Oussama Labidi

Associate Professor at UCLy

8. Sustainable Business and Organisations


Campus Lyon - Saint Paul
10 Place des archives 69002 Lyon


  • Member of Sustainable Business and Organizations research group, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanité (EA 1598) Lyon Catholic University

Further information

Research areas

Economics Financial markets Hedge funds

Teaching areas

Corporate Finance Financial markets


Teacher-researcher at ESDES and responsible for the Finance and Markets specialization. Holder of a doctorate in management science from the University of Grenoble. The doctoral thesis focused on the Performance of Hedge Funds and their implication in the choice of portfolio. The research topics are focused on Hedge funds and also on the performance of listed companies. He is a member of the CONFLUENCE: Sciences et Humanités research unit (EA1598) at UCLy.
  • Scientific Publications & Communications
    • Articles In Peer-Reviewed Journals
      • NAMMOURI, Hela, CHLIBI, Souhir, LABIDI, Oussama (2022). «Co-movements in sector price indexes during the COVID-19 crisis: Evidence from the US». Finance Research Letters, 46/A, 102295. [+]
      • KHALFAOUI, Rabeh, NAMMOURI, Hela, LABIDI, Oussama, BEN JABEUR, Sami (2021). «Is the COVID-19 vaccine effective on the US financial market?». Public Health, 198, 177-179. [+]
    • Chapters
      • FENDRI, Chamsa, LABIDI, Oussama, TRAN DIEU, Linh (2015). «Performances économiques et spécificités des PME et des grandes entreprises familiales». In : V. Chassagnon (dir.), Vers un modèle de gouvernement durable de l’entreprise capitaliste : l’unité dans la pluralité au service de la société. Lyon : ESDES Publication,  61-70.
    • Interventions In Symposiums
      • Communications in a symposium, scientific seminars
        • LABIDI, Oussama, TALFI, Mohamed (2017). «Comparaison de la performance des entreprises familiales versus non familiales : étude empirique des ETI et grandes entreprises françaises cotées sur Euronext». Colloque "Gouvernance et performance durable des entreprises familiales", ESDES-UCLy en partenariat avec la Société Générale, December 2017, Lyon, France.
        • LABIDI, Oussama (2013). «Performance of French SMEs and their characteristics». International Finance Conference (IFC), March 2013, Paris, France.
  • Scientific valorisation and dissemination of knowledge
    • Products with a Didactic and/or Practical Purpose
      • Études de cas déposées
        • LABIDI, Oussama, MOULIN, Armelle (forthcoming). «Groupe Vicat : Évaluation financière de l’action». Centrale de cas et de médias pédagogiques (CCMP).
        • LABIDI, Oussama, MOULIN, Armelle (2021). «VICAT : Comment conduire une analyse financière», F0564. Centrale de cas et de médias pédagogiques (CCMP), 1-19.
        • LABIDI, Oussama, MOULIN, Armelle (2020). «Groupe Vicat : une Analyse Stratégique pour un meilleur diagnostic financier», G2001. Centrale de cas et de médias pédagogiques (CCMP).
        • LABIDI, Oussama, MOULIN, Armelle (2019). «Serge Ferrari, société industrielle : quelles opportunités d'investissements ?», F0548. Centrale de cas et de médias pédagogiques (CCMP), 1-25.
  • Scientific Collaborations
    • Member of research laboratories
      • Since 07/01/2020, Member of Sustainable Business and Organizations research group, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanité (EA 1598), UCLy, France
    • Involvement in scientific groups and learned societies
      • Since 2015,
  • Diplomas
    • 2009, Doctorat, Sciences de Gestion, Finance, management, Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA), France
    • 2002, DEA en Gestion Financière, IAE de Grenoble, France
  • Pedagogical activities and responsabilities
    • Since 2015, Head of financial markets programm, UCLy, France
    • Teaching
      • 2020 - 2021, Corporate Finance, School of Economics and Business, Slovenia
      • 2018 - 2021, Financial analysis, ESDES, France
      • 2018 - 2021, Financial markets, ESDES, France
      • 2015 - 2019, Corporate Finance, School of Economics and Business, Slovenia
      • 2013 - 2021, Business Strategy Game, ESDES, France
      • 2010 - 2021, Produits dérivés, ESDES, France
      • 2010 - 2021, gestion de portefeuille, ESDES, France
      • 2009 - 2021, actions et obligations, ESDES, France
      • 2007 - 2010, Finance Internationale pour financiers, Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM), France
      • 2004 - 2008, Investissement et financement, IAE de Grenoble, France
  • Other Professional Experience
  • Languages
    • French - Capable d'enseigner
    • English - Capable d'enseigner