digital transformation


angles of study to choose amongst: IP, privacy, internet contracts, AI, cybercrime/cybersecurity and regulation of the Internet


students maximum per class

Online LL.M. Digital Law and Technology (University Diploma)

Full-time study


Law diploma open to post-graduate students, exclusively taught in English, online, full-time or part-time study possible.

The LL.M. Digital Law and Technology is designed to give students a deep understanding of the legal issues and challenges brought by the digital transformation of our economy and the regulation of the innovations it implies. They will study four key topics to be chosen among the following courses: data protection and privacy, intellectual property protection, contract law applied to the digital economy, ethics and regulation of artificial intelligence, cybercrime and cybersecurity and the regulation of the Internet.

Entirely taught online and in English, this diploma can be studied full time as part of students’ legal education or ‘à la carte’ for professionals wishing to develop their expertise.

Our Health Department is available to help students with all aspects of their physical and mental health and with their learning. https://www.ucly.fr/en/student-life/health-division/

Overall presentation
Online LL.M. Digital Law and Technology


Digital technology has permeated all aspects of our economy and created legal challenges and opportunities along the way. Traditional legal topics such as intellectual property and contract law have had to adapt to these new types of products and these new relationships with new actors. Technological innovations also call for regulation, seeking to protect our fundamental values while not stifling progress and the economic benefits of such innovations.

The LLM Digital law and technology proposes a post graduate university program that will provide the knowledge required by lawyers to participate in the digital economy. This is a growing area of practice, and the skills required are sought after both in private practice and in the industry.

The LLM will explore the impact of the digital transformation of our economy. Student will choose four angles of study among the following six subjects: intellectual property, contract law, data protection and privacy law, regulation of artificial intelligence, cybercrime and cybersecurity and the regulation of the internet and its actors.

Students will gain a deep understanding of the core issues pertaining to these topics through a combination of recorded lectures, group discussions on a moderated online forum, personal reading and group exercises coupled with an assessment regime tailored to online learning.

Students will develop useful skills in legal research, reasoning, legal drafting and contract negotiation. These skills are highly sought after by employers.


Full-time students will study four topics per semester over the course of 10 months and will be required to write a dissertation on a topic of their choosing (approved by their tutor).

The program is taught entirely remotely and mostly asynchronously, allowing students to pursue a professional activity in parallel.

Students will be granted access to our dedicated online teaching platform as well as an online library to pursue their research. Teaching material is released on our platform at regular intervals in accordance with our time table. Regular online assessments are organized twice a semester per course and can be completed remotely.

Students will need computer access as well as a good internet connection to access teaching material and participate in the program.

It is also possible to study part time either over a two-year period and/or by differing the completion of the dissertation to the next semester or the following academic year.

Students who choose the part time formula will need to indicate the subjects they wish to study (between one and three subjects per semester) at the time of applying. The dissertation can only be started once the student has started studying all four modules.


Choose four modules among the six modules proposed. Please note however that you cannot mix and match the courses between the semesters and the modules. Accordingly, for example, if you choose module 1, you will study GDPR in the first semester and e-privacy in the second semester.

  • Module 1: GDPR (Semester 1) and E-privacy (Semester 2)
  • Module 2: Introduction to IP (Semester 1) and IP applied to Digital (Semester 2)
  • Module 3: Digital contracts 1 (Semester 1) and Digital contracts 2 (Semester 2)
  • Module 4: Ethics of AI (Semester 1) and the regulation of AI (Semester 2)
  • Module 5: Cybercrime (Semester 1) and Cybersecurity (Semester 2)
  • Module 6: Regulation of the Internet: content regulation (Semester 1) and Regulation of platforms (Semester 2)

Please note that the opening of the modules’ classes will be dependent upon a sufficient number of students registering for those classes. We reserve the right to withdraw those classes once the application process has completed.


Students may choose to follow the LLM part time. The LLM can be completed over a maximum of 36 months. In that period students will need to have followed and validated all four modules and the compulsory dissertation.

You can organize your studying as you see fit: you choose the number of modules you follow each year (between 1 and 3 modules). The dissertation module can only be followed in the last year of your study.

