Linh Chi Vo

Professeur de l'UCLy

Groupe de recherche (8) Entreprises et organisations durables

Campus Lyon - Saint Paul
10 Place des archives 69002 Lyon


  • Responsable du Groupe de recherche (8) Entreprises et organisations durables, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA1598) UCLy

Informations complémentaires

Domaines de recherche

Sciences de Gestion Neo-institutional theory CSR in SMEs Philosophy of pragmatism Board gender diversity

Domaines d'enseignement

Management Strategic management


Linh-Chi Vo est professeur (HDR) de l'UCLy en Sciences de gestion, membre de l'unité de recherche CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA 1598). Ses travaux portent sur les fondements microéconomiques de la RSE, la diversité des genres et l'économie circulaire. Elle est directrice de la recherche au sein de l'ESDES Lyon Business School, où elle enseigne également.
  • Publications & Communications scientifiques
    • Coordination d'un numéro de revue
      • THELISSON, Anne-Sophie, VO, Linh Chi, CHALLITA, Sandra (dir.) (2021). La RSE en question, Revue Interdisciplinaire Management, Homme et Entreprise (RIMHE), 10, 4 p.
    • Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
      • ARFAOUI, Nabila, BOURDIN, Sébastien, TORRE, André, VERNIER, Marie-France, VO, Linh Chi (2024). «Geographical and organized proximities influencing firms' adoption of circular economy practices. The closer partners the better?». Regional Studies , Online version of record. [+]
      • SANTISTEVAN, Diana, THELISSON, Anne-Sophie, VO, Linh Chi (2024). «Individual Responses to Paradox: The Articulation Between Emotion and Cognition». M@n@gement, 27, 4, 18-36. [+]
      • VO, Linh Chi, LAVISSIERE, Alexandre, LAVISSIÈRE, Mary Catherine, ALCARAZ, José (2024). «Commit professional suicide or take up my pilgrim’s staff again? An examination of female managers’ resolution of shock events in developing regions». Human Relations, 77, 3, 360-397. [+]
      • LAURENS, Patricia, LE BAS, Christian, VO, Linh Chi (2024). «Evolution of academic research in French business schools (2008-2018): isomorphism and heterogeneity». International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies, 14, 4, 361-383. [+]
      • ARFAOUI, Nabila, LE BAS, Christian, VERNIER, Marie-France, VO, Linh Chi (2023). «Innovation Strategies and Implementation of Various Circular Economy Practices: Findings from an Empirical Study in France». Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 42, 149-183. [+]
      • GOK, Kubilay, BABABOLA, Mayowa, LAKSHMAN, Chandrashekhar, SUMANTH, John, VO, Linh Chi, DECOSTER, Stijn, BENSAL, Anjali, COSKUN, Ahmet (2023). «Enhancing Employees' Duty Orientation and Moral Potency : Dual Mechanisms Linking Ethical Psychological Climate to Ethically-Focused Proactive Behaviour». Journal of Organizational Behavior, 44, 4, 157-175. [+]
      • VO, Linh Chi, LAVISSIERE, Alexandre, LAVISSIÈRE, Mary Catherine (2023). «Retaining Talent in the Maritime Sector by Creating a Work-Family Balance Logic : Implications from Women Managers Navigating Work and Family». International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 53, 1, 133-155. [+]
      • VO, Linh Chi, LAKSHMAN, Chandrashekhar, GOK, Kubilay (2022). «Attributional Accuracy and Leadership Effectiveness: Cultural desirability in five countries »». Management International (MI), 26, 4, 215-230. [+]
      • ARFAOUI, Nabila, LE BAS, Christian, VERNIER, Marie-France, VO, Linh Chi (2022). «How do governance arrangements matter in the circular economy? Lessons from five methanation projects based on the social-ecological system framework». Ecological Economics, 197, 107414. [+]
      • LAURENS, Patricia, LE BAS, Christian, VO, Linh Chi (2022). «La collaboration Business Schools/Universités en recherche en gestion. La fin de deux mondes séparés ?». Management et Sciences Sociales, 33, 2022/2, 154-170. [+]
      • VO, Linh Chi, DELCHET-COCHET, Karen, AKEB, Hakim (2022). «Quand les pratiques individuelles des managers de la RSE éclairent la nature symbolique ou substantielle de la RSE et ses microfondations». Revue Management & Avenir, 2022/2, 128, 83-103. [+]
      • CULIÉ, Jean-Denis, VO, Linh Chi, PHILIPPE, Xavier (2021). «L’influence de la transformation digitale sur l’évolution des carrières : perceptions d’agents de collectivités territoriales». Politiques et Management Public, 38, 3, 277-298. [+]
