Introduction to political science and culture 1 and 2

  • Crédits ECTS : 5 (par semestre)
  • Responsable : Theresa ROUGER et Dirck LARSEN
  • Semestres 1 à 6

Cours de la Licence de Lettres modernes, Mineure Langues vivantes

Prérequis pour le cours

Medium level of English required.


By the end of this course, and having completed the essential readings and activities, you should be able to:

  • Summarise and detail the context of international politics and social discourse through the lens of the Western viewer.
  • Demonstrate a critical analysis of the cultural impact on international politics from a variety of disciplinary areas, music, cinema and Anglo-phone literature.


LECTURE SERIES – Semester 1 - September to December 2020

Session 1: 2020 U.S. Election
Session 2: American Culture as Commercial Culture (Disneyland, Coca-Cola...)
Session 3: Impact of Covid-19 on U.S. Political System
Session 4: Americanization of World Culture
Session 5: Introduction to U.S. Political System: Federalism, Checks and Balances
Session 6: Protest Music from the Delta Blues to Today
Session 7: Race and Class, or Race as Class in the United States?
Session 8: Money and War: Heroes in Film
Session 6: Black Rights Matter
Session 7: British Culture through the Crown
Session 8: Boris & Brexit
Session 9: Charlie Chaplin’s Politics
Session 10: Peace, Bill Gates and the Future
Session 11: Debate: Is Generation Z better then generation Y?
Session 12:Trump and Europe
Session 13: Hollywood, Politics and the West
Session 14: What does Human Rights mean in today’s world? Bribery and Corruption
Session 15: Messages through Music
Session 16: Politics today – what are the headlines?
Session 17: Debate: can Hollywood be our political lens?
Session 18: The Kennedy clan and the Mafia politics
Session 19: Ronald Regan, cinema and politics
Session 20: Green Book – the legacy of its music
Session 21: Examination: Student presentation on topic of choice
Session 22: Current affairs discussion

LECTURE SERIES – Semester 2 – January to April 2021

Session 1: The Women’s Question
Session 2: Traditional Music
Session 3: Irish Politics and the IRA
Session 4: Shakespeare’s impact on language
Session 5: Hackers & Edward Snowden
Session 6: Debate: conspiracy theories – true or false
Session 7: Weinstein and feminist politics
Session 8: Female Directors Films
Session 9: Antisemitism risings in Europe
Session 10: Student presentation on topic of choice
Session 11: The Race Question in Europe
Session 12: Islam – an Al Jazeera investigation
Session 13: The Simpsons: Cartoon Politics
Session 14: Biden, Trump and the headlines
Session 15: Debate: Survival in Today’s World
Session 16: Climate crisis
Session 17: Culture & Art
Session 18: Social Media and its dangers
Session 19: Film Greenbook analysis
Session 20: Migration
Session 21: Examination: Student presentation on topic of choice
Session 22: Revision session

Références bibliographiques

  • GIGLIO Ernest, Here’s Looking at You Hollywood, Film and Politics, New York: Long Peter, 2014
  • NICHOLAS Bill, Introduction to Documentaries, Bloomingdale : Indiana University, 2010

Méthodes d’évaluation

Au moins un contrôle continu durant le semestre, et une évaluation terminale pendant la session d’examens.