Sana Akbar Khan

Maître de conférences de l'UCLy

Pôle 8 - Entreprises et organisations durables

Campus Lyon - Saint Paul
10 Place des archives 69002 Lyon


  • Membre du Pôle de recherche Entreprises et organisations durables de l'UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA 1598) UCLy
  • Enseignant-chercheur, ESDES - Marketing and Digital Business UCLy

Informations complémentaires

Domaines de recherche

Responsabilité sociale des entreprises Innovation des modèles d'entreprise Adoption de l'innovation Innovation frugale Corporate Governance

Domaines d'enseignement

Services Marketing Account-based Marketing Consumer Behavior B2B Sales & Marketing Research Methodology Frugal Innovation Sustainable Business Models


Sana Akbar Khan est membre du corps enseignant de l'ESDES Business School de l'UCLy et membre de l'unité de recherche CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA 1598). Ses recherches portent sur l'adoption de l'innovation durable, l'innovation frugale, l'innovation des modèles d'entreprise, la responsabilité sociale des entreprises, l'écoblanchiment et la gouvernance d’entreprise. Elle enseigne à l'ESDES plusieurs cours de licence et de master liés à l'innovation, au marketing, à la recherche et à la durabilité.
  • Publications & Communications scientifiques
    • Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
      • KHAN, Sana Akbar, ORIJ, René , VU, Nhung (2024). «Financial expert CEOs and Corporate Social Responsibility Decoupling». International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, 18, 4/5, 430-455. [+]
      • AHMAD, Mahmood, AHMED, Zahoor , ALVARADO, Rafael, HUSSAIN, Nazim, KHAN, Sana Akbar (2024). «Financial development, resource richness, eco-innovation, and sustainable development: Does geopolitical risk matter?». Journal of Environmental Management, 351, 119824. [+]
      • HUSSAIN, Nazim, KHAN, Sana Akbar, NGUYEN, Duc Khuong, STOCCHETTI, Andrea, CORBET, Shaen (2023). «Board-level governance and corporate social responsibility: A meta-analytic review». Journal of Economic Surveys. [+]
      • ALUCHNA, Maria, ROSZKOWSKA-MENKES, Maria, KHAN, Sana Akbar (2023). «Corporate Governance Perspective on Environmental Reporting: Literature Review and Future Research Agenda». Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Online Version of Record. [+]
      • AHMAD, Mahmood, AHMED, Zahoor , KHAN, Sana Akbar, ALVARADO, Rafael (2023). «Towards environmental sustainability in E-7 countries: Assessing the roles of natural resources, economic growth, country risk, and energy transition». Resources Policy, 82, 103486. [+]
      • SINHA, Avik, BEKIROS, Stelios, HUSSAIN, Nazim, NGUYEN, Duc Khuong, KHAN, Sana Akbar (2023). «How social imbalance and governance quality shape policy directives for energy transition in the OECD countries?». Energy Economics, 120, 106642. [+]
      • ALI, Waris, BEKIROS, Stelios, HUSSAIN, Nazim, KHAN, Sana Akbar, NGUYEN, Duc Khuong (2023). «Determinants And Consequences Of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure: A Survey Of Extant Literature». Journal of Economic Surveys, Early View, 1-30. [+]
      • GULL, Ammar Ali, HUSSAIN, Nazim, KHAN, Sana Akbar, MUSHTAQ, Rizwan, ORIJ, René (2023). «The power of the CEO and environmental decoupling». Business Strategy and the Environment, 32, 6, 3951-3964. [+]
      • GULL, Ammar Ali, HUSSAIN, Nazim, KHAN, Sana Akbar, NADEEM, Muhammad, ZALATA, Alaa Mansour (2022). «Walking the talk? A corporate governance perspective on corporate social responsibility decoupling». British Journal of Management, 34, 4, 2186-2211. [+]
      • GULL, Ammar Ali, HUSSAIN, Nazim, KHAN, Sana Akbar, KHAN, Zaheer , SAEED, Asif (2022). «Governing Corporate Social Responsibility Decoupling: The Effect of the Governance Committee on Corporate Social Responsibility Decoupling». Journal of Business Ethics, 185, 349-374. [+]