      • LAKSHMAN, Chandrashekhar, VO, Linh Chi, RAMASWAMI, Aarti (2020). «Measuring invariance and nomological validity of the attributional complexity scale : evidence from estonia, France, india, usa and vietnam». International Journal of Cross Cultural Management (IJCCM), 20, 1, 89–111. [+]
      • LAKSHMAN, Chandrashekhar, VO, Linh Chi, LADHA, Rani, GOK, Kubilay (2019). «Consequences of paying CEOs for downsizing: A four-country study of the impacts on survivors vs. victims». M@n@gement, 22, 2, 250-272. [+]
      • DANG, Rey, HOUANTI, L’hocine, TEULON, Frederic, VO, Linh Chi (2019). «Antecedents of female representation on corporate boards: an exploratory analysis at board level from a socialized perspective». Management International (MI), 23, 52-63. [+]
      • KELEMEN, Mihaela, RUMENS, Nick, VO, Linh Chi (2018). «Questioning and organization studies». Organization Studies, 40, 10, 1529-1542. [+]
      • LAKSHMAN, Chandrashekhar, GOK, Kubilay, VO, Linh Chi (2018). «Managerial Assignments of Credit and Blame: A five-country study of Leadership Desirability». Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 25, 4, 741-762. [+]
      • LAKSHMAN, Chandrashekhar, VO, Linh Chi (2017). «Equity portfolio incentives for CEOs downsizing in Vietnam: implications for CSR perceptions'». Gestion 2000, 34, 3, 73-97. [+]
      • VO, Linh Chi, KELEMEN, Mihaela (2017). «Collaborating across the researcher-practitioner divide: Introducing John Dewey’s democratic experimentalism». Journal of Organizational Change Management, 30, 6, 858-871. [+]
      • VO, Linh Chi, CULIÉ, Jean-Denis, MOUNOUD, Eléonore (2016). «Microfoundations of decoupling: from the perspective of coping theory». M@n@gement, 19, 4, 248-276. [+]
    • Chapitres
      • VO, Linh Chi, DHAOUADI, Inès (2024). «L’engagement des salariés dans la démarche RSE : retour d’expériences des études PrIORRA». In : Virginie CARTIER (dir.), Construire la RSE : Perspectives théoriques et pratiques innovantes. Lyon : Ed. Chroniques sociales, 123-133.
      • VO, Linh Chi, DELCHET-COCHET, Karen (2020). «Une RSE ou des RSE ? La réalité des entreprises du jouet au prisme de l'innovation et du Business model». In : C. Le Bas et S. Mercuri Chapuis (dir.), La RSE : des relations sociales à la dimension stratégique. Caen : EMS (Edition Management et Société), 10, 169-190.
      • DELCHET-COCHET, Karen, VO, Linh Chi (2018). «Integrating CSR practices in business strategies of SMEs: empirical evidence». In : Sabri Boubaker, Douglas Cumming and Duc K. Nguyen (dir.), Research Handbook of Investing in the Triple Bottom Line. Finance, Society and the Environment. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 17, 373-395. [+]
    • Interventions dans les colloques
      • Communications avec actes
        • GOT, Kubilay, LAKSHMAN, Chandrashekhar, VO, Linh Chi, DECOSTER, Stijn. «The Joint Effects of Honesty-Humility, Ethical Climate, and Ethical Leadership on Workplace Deviance». 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management "Innovating for the Future : Policy, Purpose, and Organizations", AOM, Août 2024, Chicago, Etats-Unis. [+]
        • VO, Linh Chi, ALCARAZ, José, CARRILLO, Valeria, LAVISSIÈRE, Mary Catherine, LAVISSIERE, Alexandre. «Conflicting Work-Family Ideals and Female Resistance in the Global South». 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2024) "Innovating for the Future : Policy, Purpose, and Organizations", AOM, Août 2024, Etats-Unis : Academy of Management Proceedings, 2024/1. [+]
        • VO, Linh Chi, THELISSON, Anne-Sophie, SANTISTEVAN, Diana. «Adopting defensive responses to define work boundaries: insights from French female academics’ choices». 40th EGOS COLLOQUIUM, Crossroads for Organizations: Time, Space, and People Sub-theme 39: Expanding Paradox Research across Time, Place, and Bodies, EGOS, Juillet 2024, Milan, Italie.
        • LAKSHMAN, Chandrashekhar, GOK, Kubilay, VO, Linh Chi, SUMANTH, John. «The complex interaction of cognitive factors in influencing time theft behaviors». 81st Annual Meeting : Bringing the Manager Back in Management (Virtual), Academy of Management (AOM), Juillet 2021, New York, Etats-Unis. [+]
