Tatiana Beliaeva

Associate Professor at UCLy

Research group (8) Sustainable enterprises and organizations


Campus Lyon - Saint Paul
10 Place des archives 69002 Lyon


  • Assistant Professor, ESDES Lyon Business School Lyon Catholic University
  • Member of the Research group (8) Sustainable enterprises and organizations, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA1598) Lyon Catholic University

Further information

Research areas

Entrepreneurship SMEs strategic behavior AI Sustainable business

Teaching areas

Entrepreneurship Strategic management Research methodology AI


Tatiana Beliaeva, D.Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Adm.), is Assistant Professor at UCLy (Lyon Catholic University), ESDES Business School, France and member of the CONFLUENCE: Sciences et Humanités (EA 1598) research unit. Previously, she worked as Postdoctoral Researcher at Paris-Saclay University and Senior Entrepreneurship Researcher at a start-up Skopai, France. She was also Visiting Lecturer at Grenoble IAE, Burgundy School of Business, and KEDGE Business School. She holds Degrees from LUT University, Finland, and St. Petersburg University, Russia. Her research interests include entrepreneurship, strategy, AI, and sustainability. Her research has been published in journals such as Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Global Strategy Journal, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Business Strategy and the Environment, and Journal of Business Research. She has experience in business practice through company projects and analytics on innovation ecosystems. 
  • Scientific Publications & Communications
    • Articles In Peer-Reviewed Journals
      • SHIROKOVA, Galina, BELIAEVA, Tatiana, MANOLOVA, Tatiana S. (2023). «The role of context for theory development: Evidence from entrepreneurship research on Russia». Entrepreneurship : Theory and Practice, 47, 6, 2384-2418. [+]
      • GARKAVENKO, Mariia, BELIAEVA, Tatiana, GAUSSIER, Eric, MIRISAEE, Hamid, LAGNIER, Cédric, GUERRAZ, Agnès (2023). «Assessing the factors related to a start-up’s valuation using prediction and causal discovery». Entrepreneurship : Theory and Practice, 47, 5, 2017-2044. [+]
      • BELIAEVA, Tatiana, BOUNFOUR, Ahmed, NONNIS, Alberto (2023). «Modelling intangibles at the regional level in Europe: What lessons from a multidimensional approach?». Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 21, 3, 637-650. [+]
      • BELIAEVA, Tatiana, FERASSO, Marcos, KRAUS, Sascha, MAHTO, Raj V. (2022). «Marketing and family firms: Theoretical roots, research trajectories, and themes». Journal of Business Research, 144, 66-79. [+]
      • WALES, William, SHIROKOVA, Galina, BELIAEVA, Tatiana, MICELOTTA, Evelyn, MARINO, Louis (2021). «The impact of institutions on the entrepreneurial orientation‐performance relationship». Global Strategy Journal, 11, 4, 656-685. [+]
      • NONNIS, Alberto, BOUNFOUR, Ahmed, ÖZAYGEN, Altay, KIM, Keung Oui, BELIAEVA, Tatiana (2021). «The combined contribution of intangible capital and global value chain participation to productivity». International Journal of Intellectual Property Management, 11, 1, 21–37. [+]
      • DURÁN-ROMERO, Gemma, LÓPEZ, Ana M., BELIAEVA, Tatiana, FERASSO, Marcos, GARONNE, Christophe, JONES, Paul (2020). «Bridging the gap between circular economy and climate change mitigation policies through eco-innovations and Quintuple Helix Model». Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 160, 120246. [+]
      • FERASSO, Marcos, BELIAEVA, Tatiana, KRAUS, Sascha, CLAUSS, Thomas, RIBEIRO‐SORIANO, Domingo (2020). «Circular economy business models: The state of research and avenues ahead». Business Strategy and the Environment, 29, 8, 3006-3024. [+]
      • WALES, William, BELIAEVA, Tatiana, SHIROKOVA, Galina, STETTLER, Tatiana R., GUPTA, Vishal K. (2020). «Orienting toward sales growth? Decomposing the variance attributed to three fundamental organizational strategic orientations». Journal of Business Research, 109, 498-510. [+]
      • BELIAEVA, Tatiana, SHIROKOVA, Galina, WALES, William, GAFFOROVA, Elena (2020). «Benefiting from economic crisis? Strategic orientation effects, trade-offs, and configurations with resource availability on SME performance». International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 16, 165-194. [+]
      • VAN GELDEREN, Marco, SHIROKOVA, Galina, SHCHEGOLEV, Vladimir, BELIAEVA, Tatiana (2020). «Striving for entrepreneurial autonomy. A comparison of Russia and the Netherlands». Management and Organization Review, 16, 1, 107-138. [+]
