Louis-Marie Chauvet - Eschatological dimension of the Christian Mystery
The proposed study takes liturgy as a mystery, a term of which the semantic field is close to that of eschatology. More precisely, it shows the liturgical mystery in the light of what is quoted here as the escha function. Construed and experienced under the sign of the latter, liturgy is affected in both its form and its theological and spiritual content. Here, the memory category finds a central position, in both its future and past dimension. It even becomes a master category for liturgy as a whole. The eschatological today of the latter should unfold, from the pastoral point of view, towards both another way of understanding the call for Sunday meeting and also towards an ethical direction where urgency and patience are united.
Philippe Rouillard - Present status of the liturgical reform 50 years after Vatican II
The article shows what the liturgy situation is, in France particularly, 50 years after the reform as it was wanted and built up by Vatican II. Progress is appreciable, with the use of modern language for the whole of the celebration, a richer liturgy of the Word thought not always received, new Eucharistic prayers, a broad access to communion and possibility of concelebrating mass. Creation of a baptism ritual dedicated to children and resumption of adult baptism during Easter night are appreciated. Wedding and burial rituals have been improved, but moral evolution, with the use of pacs - Civil Solidarity Covenant - and cremation, raises questions that Vatican II could not think of. After rite amendments, liturgical reform is today facing, on the one hand the decrease in the number of priests, and on the other hand, requests of a theological order such as the celebration of God as Creator of the universe, or God as Saviour of man as a sinner.
Christophe Boureux - Liturgy as a way to inhabit space and time
Christian liturgical practice, as it was developed and theorized in Catholicism, is a true avowal of faith as it shapes existence in the fundamental dimensions that are space and time. After having brought to light the anthropology of residing in a building as a way to structuring and gathering people, the purpose is to show how ecclesiastical liturgical experience manages its relation to space, in a dynamic and functional way with the aim of communion. Liturgical time submits cyclical and linear time to a history which refers the Faithful to the Kairotical - opportune - time of the responsibility of his existence when facing God.
Jérôme de Gramont - An experience of the fourth type: Liturgy
We are in the world, and it is apt to say that any human experience, including the liturgical one must be contained within the logic of us being in the world. The Heidegerian philosophy offers here precious analysis from three experiences that are the tool, the work of art, and the thing. But, liturgy as a meeting between Man and God does not only subscribe to this initial logic, as, in one way it subverts it. At least thus is the forceful thesis upheld by Jean Yves Lacoste. This thesis will have to be put to the test by confronting liturgy experience with the three objects previously described. One of the lessons that must be drawn is that man does not only live among things but also amid signs. And the word that will have to be pronounced to explain towards what liturgy points is that of salvation.
Mariette Canévet - Saint Augustin : le christianisme et les cultures
Marie-Louise Gondal - Une mémoire au travail - L'association Henri Bourgeois
Isabelle Chareire - Note sur le paradoxe chrétien du rapport au temps
Isabelle Renaud-Chamska - Le cadre architectural de la liturgie
Jean-François Chiron - D'une conversion à l'autre ? Thérèse de Lisieux entre Noël et Pâques