EFMD re-accreditation for 5 years

After its Master in Management first received EFMD accreditation in 2019, ESDES announces its re-accreditation for the maximum 5-year period.

According to the auditors, the key strengths of the ESDES Master in Management are the quality of personal support it offers to students and the program’s commitment to CSR. These assets are in complement to the program fulfilling all the criteria for international excellence required by the certification.

This accomplishment is the fruit of in-depth work and continual improvements at ESDES aimed at boosting the quality of its offering. This has been achieved primarily thanks to the annual progress reports demanded by EFMD, which have encouraged the school to diversify its portfolio of international partners, accelerate structuring work, develop its international marketing and promotion strategy, and transform the system used to evaluate students’ knowledge and skills (through ILOs — Intended Learning Outcomes). By renewing its trust in ESDES,  EFMD is acknowledging the excellence of the school’s education as well as its ability to improve quality and adapt to a constantly changing world.

‘The maximum 5-year time period reflects the deep commitment of ESDES’s stakeholders. The renewal of this accreditation highlights the quality of our program, teaching staff, students, alumni, and economic and academic partners, which has been constructed day by day over the years. We can be very proud of our School.

Olivier Maillard – Dean of ESDES Business School.

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