Béatrice de Montéra
Associate Professor at UCLy
5. Integral Human Development, Ecology and Ethicsbdemontera@univ-catholyon.fr
Campus Lyon - Carnot
23 Place Carnot 69002 Lyon
23 Place Carnot 69002 Lyon
- Member of the research team Integral Development, Ecology, Ethics, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA 1598) Lyon Catholic University
Further information
- CNU section: 72. Epistemology, history of science and technology (n° 24272241707)
- ORCID: 0000-0002-3579-4870
- URL: Béatrice de Montéra on ResearchGate
Research areas
Molecular Biology, Epigenetics Philosophy of Biology Ethics of Science and TechnologyTeaching areas
Molecular Biology, Epigenetics Philosophy of Biology Ethics of Science and TechnologyPresentation
Béatrice de Montera has a double academic background in Biology and Ethics. For more than 15 years, she has been working at the interface of Biology (Natural Sciences, Molecular Biology, Epigenetics), Philosophy (Epistemology, Philosophy of Biology) and Ethics (Medical Ethics, Ethics of Research, Ethics of Biotechnologies).
She has a double acdemic background with a first PhD in Philosophy and Ethics with Pr. Anne Fagot-Largeault (Collège de France) in order to identify the ethical status of clones and a second PhD in Genomics at the French National Research Agency (INRA) to define clones from a biological point of view. Two post-doctoral experiences in Epigenetics and Ethics of Biotechnology at Laval University (Canada) have completed her multidisciplinary work. Since 2013, she has been recruited as an Associate Professor in Lyon Catholic University (UCLy) in two fields: Biological Sciences and Ethics of Science and Technology. She is currently Head of the ethical platform SOCA of the MetaGenoPolis project (French National Research Agency & Future Investments, 2012-2020 and 2020-2024) with industrial partners, where she organizes multidisciplinary seminars and leads a qualitative research study on the ethical aspects of research on human microbiota. She has been the Team coordinator of the Group of Epistemology and Ethics of Science and Technology (GEEST) for 2 years and she is the coordinator of the Degree of Ethics of Science and Technology (DUEST) since 2019. She has been involved as an ethics expert in the European EDCTP project REECAO to reinforce ethical committees in West Africa (2017-2020). She has been an ethical expert for the European Commission since 2015. She has been member and then project manager in the Ethcis Platform RESETIS of the University of Lyon (2015-2020).
She has a double acdemic background with a first PhD in Philosophy and Ethics with Pr. Anne Fagot-Largeault (Collège de France) in order to identify the ethical status of clones and a second PhD in Genomics at the French National Research Agency (INRA) to define clones from a biological point of view. Two post-doctoral experiences in Epigenetics and Ethics of Biotechnology at Laval University (Canada) have completed her multidisciplinary work. Since 2013, she has been recruited as an Associate Professor in Lyon Catholic University (UCLy) in two fields: Biological Sciences and Ethics of Science and Technology. She is currently Head of the ethical platform SOCA of the MetaGenoPolis project (French National Research Agency & Future Investments, 2012-2020 and 2020-2024) with industrial partners, where she organizes multidisciplinary seminars and leads a qualitative research study on the ethical aspects of research on human microbiota. She has been the Team coordinator of the Group of Epistemology and Ethics of Science and Technology (GEEST) for 2 years and she is the coordinator of the Degree of Ethics of Science and Technology (DUEST) since 2019. She has been involved as an ethics expert in the European EDCTP project REECAO to reinforce ethical committees in West Africa (2017-2020). She has been an ethical expert for the European Commission since 2015. She has been member and then project manager in the Ethcis Platform RESETIS of the University of Lyon (2015-2020).
Scientific Publications & Communications
Articles In Peer-Reviewed Journals
- DE MONTÉRA, Béatrice (2022). «Individuation et émergence : la venue à la vie des clones». De la naissance, Théophilyon, XXVII, 2, 279-299.
- EXBRAYAT, Jean-Marie, BRUN, Claire, DE MONTERA, Béatrice, MOUDILOU, Elara N., RAQUET, Michel (2019). «Amphibians as models for the study of cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis throughout embryonic development and oviduct cycles». Journal of Molecular Histology & Medical Physiology, 4, 1, 1000125. [+]
- DE MONTERA, Béatrice (2017). «Pre-Political Topology Emerging from Biotechnology’s Secretions». SubStance, 46, 142, 124-139. [+]
- SHOJAEI SAADI, H, DE MONTERA, Béatrice, VIGNEAULT, Christian, SARGOLZAEI, Mehdi, GAGNÉ, Dominic, FOURNIER, Eric, CHESNAIS, Jacques, BLONDIN, Patrick, ROBERT, Claude (2014). «Impact of whole-genome amplification on the reliability of pre-transfer cattle embryo breeding value estimates». BMC Genomics, 15, 1, 889.
