HAMMOUCHE, S., GERNIGON, T., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2007.- Immunocytochemical localization and ukltrastructural study of gonadotroph cells in the female desert lizartd Uromastuyx acanthinura. Tissue and Cell, 39: 13-25.
BELHOCINE, M., GERNIGON-SPYCHALOWICZ, T., ROBERT, A.-M., SCHOEVAERT, D., BENNAZZOUG, Y., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2007.- Ecophysiological responses of the seminal vesicle of Libyan jird (Meriones libycus) to the Saharan conditions: histological, morphometric and immunohistocchemical analysis. Histol. Histopathol., 22 : 603-615.
KISSERLI, O., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2007.- Histologie et immunohistochimie des organes de reproduction de Bufo mauritanicus Schlegel, 1841. First Mediterranean Herpetological Congress, Abstract : 87.
HAMMOUCHE, S., GERNIGON, T., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2007.- Variations saisonnières de la béta endorphine dans l'ovaire du lézard déserticole Uromastyx acanthinura. First Mediterranean Herpetological Congress, Abstract : 46-47.
CHEVALIER, C., DE CONTO, C., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2007.- Apoptosis in Zingel asper (Percidae) ovariian and testicular development. 8th Int. Symp. Repr. Physiol. Fish, June 2007, St Malo (France). Abstract.
DE CONTO, C., CHEVALIER, C., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2007.- Histological study of Zingel asper (Percidae) sexual maturation : petterns of ovarian and testicular development. 8th Int. Symp. Repr. Physiol. Fish, June 2007, St Malo (France). Abstract.
MOUTERFI, N., MOUDILOU, E.N., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., BRUN, C., 2007.- Glutamate induced calpains-like expression in Xenopus laevis development. 14th Europ. Congress Herp., September 2007, Porto (Portugal). Abstract.
MOUDILOU, E., MOUTERFI,, N., BENYAMIN, Y., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., BRUN, C., 2007 Calpains-like expression during Xenopus laevis development. 14th Europ. Congress Herp., September 2007, Porto (Portugal). Abstract.
BASTIT, M., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2007.- A preliminary study of the embryonic development of kidneys in Typhlonectes compressicauda (Amphibia, Gymnophiona. 14th Europ. Congress Herp., September 2007, Porto (Portugal). Abstract.
RAQUET, M., MEASEY, J., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2007.- Reproductive cycle of female in Boulengerula taitanus (Loveridge, 1935), an oviparous Gymnophionan amphibian Gymnophiona. 14th Europ. Congress Herp., September 2007, Porto (Portugal). Abstract.
KISSERLI, O. EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2007.- Reproductive cycles in Bufo mauritanicus (Schlegel, 1841) of wet area of Beni-Belaïd (Jijel, Algeria Gymnophiona. 14th Europ. Congress Herp., September 2007, Porto (Portugal). Abstract.
RAQUET, M., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2007.- Embryonic development of the hypophysis and thyroid gland in Typhlonectes compressicauda (Dumeril and Bibron, 1841), Amphibia, Gymnophiona. J. Herp., 41 (4): 702-711.
BOUBEKRI, A., GERNIGON-SPYCHALOWICZ, T., KHAMMAR, F., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2007.- Histological and immunohistological aspects of the ovarian cycle of the algerian wild sand rat, Psammomys obesus Cretzschmar, 1828, Folia Histoch. Cytobiol., 45 (supp. 1): 41-49.
HAMMOUCHE, S., GERNIGON, T., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2007.- Immunocytochemical localization and ultrastructural study of Gonadotroph cells in the female desert Lizard Uromastyx acanthinura. Tissue and Cell. (in press).
EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2007.- Humanité versus animalité : le paradoxe humain. Rev. Univ. Cathol. Lyon, 12 : 9-13.
EXBRAYAT, J.-M., TABOUREAU, J.-L., 2007.- Nécrologie : Abbé René Mouterde 1915-2007. Rev. Univ. Cathol. Lyon, 12 : 75-76.