        • VO, Linh Chi, LAVISSIÈRE, Mary Catherine, LAVISSIERE, Alexandre. «Weathering Work-Family Conflict: an analysis and model of shock event resolution». 81st Annual Meeting : Bringing the Manager Back in Management (virtual), Academy of Management (AOM), Juillet 2021, New York, Etats-Unis. [+]
        • GOK, Kubilay, BABABOLA, Mayowa, LAKSHMAN, Chandrashekhar, VO, Linh Chi, EBERHARD, Jared, AKBARI, Hamid, OZDEMIR, Ali Ihsan. «Understanding Why and When Ethical Climate Relates to Employee Taking Charge and Voice Behaviors». AOM Annual Meeteig : Improving Lives, AOM, Août 2018, Chicago, Etats-Unis : Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018, 1. [+]
        • VO, Linh Chi. «Bridging the Empirical-Normative Split in Business Ethics Research: John Dewey's Pragmatism». AOM Annual Meeting : Improving Lives, Academy of Management, Août 2018, Chicago, Etats-Unis : Academy of Management Proceedings. [+]
        • VO, Linh Chi, SANTISTEVAN, Diana. «Responding To Institutional Complexity: Explaining The Difference Between Individuals». 2017 Academy of Management Annual Meeting : At the Interface, AOM, Août 2017, Etats-Unis : Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017, 1. [+]
        • VO, Linh Chi, CULIÉ, Jean-Denis, MOUNOUD, Eléonore. «Microfoundations of decoupling: from the perspective of coping theory». AOM Annual Meeting : Making Organizations Meaningful, Academy of Management, Août 2016, Etats-Unis : Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016, 1. [+]
      • Communications
        • VO, Linh Chi, SANTISTEVAN, Diana, THELISSON, Anne-Sophie. «Navigating Legalized (In) Visibility: The Experience of French Female Academics in STEM Fields». 83rd AOM Annual Meeting, Academy of Management (AOM), Août 2023, Boston, Etats-Unis.
        • ALCARAZ, José, VO, Linh Chi. «Work-family conflicting ideals and ‘the patriarchal triad’: Mobilizing infra-political resistance for more socially-just futures in the Global South». 13th International Critical Management Studies Conference Stream 10, International Critical Management Studies Conference (ICMS), Juin 2023, Nottingham, Royaume Uni.
        • THELISSON, Anne-Sophie, VO, Linh Chi, SANTISTEVAN, Diana. «Coping with paradoxical tensions: from negative emotion to virtuous cycles». 82nd AOM Annual Meeting : A hybrid experience, Academy of Management (AOM), Août 2022, Seattle, Etats-Unis.
        • GOK, Kubilay, LAKSHMAN, Chandrashekhar, DECOSTER, Stijn, SUMANTH, John, VO, Linh Chi, BABABOLA, Mayowa, COSKUN, Ahmet. «Antecedents of proactivity: The effect of ethical climate through duty orientation and moral potency». 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), AOM, Août 2022, Seattle, Etats-Unis. [+]
        • SANTISTEVAN, Diana, VO, Linh Chi. «How do boundary-management processes facilitate global work in MNEs?». 38th EGOS Colloquium "The Beauty of Imperfection", EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies, Juillet 2022, Vienne, Autriche.
        • VO, Linh Chi, LAKSHMAN, Chandrashekhar, GOK, Kubilay, BANSAL, Anjali. «Independent and Interactive effects of Cognitive and Emotional Capabilities on Cross-Cultural Competence: A Four-Country Study». AIB 2022, Beyond Diversity and Inclusion: Equity and Fairness in International Business, Academy of international Business (AIB), Juillet 2022, Miami, Etats-Unis.
        • VERNIER, Marie-France, ARFAOUI, Nabila, LE BAS, Christian, VO, Linh Chi. «Types Of Innovation Strategy And Implementation Of Various CE Practices: Findings From An Empirical Exploration». 7th International Conference on New Business Models, LUMSA University, Juin 2022, Rome, Italie.
        • GAO, Lucia, HONGGANG, Qiu, HOUANTI, L’hocine, VO, Linh Chi. «A good fit matters: evidence from the impact of gender quota on financial performance in France». 58th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Finance Association, EFA, Avril 2022, Washington D.C. Etats-Unis.
        • DANG, Rey, GAO, Lucia, HOUANTI, L’hocine, HONGGANG, Qiu, VO, Linh Chi. «A good fit matters: evidence from the impact of gender quota on financial performance in France». 61st Annual Southwestern Finance Association, Southwestern Finance Association (SWFA), Mars 2022, New Orleans, Etats-Unis.
        • THELISSON, Anne-Sophie, VO, Linh Chi, SANTISTEVAN, Diana. «Individual responses to paradoxes: the interrelationship and the influence of cognition and emotions». 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM, Août 2021.