- DE MONTERA, Béatrice (2013). «L’hérédité épigénétique : un changement de paradigme ?», Partie 1 et 2. Dossier Bergson ou la science, Implications Philosophiques, 27-44. [+]
- DE MONTERA, Béatrice, MAGNIN, Thierry (2020). «Vulnérabilité et responsabilité au temps de l’homme augmenté». In : Talitha COOREMAN-GUITTIN,Marie-Jo THIEL (dir.), La Vulnérabilité au prisme de la technologie. Strasbourg : Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg, 39-56.
- GRÉGOIRE-DELORY, Vincent, DE MONTERA, Béatrice, MAGNIN, Thierry (2014). «Des machines vivantes en biologie de synthèse». In : Magnin Thierry, Monsan Pierre (dir.), L'éthique des technologies du vivant. Paris : Co-édition, Ed. Vrin -IIEE, 57-82.
Contributions In Conference Proceedings
- GAGNON, Philippe, GUILLERMIN, Mathieu, VIDAL, Juan R., GEORGEON, Olivier, DE MONTERA, Béatrice (2020). «Acquisition of Autonomy in Biotechnology and Artificial intelligence». In : IDREC (dir.), Proceedings of the 11th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2020. International Institute for Informatics and Systemics (IIIS), 2, 2, 168-172. [+]
Book report And Rewiews
- DE MONTÉRA, Béatrice (2022). Epigénétique et individuation. Analyse épistémologique et transdisciplinaire de l'identité biologique individuelle à partir du modèle clone, Thèse de doctorat en philosophie. Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris I : HAL Thèses, 222 p. [+]
- Interventions In Symposiums
Keynote speaker
- DE MONTERA, Béatrice (2018). «Symbiosis: an interdisciplinary concept with ethical and clinical prospects». 3rd International Conference on Clinical Metagenomics, ICCMg, October 2018, Genève, Switzerland [By invitation].
Communications in a symposium, scientific seminars
- D’HOMBRES, Emmanuel, DE MONTÉRA, Béatrice (2024). «The living : being together without being a whole». Colloque international In relation to Life: Biological Relationality in Contemporary Science, Theory, and Politics, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, October 2024, Paris, France.
- BRUN, Claire, DE MONTERA, Béatrice (2024). «La plasticité phénotypique, un mode de flexibilité adaptatif ?». Colloque international : « Flexibilité, résilience, quelles normes, quelles limites ? Approche interdisciplinaire » UCLy, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités, June 2024, Lyon, France. [+]
- DE MONTÉRA, Béatrice (2023). «Heuristics of Symbiosis relationship in Microbiology and Philosophy of Biology». Colloque Symbioses, perspectives transdisciplinaires, UCLy et MetaGenoPolis, June 2023, Lyon, France. [+]
- DE MONTERA, Béatrice, ALLOUCHE, Sylvie, RAQUET, Michel, VIDAL, Juan R., BRUN, Claire (2021). «L'éthique en co-construction. Plateforme SOCA». Séminaire pluridisciplinaire de SOCA-MetaGenoPolis, UCLy, January 2021, Lyon, France [By invitation].
- DE MONTERA, Béatrice (2021). «Ethique et symbiose au temps du covid: considérer les vulnérables entre prudence et solidarité adaptatives». Journée d'études "COVID et vulnérabilités", UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités, UCLy, January 2021, Lyon, France. [+]
- DE MONTERA, Béatrice (2019). «Quand peut-on parler de microbiote normal et microbiote pathologique ?». Séminaire pluridisciplinaire du Projet ANR MetaGenoPolis, Unité MGP, INRA, January 2019, Jouy-en-Josas, France.
Autres interventions dans un colloque
- DE MONTERA, Béatrice (2017). Méthodologie et résultats de la plateforme SOCA (Ethique et acceptabilité sociale). Séminaire pluridisciplinaire du Projet ANR MetaGenoPolis (MGP), INRAE, October 2017, Jouy-en-Josas, France.
Articles In Peer-Reviewed Journals
Scientific valorisation and dissemination of knowledge
Products with a Didactic and/or Practical Purpose
Conferences and educational or professional interventions
- DE MONTERA, Béatrice (2017). «L'épigénétique est-elle une nouvelle discipline ?». Audition en vue du rapport d'office parlementaire n°33 de A. Claeys, J.-S. Vialatte, B. Sido, "Les enjeux et les perspectives de l'épigénétique dans le domaine de la santé, Rapport de l'Office Parlementaire d'Evaluation des Choix Scientifiques et Technologiques", OPECST, Office parlementaire d'évaluation des choix scientifiques et technologiques, January 2017, Paris, France [By invitation].
