Doctor in law since 1999, holder of the Habilitation to Direct Research (Paris-Descartes University) since 2019, Marjolaine Monot-Fouletier is a Professor at the Law Faculty of the Catholic University of Lyon. She concentrates her research and teaching activities in the areas of Administrative Law, Administrative Property Law and fundamental freedoms. Her thesis on equity in French public law is published at the LGDJ ; she has published about twenty scientific articles, as well as a manual on Administrative Property Law.
Marjolaine Monot-Fouletier is also Director of the Research Center in Legal, Political and Social Sciences.
She is the Educational Director of the Legal Clinics of the Law Faculty. In the light of this, she organizes in partnership with the Administrative Court of Appeal of Lyon, the Lyon Bar, INSA and economic partners, mock trials conducted by students on prospective Law cases about new technologies. From 2019, she takes the lead in the deployment of this clinic to five partner universities as part of a European project funded by the Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships programme. Marjolaine Monot-Fouletier is also a member of the European Law Institute (ELI).