      • HUSSAIN, Nazim, KHAN, Sana Akbar, BHATTI, Waheed Akbar, ARSLAN, Ahmad, TARBA, Shlomo Yedidia (2022). «Firm absorptive capacity: multidimensionality, drivers and contextual conditions». Journal of Knowledge Management. [+]
      • GARCIA SANCHEZ, Isabel Maria, HUSSAIN, Nazim, KHAN, Sana Akbar, MARTINEZ FERRERO, Jennifer (2022). «Assurance of sustainability reports: examining the role of internal and external corporate governance mechanisms». Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 29, 1, 90-106. [+]
      • HUSSAIN, Nazim, GARCÍA-SÁNCHEZ, Isabel-María, KHAN, Sana Akbar, KHAN, Zaheer, MARTÍNEZ-FERRERO, Jennifer (2021). «Connecting the dots: do financial analysts help corporate boards improve corporate social responsibility?». British Journal of Management, 34, 1, 363-389. [+]
      • GARCIA SANCHEZ, Isabel Maria, MARTIN-MORENO, Julia, HUSSAIN, Nazim, KHAN, Sana Akbar (2021). «Socio-emotional wealth and corporate responses to environmental hostility : are family firms more stakeholder orientated?». Business Strategy and the Environment, 30, 2, 1003-1018. [+]
      • KHAN, Sana Akbar, GARCIA SANCHEZ, Isabel Maria, HUSSAIN, Nazim, MARTINEZ FERRERO, Jennifer (2020). «Managerial Entrenchment, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Earnings Management». Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 27, 4, 1818-1833. [+]
      • KHAN, Sana Akbar, BOHNSACK, René (2020). «Influencing the Disruptive Potential of Sustainable Technologies through Value Proposition Design: The Case of Vehicle-to-Grid Technology». Journal of Cleaner Production, 254, art. 120018. [+]
      • GARCIA SANCHEZ, Isabel Maria, HUSSAIN, Nazim, KHAN, Sana Akbar, MARTINEZ FERRERO, Jennifer (2020). «Do markets punish or reward corporate social responsibility decoupling?». Business and Society, 60, 6, 1431-1467. [+]
      • LAZINI, Pietro, KHAN, Sana Akbar (2017). «Shedding light on the psychological and behavioral determinants of travel mode choice: A meta-analysis». Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 48, 13-27. [+]
    • Chapitres
      • LE BAS, Christian, KHAN, Sana Akbar (2021). «Chapter 18. Frugality – Frugal Innovation as Inclusive Innovation». In : Dimitri Uzunidis, Fedoua Kasmi et Laurent Adatto (dir.), Innovation Economics, Engineering and Management Handbook 1. Londres : ISTE Editions, 159-166.
      • KHAN, Sana Akbar, LE BAS, Christian (2019). «Ethics and sustainability in frugal innovation». In : Adela J. McMurray, Gerrit A. de Waal (dir.), Frugal Innovation: A Global Research Companion. Routledge, 7, 17, 275-288. [+]
    • Interventions dans les colloques
      • Communications dans un colloque, journées d’étude scientifique
        • KHAN, Sana Akbar, HUSSAIN, Nazim, ORIJ, René , REHMAN, Saif Ur , KHAN, Hashim (2023). «Multinational Enterprises’ (MNEs) Investment Policy and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Performance: Evidence from Emerging Asia». 6th EFS-2023 : Ethical Finance & Sustainability, EDC Paris Business School and CY Paris Cergy University, Juin 2023, Paris, France.
        • GULL, Ammar Ali, HUSSAIN, Nazim, KHAN, Sana Akbar, NADEEM, Muhammad, ZALATA, Alaa Mansour (2022). «Walking the talk? A corporate governance perspective on corporate social responsibility decoupling». The EURAM 2022 Conference, ZHAW School of Management and Law, Juin 2022, Zurich, Suisse.
        • KHAN, Sana Akbar, HUSSAIN, Nazim, GARCIA SANCHEZ, Isabel Maria, MARTINEZ FERRERO, Jennifer (2020). «Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility: Analysis of Complementarities and Substitutions Among Internal and External Governance Mechanisms». Gronen 2020 conference, "All Systems go!? Sustainability in the Digital Age", