Student Life and Campus Contribution (CVEC)

Caution: Exchange students are not concerned by the CVEC

CVEC: a mandatory national approach

The Law on Student Orientation and Success enacted on March 8, 2018 introduced a Student life and Campus Contribution (CVEC) of 103€ for the 2024-2025 academic year, intended to improve the living conditions of students on campus.

Each student in a higher education institution must pay this contribution each year before registering and must provide a certificate to the secretariat of his or her institute, faculty or school upon final registration.

The payment of the CVEC is done online via the following link:

Possible exemptions under certain conditions

The following 4 categories of students can ask to be exempted from the CVEC:

  • Scholarship holders (only for scholarships based on social criteria managed by the CROUS, or scholarships paid by the regions) or beneficiaries of an annual allowance granted as part of specific annual aid,
  • Students with refugee status,
  • Students benefiting from subsidiary protection,
  • Students registered as asylum seekers and who have the right to stay in France.

Students who are exempt from the CVEC must present a certificate of exemption when they register, which can be downloaded from the website:

Principles of the CVEC

This contribution is intended to encourage the implementation of new actions for students in the following areas

  • Overall health: facilitating access to health care on campus and renewing the prevention policy, continuing the development of university health services, deploying the student health relay system (ERS), strengthening the action of university health services in the area of sexual health (contraception, STI screening, etc.)
  • Social support: strengthen the teams of social workers in institutions and social support for students, finance student projects and associations.
  • Development of sports activities: promote and facilitate access, throughout the year, to a variety of sports activities and events.
  • Artistic and cultural life on campus: provide access to concerts, exhibitions, cultural events and artistic workshops throughout the year.
  • Student welcome: to facilitate the discovery of the university environment, campus life, and the extra-academic environment (heritage, local culture, sports, etc.)


Sophie JAMIN
Référente CVEC UCLy - Responsable Administration Vie Universitaire.

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