        • ARFAOUI, Nabila, LE BAS, Christian, VERNIER, Marie France, VO, Linh Chi. «Circular bio-economy, institutional and social dimensions: The case of five experiences of methanization in France». Colloque PSDR Transitions pour le Développement des Territoires - Symposium PSDR4, INRAE, Octobre 2020, Angers, France.
        • VO, Linh Chi, LE BAS, Christian, VERNIER, Marie France, ARFAOUI, Nabila. «Circular bio-economy, institutional and social dimensions: The case of five experiences of methanization in France». Spring of Innovation 2020: International Conference Innovation and Circular Economy, RNI (Research network on innovation), Mars 2020, Saint Jacques de Compostelle, Espagne.
        • VO, Linh Chi, DELCHET-COCHET, Karen, MONCEF, Btissam, AKEB, Hakim. «Microfoundation of CSR: a practice perspective». 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM- ISC Business school, Août 2019, Boston, Etats-Unis.
        • VO, Linh Chi, DELCHET-COCHET, Karen, MONCEF, Btissam, AKEB, Hakim. «Microfoundation of CSR: The Case of CSR managers». CSR across the Atlantic issues and perspectives, UMass Boston et EM Normandie, Mai 2019, Boston, Etats-Unis.
        • VO, Linh Chi, DELCHET-COCHET, Karen, MONCEF, Btissam, AKEB, Hakim. «The effect of sustainable purchasing on performance:  The role of CSR commitment, internal management and purchasing practices». Annual Meeting of IPSERA : Art and Science of procurement, International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association (IPSERA), Avril 2019, Milan, Italie.
        • CULIÉ, Jean-Denis, PHILIPPE, Xavier, VO, Linh Chi. «La transformation des carrières par le numérique : des illusions perdues d’avance ?, Symposium ‘Gérer les carrières au risque du digital’». 29ème congrès : Expérimentations locales, contextualisation des solutions, Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH), IAE Université Lyon 3, Octobre 2018, Lyon, France.
        • VO, Linh Chi, LAVISSIÈRE, Mary Catherine, LAVISSIERE, Alexandre. «Empowerment of women port executives in Africa: a study of institutional conflicts». International Association of Maritime Economists Annual Meeting, IAME, Septembre 2018, Mombasa, Kenya.
        • VO, Linh Chi, DELCHET-COCHET, Karen, MONCEF, Btissam, AKEB, Hakim. «Trancending the tension between ‘being good’ and ‘looking good’ : the lived experience of micro-level actors». 33rd EGOS Colloquium, European Groups for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Cophenagen Business School (CBS), Juillet 2017, Copenhague, Danemark.
        • VO, Linh Chi, SANTISTEVAN, Diana. «Microfoundations of institutional complexity: delineating the difference between individual responses». 33rd EGOS Colloquium, European Groups for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Cophenagen Business School (CBS), Juillet 2017, Copenhague, Danemark.
        • VO, Linh Chi, CULIÉ, Jean-Denis. «Microfoundations of decoupling: A typology of emotions as coping strategies». 32nd EGOS Colloquium, European Groups for Organizational Studies, EGOS, University of Naples Federico II, Juillet 2016, Naples, Etats-Unis.
        • VO, Linh Chi, LAKSHMAN, Chandrashekhar. «Attributional Complexity and Isomorphic Attributions: Empirical Evidence for Cognitive vs. Affective Factors». Annual Meeting, Academy of International Business (AIB), Juin 2016, New Orleans, Etats-Unis.
  • Valorisation scientifique et diffusion des savoirs
    • Produits de vulgarisation et médiation scientifique
      • Articles
        • THELISSON, Anne-Sophie, VO, Linh Chi, SANTISTEVAN, Diana (2024). «Les réponses individuelles aux paradoxes : le rôle du lien entre émotions et cognition». Observatoire Action Sociétale Action publique. [+]
        • ARFAOUI, Nabila, BEN JABEUR, Sami, VO, Linh Chi (2024). «Économie circulaire : la perception des Français dépend notamment de l'impulsion politique». The Conversation. [+]
        • VO, Linh Chi (2023). «How Women Surf the Pipeline in a Male-Dominated Field». Le Blog de l'ESDES. [+]
        • LAVISSIERE, Alexandre, VO, Linh Chi, LAVISSIÈRE, Mary Catherine (2023). «Dans le secteur portuaire, des pénuries de cadres pénalisantes et surtout trop peu de dirigeantes». The Conversation. [+]