Conferences and educational or professional interventions
Popular Science
- RAQUET, Michel, ALLOUCHE, Sylvie, BRUN, Claire, DE MONTERA, Béatrice, EXBRAYAT, Jean-Marie, GUILLERMIN, Mathieu (2017). «Science et philosophie, deux disciplines qui vont si bien ensemble». L’Essentiel. Revue annuelle de l’UCLy, 4, 17-21. [+]
Products with a Didactic and/or Practical Purpose
Scientific Collaborations
Member of research laboratories
- Since 02/02/2021, Member of the research team Integral Development, Ecology, Ethics, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA 1598), UCLy, France
- 2020 - 2021, Member of Biosciences, technologies, ethics research team, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA 1598), Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2019 - 2019, Head of the Epistemology and Ethics of Science and Technology Group (GEEST), Lyon Catholic University, France
Involvement in subsidised research contracts
- Project coordinator : 01/03/2012 - 31/01/2025, Ethical and Social Acceptability Platform (SOCA) of the MetaGenoPolis Project, ANR -11-DPBS-0001
- Member : 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2023, Artificial constructivist agents that learn ETHICS in humAn-Involved co-construction, ETHICS.ai
- Member : 01/04/2017 - 31/03/2020, REECAO - Renforcement de l’Ethique des essais Cliniques en Afrique de l’Ouest , EDCTP-Ethics2015-880
Involvement in collective research projects
- Since 2023, Responsable du Groupe de travail Sciences participatives du Projet Le French gut, Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE), France
Member of research laboratories
Research Evaluation Activities
Participation in selection committees and academic bodies
- 2017 : Rapporteur for the jury of the Danone Prize for Research in Food Science
Reviewer of Scientific Publications
- Since 2023, Review de livres pour Les Editions de l'université de Strasbourg, Université de Strasbourg, France
- Since 2017, Reviewer, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences
Participation in selection committees and academic bodies
Organisation Of Symposiums
- Since 2024-11-21, International Conference SYMBIOSES2, trandisciplinary prospects, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2023 : Coordinatrice du colloque international SYMBIOSES, perspectives transdiciplinaires, INRAE, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2023 : Alimentation et Ethique, Lyon Catholic University, France
- 2021 : Symbiose et Evolution, Lyon Catholic University, France
- Since 2020, Coordination et animation du séminaire binannuel d'éthique SOCA, Projet MetaGenoPolis, Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE), France
Scientific valorisation and dissemination of knowledge
Consulting activities
- Since 2019, Ethical business consultancy, Nahibu, France
Participation in expert bodies or committees, juries
- Since 2017-03-01, Ethics expert and trainer in the European EDCT2 REECAO project [Strengthening Ethics Committees in West Africa], €300,000 project of which €50,000 for UCLy as partner, Lyon Catholic University, France
- Since 2016, Expert ethics evaluator, European Commission, Belgium
- Since 2013, référente locale du comité d'éthique du projet MetaGenoPolis, Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE), France
Consulting activities
- 2022, Doctorat (PhD) en Philosophie et Ethique des sciences. Thèse disponible en ligne : https://theses.hal.science/tel-04127138/document, Epigénétique et individuation. Analyse épistémologique et transdisciplinaire de l'identité biologique avec le modèle clone., Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris 1, France
- 2009, Doctorat (PhD) en Biologie moléculaire et Génomique, Etude moléculaire des variations génétiques et épigénétiques de bovins clonés, Université Paris-Saclay (ex Paris-Sud), France
- 1998, DEA d'Histoire et Philosophie des sciences, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris 1, France
Research professional experiences
- 2016 - 2022, Doctorate Fellow, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris 1, France
- 2014 - 2014, Engineer, Institut Cochin, France
- 2012 - 2012, Post-doctoral Degree in Epigenetics and Developmental Biology, Université Laval, Canada
- 2011 - 2011, Post-doctoral Degree in Ethics of Biotechnologies, Université Laval, Canada
- 2007 - 2009, Engineer, Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE), France
Pedagogical activities and responsabilities
- Since 2020, Pedagogical Director, Faculté de Philosophie, UCLy, France
- Since 2018, Project Manager in Ethics, Université de Lyon (UDL), France
Awards and distinctions
- 2009, Finaliste concours de la meilleure thèse de l'Association française de zootechnie, Association française de zootechnie, France
- 2003 - 2006, Bourse de thèse du Ministère de la recherche, Université Paris-Saclay (ex Paris-Sud), France
- English - Capable d'enseigner
- Spanish - Capable d'enseigner
- Portuguese - Capable d'enseigner