  • This LLM program is open to all students that already have an undergraduate law degree or other degree with a dominant legal content or an equivalent international qualification.
  • Exceptionally, we may consider applicants where a comparable academic level has been achieved through other graduate studies and where work or experience has made them a suitable candidate for the LLM. International students are very much welcome on the course.
  • The Admission Committee will review your credentials and relevant professional experience on a case-by-case basis.
  • English language requirements:

– International students should have the appropriate level of English proficiency.

– Students should have a minimum IELTS Score of 6.5, a minimum TOEFL IBT score of 90 or CAE score of 58. The Admission Committee may consider any experience establishing the command of the English Language.

– If you have studied in English previously, we will be able to take this into account to assess your level in English and a language certificate may not be necessary.

– You do not need to speak French to study on this diploma as all classes are taught in English! There are no particular requirements regarding French language.

• There is only one intake every university year starting in September.

• The admission process opens in April and concludes in July every year. Please refer to the application page for further detail.


Applications for the online LLM will open on 2nd April 2025 and will close at the latest on 14th July 2025. Application should be made exclusively via our online portal below. Click on APPLY HERE to start the process.

Your completed application will be reviewed by the Admissions Committee which shall endeavor to review it within four weeks of submission. A formal decision will be sent to you by the Faculty or Department.


Should you encounter any technical difficulty in the application process, please contact us at: llmdigital@univ-catholyon.fr.

Documents for application
In order to complete the application process, you will need to submit the following documents:
• A cover letter in English, the applicant shall explain the reasons why he/she wishes to join the diploma and what he/she expects to gain in these studies.
• A Curriculum-Vitae in English,
• A copy of your diplomas and transcripts (and an English translation if necessary),
• A copy of your passport
• A copy of the English language certificate where applicable (if you are not a native speaker),
• One letter of reference in English (academic or professional reference as the case may be), and any other document you might find relevant.

Complete applications require the submission of ALL the documents listed above and the payment of the application fee. If there is a document missing or if the fees are not paid this may delay the review of your application.

We will make offer of places on an on-going basis until all places have been filled. We recommend that you apply as early as possible to secure a place. The application process will close on 14th July 2025. Applications may close early if all places have been allocated before then.

Application from students with special needs is welcome, they will be directed to our health team to discuss and implement any adjustment required.

Tuition fee

There are no scholarships, financial aid, or tuition waivers available for this program.

Home/European Economic Area Students: 6500 EUR
Non-European Economic Area Students: 6500 EUR

These amounts correspond to:
– 1,500 EUR per module
– 500 EUR dissertation fee

The program is designed for students who have a strong interest in digital and information technology and who are aiming to work in that sector for either companies, law-firms or public institutions.

Students aiming to work in private practice or as in-house lawyers would benefit from this program. This LL.M. is designed to meet the need of companies which provide and/or use digital services or products in all sectors of the economy.

Please note that the LL.M. is a post graduate University Diploma and not a French Master’s Degree, as such it is not a qualifying diploma for the purpose of sitting the French Bar exam. Foreign students should check their local regulations for recognition of the diploma in their jurisdiction if the diploma is to be used to access a regulated profession.

Cohort of 2023-2024:

Number of nationalities: 21
Full-time students: 16
Part-time students: 5
Rate of completion: 95%
Drop-out rate: 5%
Rate of successful completion: 90%

Pascale VOGEL

LL.M. program director

Law School, Lyon Catholic University
10, place des Archives 69288 Lyon Cedex 2


Gain in expertise and knowledge on digital law

Develop competences highly in demand in the technology sector

Full time or a la carte diploma

Discover the

LL.M. courses

Semester 1

If you choose to study full-time you will study each semester four topics to be chosen  among the six courses proposed:

Semester 2

  • Intellectual property law applied to the digital world
    Learn More
  • Private life and the digitalisation of the economy
    Learn more
  • Contract law applied to digital contracts: cloud, Saas, opensource licensing, maintenance
    Learn more
  • Regulation of artificial intelligence: legal framework, protection, responsibility
    Learn more
  • Cybersecurity
    Learn more
  • Regulation of platforms
    Learn more

Dissertation of 15000 words to be completed by the end of the second semester. It is also possible to delay the completion of
the dissertation until the following semester or the following year.

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