        • LAVISSIERE, Alexandre, VO, Linh Chi, LAVISSIÈRE, Mary Catherine (2023). «Dans le secteur portuaire, des pénuries de cadres pénalisantes et surtout trop peu de dirigeantes"». The Conversation. [+]
        • VO, Linh Chi, LAVISSIÈRE, Mary Catherine, LAVISSIERE, Alexandre (2023). «Etre une entrepreneure dans l'institution maritime». Le Blog de l'ESDES. [+]
        • LE BAS, Christian, BOURDIN, Sébastien, ARFAOUI, Nabila, VERNIER, Marie-France, VO, Linh Chi (2020). «Les entreprises innovantes, plus engagées dans l’économie circulaire». The Conversation. [+]
      • Emissions radio, TV, presse écrite
        • (2021) «Matériaux, recyclage, valorisation : les nouvelles frontières de l’éco-conception», Interview de Linh-Chi VO réalisée par Julie Le Bolzer pour Les Echos pour un n° spécial Écomonie circulaire. Septembre 2021, Les Echos, France. [+]
        • (2019) «La réalité des pratiques RSE chez les PME françaises». Chronique "L'éco expliquée par l'ESDES", 24 octobre, Octobre 2019, Radio RCF, Lyon, France.
  • Collaborations scientifiques
    • Membre de laboratoires de recherche
      • Depuis 2020, Membre du Groupe de recherche (8) Entreprises et organisations durables, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA1598), UCLy, France
      • Depuis 2020, Responsable du Groupe de recherche (8) Entreprises et organisations durables, UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA1598), UCLy, France
      • Depuis 2019, Responsable de pôle de recherche, ,
      • 2010 - 2015, Membre du LGI lab (Génie Industriel), Ecole Centrale Paris, France
    • Implication dans des contrats/projets de recherche subventionnés
      • Coordinateur du projet : Projet ECIE - Économie circulaire, déterminants micro économiques et spécificités nationales : une étude européenne, ECIE, porté par UCLy
      • Membre : Cap vers le développement des Capabilités dans la SIDErurgie, FERCIS (Fondation d’Etudes et de Recherches sociales pour des Coopérations Internationales...)
      • Membre : PrIORRA - Pratiques Innovantes des Organisations Responsables en Rhône-Alpes, FEDER - 17856, porté par UCLy, en partenariat avec Les Ateliers de l'Entrepreneuriat Humaniste - AEH ; CIEDEL
  • Activités d’évaluation de la recherche
    • Rapporteur, évaluateur de publications scientifiques
      • 2019 : Rapporteur pour la revue, International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management
  • Organisation de colloques
    • 2024 : workshop « Pragmatism in/and management: new insights for new challenges », IRG,, Université Paris-Est-Créteil (UPEC), France
    • 2019 : Membre du comité d'organisation du colloque « Corporate Social Responsibility Across the Atlantic: Reviews, Issues, and Perspectives »,, University of Massachusetts, Etats-Unis
  • Diplomes
    • 2000, Bachelor, Sciences de Gestion, Autre, Queensland University of Technology, Australie
  • Activités et responsabilités pédagogiques
    • 2013 - 2019 Enseignant, EM Normandie, France
    • 2010 - 2013 Enseignant, ISC Paris Business School, France
    • 2010 - 2015 Assistant Pédagogique, Ecole Centrale Paris,
    • Enseignements
      • 2019 - 2021, Business Games, ESDES, France
      • Depuis 2019, Strategic Management, ESDES, France
      • 2013 - 2019, Innovation Management, EM Normandie, France
      • 2013 - 2019, Knowledge Management, EM Normandie, France
      • 2013 - 2019, Management of the firm, EM Normandie, France
      • 2013 - 2019, Strategic Management, EM Normandie, France
      • 2010 - 2013, Innovation Management, ISC Paris Business School, France
      • 2010 - 2013, Knowledge Management, ISC Paris Business School, France
      • 2010 - 2013, Strategic Management, ISC Paris Business School, France
      • 2010 - 2013, Strategy and Innovation, ISC Paris Business School, France
      • 2005 - 2012, Management of the firm, Ecole Centrale Paris, France
  • Prix et distinctions
    • 2018 - 2018, Emerald Best Paper on Maritime Issues in Emerging Economies,, Emerald Publishing
    • 2012 - 2012, Emerald Highly Commended Award winner, 2011 Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards, Knowledge Management category, European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD)
  • Langues
    • Anglais - Capable d'enseigner
    • Français - Capable d'enseigner