Are you facing difficulties?
A social worker is available to listen to you, analyze your situation and help you solve your difficulties.
Areas of intervention

Decrease in resources, financial management difficulties, unforeseen expenses, unpaid bills, administrative delays, wage garnishment, overindebtedness..

Sick leave, care procedures, handicap, disability, addictive behaviors, death…

Housing application, emergency accommodation, Action Logement, rental eviction, dispute with the landlord, home ownership…
Birth, marriage, PACS, separation, divorce, conjugal or intra-family violence, conflict, children, studies and training, isolation…
Occupational injury, occupational disease, job retention, unfitness for work, Psycho-Social Risks (PSR), stress at work, breach of contract, training…
Family law, CAF law, Social Security law, labor law, foreigners law, Pôle Emploi law, taxation…
So many situations that you may encounter that can affect you and compromise the success of your studies.
How to make an appointment with the social worker?
If you need to contact the social worker, please send an email to indicating your faculty, school or institute, your field of study, the reason for your request and your telephone number.
Upon receipt of your message, she will contact you to schedule a phone appointment.