The Lyon Catholic University is a member of:
The Université de Lyon, University and Institutional Community (COMUE)
As an associate member, it participates in the governance bodies of COMUE and thus influences, with other higher education establishments of Lyon, the Université de Lyon and its policies.
UDESCA, the Union of Catholic Higher Education Establishments.
UDESCA brings together the 5 Catholic universities of France: Angers, Lille, Lyon, Paris, and Toulouse.
The Federation of European Catholic Universities (FUCE)
The FUCE participates in the reflection on and the development of the European scheme of higher education; it also organizes international meetings, and runs an academic network of student exchanges between its different members. The headquarters of the FUCE are located on UCLy's saint paul campus.
IFCU (International Federation of Catholic Universities)
Campus France (Agency for the Promotion of French Higher Education Worldwide)
The French Agency for the promotion of higher education,international student services, and international mobility.
AUF (Francophone University Agency)
An agency acting for a more committed and solidary Francophonie, by developping projects gathering higher educational establishments and research institutions