9 months
in company
54 %
of practical courses the 2nd year
Bachelor Assistant Engineer Biology-Biochemistry-Biotechnologies | Undergraduate
Full-time study
Sciences and health
A short professional training to prepare yourself for laboratory jobs, with many opportunities.
Discover our
Bachelor Assistant Engineer Biology-Biochemistry-Biotechnologies
Diploma awarded
“Assistant Ingénieur en Biologie-Biochimie-Biotechnologies”
Title certified by the State at level II (= Bac + 3 level), registered with the RNCP (National Directory of Professional Certification).
The training allows 180 ECTS.
Double degree possible
“Licence générale Sciences, technologies, santé ; mention Sciences et technologies ; parcours Biologie et Biotechnologies”
National Diploma issued by CNAM Rhône-Alpes.
Going international with ESTBB
An international stay is possible during this training:
- during one of the internships (4 months or 5 months)
- in a semester of study at a partner university (semester 6 at the end of the 3rd year)
Missions in company
The course includes at least 9 months in business:
- Year 1: 1 month intership in laboratory optional
- Year 2: 4 months internship in a laboratory
- Year 3: 5 months internship in a laboratory or 7 months in a company (work-study program)
These two courses each have a fairly long duration, which allows you:
- to be entrusted with a real project (no observation internship)
- to go abroad for those who wish: almost 50% of BACHELOR students choose to do at least one internship abroad
Work-study program
Year 3 can be followed on a work-study program, the choice is made during the 2nd year.
Why integrate the Bachelor Assistant Engineer in Biology-Biochemistry-Biotechnologies?
Long internships, to be entrusted with real projects
15 teaching laboratories, with high-tech equipment
Small class, personalized follow-up, good professional integration right out
Discover the
Semester 1
Year 1 is devoted to the establishment of the scientific base and methodological tools for successful studies in higher education.
- Cell Biology
- Physiology-reproduction
- Genomics
- Biology of organisms
- Chemistry: structure of matter
- Analytical Chemistry 1
- Metrology, optics and mathematical tools
- Data processing and analysis
Semester 2
- Protein synthesis
- Heredity
- Genetic engineering 1
- Immunology – bacteriology
- Organic chemistry
- Analytical Chemistry 1 – biochemistry
- Thermodynamic
- Biostatistics – computer science 1
- Optional: internship in a lab
Semester 3
Year 2 is devoted to the acquisition of the profession in the laboratory, with 54% of TP in the year.
- Immunology for diagnostics
- Bacteriology 1
- Bacteriology 2 and antibiograms
- Structural biochemistry
- Enzymology
- Technologies in biochemistry
- Biostatistics 2
- Personal development
Semester 4
- Genetic engineering 2
- Cell culture 1 and Histology
- Metabolic biochemistry
- Computer Science 2
- Introduction to scientific research (project)
• English - Professional project
- Placement/internship in a laboratory (4 months)
It is possible to carry out this internship in an international partner laboratory.
Semester 5
- Developmental biology and applied immunology
- Cell culture 2
- Scientific written communication
- Introduction to business
- Bioinformatic
- Introduction to business: corporate knowledge
- Introduction to entrepreneurship
- English language
- Personal development
Semester 6
- Virology – cancer biology – genetic engineering 3
- Biology of the skin
- Bioinformatic
- Biotechnologies
- Bioprocesses
- Placement/internship in a laboratory
- Professional project
- Placement/internship in a laboratory (5 months)
It is possible to follow this semester in an international partner university.