      • BELIAEVA, Tatiana, FERASSO, Marcos, KRAUS, Sascha, DAMKE, Eloi Junior (2020). «Dynamics of digital entrepreneurship and the innovation ecosystem». International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 26, 2, 266-284. [+]
      • BELIAEVA, Tatiana, LASKOVAIA, Anastasiia, SHIROKOVA, Galina (2017). «Entrepreneurial learning and entrepreneurial intentions: A cross-cultural study of university students». European Journal of International Management, 11, 5, 606–632. [+]
      • BOGATYREVA, Karina, BELIAEVA, Tatiana, SHIROKOVA, Galina, PUFFER, Sheila M. (2017). «As different as chalk and cheese? The relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and SMEs’ growth: Evidence from Russia and Finland». Journal of East-West Business, 23, 4, 337-366. [+]
      • SHIROKOVA, Galina, BOGATYREVA, Karina, BELIAEVA, Tatiana, PUFFER, Sheila (2016). «Entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance in different environmental settings: Contingency and configurational approaches». Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 23, 3, 703-727. [+]
    • Chapters
      • BELIAEVA, Tatiana, MANGEMATIN, Vincent, GUERRAZ, Agnès (2023). «Emerging artificial intelligence methods for predicting SME growth: Opportunities and challenges». In : Marina Dabić, Sascha Kraus (dir.), De Gruyter Handbook of SME Entrepreneurship. De Gruyter, 467-492. [+]
    • Presentations at Symposiums
      • Conference paper with proceedings
        • SHIROKOVA, Galina, MANOLOVA, Tatiana S., BELIAEVA, Tatiana, LASKOVAIA, Anastasiia. «When context matters: how management research on Russia contributes to management theory». AOM 2019 Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, August 2019, Boston, United States of America. [+]
        • BELIAEVA, Tatiana, MARINO, Louis, SHIROKOVA, Galina, WALES, William. «Institutional contextualization of the entrepreneurial orientation-performance relationship». AOM 2018 Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, August 2018, Chicago, United States of America. [+]
        • BELIAEVA, Tatiana, MARINO, Louis, SHIROKOVA, Galina, WALES, William. «Moving towards greater institutional contextualization: examining determinants of the entrepreneurial orientation-performance relationship across 41 countries». 38th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Babson College, June 2018, Waterford, Ireland. [+]
      • Conference paper
        • BELIAEVA, Tatiana, BEN JABEUR, Sami. «Machine learning for entrepreneurship research: Past contributions and future avenues». RENT XXXVIII – Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Conference, The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) and the European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ECSB), November 2024, Nantes, France.
        • GARKAVENKO, Mariia, BELIAEVA, Tatiana, GAUSSIER, Eric, MIRISAEE, Hamid, LAGNIER, Cédric, GUERRAZ, Agnès. «Exploring start-up valuation factors with data science methods». 6th European Alternative Finance Research Conference, Utrecht University, October 2022, Utrecht, Netherlands.
        • BELIAEVA, Tatiana, MIRISAEE, Hamid, GARKAVENKO, Mariia, LAGNIER, Cédric, GAUSSIER, Eric, GUERRAZ, Agnès. «Estimating startup valuation with AI: Evidence from green technology startups in Europe». 4th European Alternative Finance Research Conference, Utrecht University, October 2020, Utrecht, Netherlands.
        • NONNIS, Alberto, ÖZAYGEN, Altay, BOUNFOUR, Ahmed, BELIAEVA, Tatiana, KIM, Keung Oui. «Analyzing the productivity contribution of intangible assets and participation in global value chains». IC15 – The World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities, European Chair on Intellectual Capital, the University Paris-Sud and UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Information for All Program (IFAP), July 2019, Paris, France.
        • BELIAEVA, Tatiana, EDELMAN, Linda F., MANOLOVA, Tatiana S., SHIROKOVA, Galina. «SMEs’ crisis response in emerging markets: market vs non-market strategies». GSOM Emerging Markets Conference, Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University, October 2018, St. Petersburg, Russia.
        • BELIAEVA, Tatiana, EDELMAN, Linda F., MANOLOVA, Tatiana S., SHIROKOVA, Galina. «SME crisis response and performance: empirical evidence from Russia». 2018 SMS 38 Annual International Conference, Strategic Management Society, September 2018, Paris, France.
