEVE-SPPQ, Université de Sherbrooke, November 2019, Bromont, Canada.
      • Posters
        • COSSUS, Louis. «Dead or alive: Plant pathogens influence production of lipopeptides by Bacillus subtilis strain PTB185». Réunion annuelle de la société américaine de phytopathologie, Société Américaine de Phytopathologie, August 2020, Denver, United States of America.
        • COSSUS, Louis, ROUX-DALVAI, Florence, KELLY, Isabelle, NGUYEN, Thi Thuy An, ANTOUN, Hani, DROIT, Arnaud, TWEDDELL, Russell J. «Modulation of lipopeptides production by Bacillus subtilis PTB185 in response to different plant pathogens». Plant Canada, Université de Guelph, July 2019, Guelph, Canada.
        • COSSUS, Louis, KELLY, Isabelle, NGUYEN, Thi Thuy An, ANTOUN, Hani, DROIT, Arnaud. «Influence des acides aminés sur la synthèse des lipopeptides de Bacillus pumilus GHA180». Antimic – Symposium franco-canadien sur les antimicrobiens naturels, Université Laval, June 2017, Québec, Canada.
  • Scientific valorisation and dissemination of knowledge
    • Products with a Didactic and/or Practical Purpose
      • Conferences and educational or professional interventions
        • COSSUS, Louis, PATUREL, Alexia. «Approches pluridisciplinaires pour une problématique sanitaire globale : l’exemple de l’aflatoxine». Festival de la santé mondiale, ESTBB, December 2024, Lyon, France.
    • Popular Science
      • Conferences and presentations to the general audience
        • COSSUS, Louis, ILC, Tina. «Rhizosphère : la toile vivante des racines et des bactéries», conférence. Fête de la science - 2024, ESTBB, UCLy, October 2024, Lyon, France.
  • Scientific Collaborations
    • Member of research laboratories
      • Since 2023, Member of the Research group (7) Biotechnologies, health and ethics, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA1598), UCLy, France
  • Diplomas
    • 2021, Doctorat en Sciences du vivant, Microbiologie, Influence des agents phytopathogènes sur les mécanismes de biocontrôle de Bacillus subtilis, Université Laval, Canada
    • 2015, Diplôme d’ingénieur en Agronomie, ISTOM Ecole Supérieure d'Agro-Développement International, France
  • Pedagogical activities and responsabilities
    • Since 2023, Teacher-researcher, ESTBB, UCLy, France
    • Teaching
      • Since 2023, Suivis/tutorat étudiants, Lyon Catholic University, France
  • Languages
    • English - Capable d'enseigner
    • Spanish - Capable d'enseigner
    • German - Capable d'enseigner