XIX-2 - Difficile éducation (2014)

Revue des Facultés de Théologie et de Philosophie


Guy Avanzini - Don Bosco

At a time when we are celebrating the bicentenary of Don Bosco's birth, doubtless that rediscovering or even discovering the original character of his pedagogical thought is particularly welcome. Its pertinent actuality should, in the same way, be highlighted. After having asked ourselves about the reasons why it is too often the subject of ignorance or negligence, we shall call forth the preventive system of which he advocates adopting. Then, despite the objections that this could raise, we shall firmly underline, at a time considered as critical, the fecundity of the perspectives it opens on the future.

Yan Plantier - Education and adhesion. Philosophical Perspectives

In the case of serious family problems, two educative protection modalities are possible with under age individuals. One is administrative (Educative Assistance at Home), the other is judiciary (Educative Assistance in Open Medium). Now, as from the act of parliament of March 5th 2007, the Chairman of the General Council has been made the head of child protection. Thus, the judiciary decision becomes a subsidiary decision, the setting up of which is conditioned by the inefficient character of the administrative decision. In this framework it is the collaboration or non adhesion of families and no longer the dangerousness of the situation which becomes the prime criteria in the choice of the assistance disposition that is to be set up. It is therefore highly important for the professional to understand this notion of adhesion in a comprehensive way.

Giuseppe Mari - Education, reliance, faith

In the first place, the paper underlines that education has specific characteristics. Foremost it is an asymmetrical relation. Another characteristic of the educative relation consists in representing oneself from an affective point of view like a love feast. The educative relation asymmetry together with its affective connotation shows the complexity of the educative action as prospective and intentional dynamics. Educating never means backing up what is in existence as if it were self sufficient dynamics, but rather focusing towards the person involved in order to express one's own singularity. This trend implies a substantial reliance on the human being and, at the same time, an act of faith because the intentional dimension always implies belief.

Pierre Gire - Teaching, Educating, Proposing some meaning.  The act educating and proposal of meaning

In the pedagogical relation, the paper insists on inseparability between teaching and educating. This inseparability (which implies distinction) makes possible an authentic humanisation activity of the subject. Today the question of meaning is more essential than ever. Including all teaching and education activities it sublimates itself when questioning existence itself which it opens up to hope.

Hubert Faes - Hannah Arendt : The statute of education in the human condition

The paper endeavours to highlight the global understanding that Arendt proposes regarding the problem of education in the human condition. Then he scrutinizes the crisis affecting education in the modern world. The task of education is to ensure that the world is durable while, at the same time, renewing it. This needs education to succeed in inventing a new model for authority which would be specific to it as it may no more rely on the authority of aglobal tradition within society.

Daniel Moullnet - University throughout the ages

An historical review highlights the fundamental components of university institution. The corporative constitution between tutors and students, a liking for the multidisciplinary and freedom of research are inherited from the Middle Ages. The tutor appears more as a guide than a provider of magisterial knowledge. Created in modern times, professional teaching institutions came closer touniversity only recently. In France, the old regime university which was destroyed by the Revolution was rebuilt on a low scale by Napoleon. It recovers on the German model at the end of the 19th century before exploding its borders during the sixties. In catholic universities the 1970's crisis pushed them to develop their specialities while, at the same time, setting up close connections with the whole of the University institution.