BLEYZAC, P., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., FELLAH, J. S., 2005.- Emergence du système immunitaire adaptatif./anticipant (SIA) : les hypothèses en présence. Médecine et Sciences, 21 : 209-214.
BLEYZAC, P., CORDIER, G., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2005.- A morphological description of embryonic development of immune organs in Typhlonectes compressicauda (Amphibia, Gymnophiona). J. Herp. 39 (1): 57-65.
EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2005.- Reproduction and development of Typhlonectes compressicauda as a contribution to the knowledge of the biology of caecilians, the least known amphibian order. Recent Research Development in Life Scences, 3: 215-239.
ESTABEL, J., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2005.- AMPA receptors localization by immunohistochemistry in Xenopus tadpoles. In Ananjeva, N. and Tsinenko, O. (eds). Herpetologia Petropolitana. 133-135.
EXBRAYAT, J.-M., ANJUBAULT, E., 2005.- The development, differentiation and growth of gonads in Typhlonectes compressicauda (Amphibia, Gymnophiona). In Ananjeva, N. and TSsinenko, O. (eds). Herpetologia Petropolitana. 136-139.
BLEYZAC, P. EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2005.- Some aspects of the ontogenesis of the immune system organs of Typhlonectes compressicauda (Duméril and Bibron, 1841), Amphibia, Gymnophiona. In Ananjeva, N. and Tsinenko, O. (eds). Herpetologia Petropolitana. 120-123.
BAHIANI, M., GERNIGON-SPYCHALOWICZ, EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2005.- Structure and ultrastructure of the sexual segment of the kidney in the diurnal Saharian lizard Uromastix acanthinurus, Bell 1825. In ANANJEVA, N. and TSINENKO, O. (eds). Herpetologia Petropolitana. 115-117.
EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2005.- Reproduction and viviparity in Typhlonectes compressicauda, Dumeril and Bibron, 1841 (Amphibia, Gymnophiona). 5th Congress of Herpetology, Stellenbosch, South Africa, June 2005
BLEYZAC, P., CORDIER, G., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2005.- The spleen in adult Typhlonectes (Amphibia, Gymnophiona). 5th Congress of Herpetology, Stellenbosch, South Africa, June 2005.
RAQUET, M., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2005.- First observations about the embryonic development of pituitary in Typhlonectes compressicauda (Amphibia, Gymnophiona). 5th Congress of Herpetology, Stellenbosch, South Africa, June 2005.
HAMMOUCHE, S., GERNIGON, T., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2005.- Immunolocalisationde la -endorphine dans l'ovaire du lézard déserticole , Uromastix acanthinurus : étude préliminaire. Rythmes, 36 (2) : 46.
ESTABEL, J. KÖNIG, N., SHIOKAWA, K., EXBRAYAT, J.-M.. Apoptosis in Xenopus genus. In Scovassi, I. (Ed.) Apoptosis.. Research Signpost. 147-156.
CHEVALIER, C., DE CONTO, C., GOUBIER, V., Hardy, I., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2005.- Étude du développement folliculaire ovarien chez Zingel asper (Percidae). Cybium, 29 (4) : 327-338.
EXBRAYAT J.-M., 2005.- Bienfaits et méfaits de la biomol ou les répercussions d'une science sur la recherché contemporaine. Rev. Univ. Cathol. Lyon, 7: 25-29.