Research support team

Its mission is to promote the research activities of the Confluence: Sciences and Humanities Research Center (EA 1598), and to report to the Research Vice-Rectorate, which is responsible for coordinating all research-related issues at UCLy.

The Research Center has a team of 8 people who offer a number of services to support the research and all its affiliated, fellow and temporary members.

  • A contact person on scientific integrity, which is now one of the essential requirements for quality research and contributes to the establishment of shared ethical principles at UCLy.
  • Support with European projects with monitoring of European programmes and help with the management and implementation of projects from the funding application to project closure
  • Administrative and financial monitoring of the projects and the RU
  • Logistical support with organising scientific events
  • The development of a scientific and technical information service providing researchers with support around open science, promoting publications and data and access to scientific information
  • Communication channels, both internal (newsletter, information sharing group) and external (university website, blog and social media) to promote research
  • A biosciences platform, classed as a biosafety level 2 laboratory and enabling researchers in molecular biology, histology and virology among others to carry out their experiments in an appropriate environment with appropriate equipment.

Director of the Research Center

Professor Valérie AUBOURG :

  • Vice-Rector for Research at UCLy
  • Professor in anthropology
Portrait de Valérie AUBOURG

Deputy Director of the Research Center

Professor François LESTANG :

  • Director of the Doctoral College
  • Professor in theology

The support team

Virginie CARTIER

Scientific Coordinator


Administrative and financial manager

Lorraine GUITTON

Executive Assistant


Executive Assistant - Doctoral College


Scientific Delegate

Christophe PONS

Director of European Projects


Scientific and Technical Information Officer
Open Science

Anne-Sophie ANCEL

Officer in charge of research dissemination


Communication officer


Publishing Coordinator
Journal and collection


Publishing Officer
Journal and collection

Contact and Situation

Vice Rectorat à la Recherche
Accueil Lu,Ma,Je 8h-16h30 et Ve 8h-12h

04 26 84 49 43

The Vice Rectorate Research and the Research Center are located in the South wing of the "Rotonde", on the 2nd floor, Campus SAINT PAUL, 10 Place des Archives - 69002 LYON

About the Research Center

Governance and organisation

The Research Center brings together all of UCLy’s integrated teacher-researchers, doctoral students and specific administrative staff. Library staff participate.