        • SHIROKOVA, Galina, BELIAEVA, Tatiana, WALES, William, MARINO, Louis. «Institutional determinants of the entrepreneurial orientation-performance relationship across 41 countries». USASBE 2018 Conference, United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, January 2018, Los Angeles, United States of America.
  • Scientific Collaborations
    • Member of research laboratories
      • Since 2023, Member of the Research group (8) Sustainable enterprises and organizations, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA1598), UCLy, France
    • Involvement in scientific groups and learned societies
      • Since 2024, ECSB (European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship)
    • Involvement in subsidised research contracts
      • Member : Capturing the value of intangible assets in micro data to promote the EU's growth and competitiveness, 822259, carried by University of Vaasa, in partnership with Aarhus University ; Université Paris-Saclay (ex Paris-Sud) ; The University of Manchester ; University of Hamburg ; University of Ljubljana
      • Member : From start - up to global innovative company: Development of sources of competitive advantage in Russian entrepreneurial firms, 19-18-00081, carried by Saint Petersburg State University
      • Member : The Antecedents of Students’ Entrepreneurial Activity: A n Institutional Approach, 14-18-01093, carried by Saint Petersburg State University
  • Editorial Activities
    • Participation in editorial committees
      • Since 2022, Editorial Review Board member, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research
  • Research Evaluation Activities
    • Evaluation of laboratories, research projects
      • 2024 : Review of a funding application for UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)
    • Reviewer of Scientific Publications
      • Since 2015, Evaluation of articles in journals (selected list) : Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility; Business Strategy and the Environment; Entrepreneurship & Regional Development; Entrepreneurship Research Journal; Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice; European Management Review; Journal of Business Research; Journal of Product Innovation Management; Journal of Small Business Management; Management and Organization Review; Review of Managerial Science; Studies in Higher Education; Technological Forecasting & Social Change
  • Research stays
    • 01/02/2016 : Visiting PhD, Netherlands
  • Diplomas
    • 2019, Docteur ès sciences (Sciences économiques et administration des affaires), Complementarity and Contextualization of Firm-Level Strategic Orientations, Université de LUT, Finlande
    • 2018, Docteur ès sciences économiques, Strategic Orientations and Performance of Russian Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises during the Economic Crisis, Université d'État de Saint-Pétersbourg, Russie
    • 2014, Master (Sciences économiques et administration des affaires), Université de LUT, Finlande
    • 2014, Master en Management, Université d'État de Saint-Pétersbourg, Russie
  • Research professional experiences
    • 2019 - 2019, Postdoctoral researcher, Université Paris-Saclay (ex Paris-Sud), France
  • Pedagogical activities and responsabilities
    • Since 2023, Assistant Professor, ESDES Lyon Business School, UCLy, France
    • Teaching
      • Since 2024, Strategy: Choices and Implementation; Research Methodology; Artificial Intelligence in Business and Entrepreneurship, ESDES, Lyon Catholic University, France
      • 2023 - 2024, International Business Operations; Doing Business Abroad; International Sales Plan; International Relations, ESDES, Lyon Catholic University, France
      • 2023 - 2024, Strategic Management, IAE de Grenoble, France
      • 2023 - 2024, Strategy, SME and Entrepreneurship, Burgundy School of Business, France
      • Since 2023, Supervision of 5 Master dissertations, ESDES, Lyon Catholic University, France
      • Since 2023, Supervision of 9 Licence dissertations, IAE de Grenoble, France
      • 2021 - 2021, Technology-driven Entrepreneurship: Evaluating Start-ups’ Readiness, KEDGE Business School, France
  • Awards and distinctions
    • 2018 - 2018, Best Empirical Paper Award, USASBE, Association for small business and entrepreneurship (USASBE), Etats-Unis
    • 2018 - 2018, Emerald and EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Award, Highly Commended, Emerald Publishing
  • Languages
    • English - Capable d'enseigner
    • French - Capable d'enseigner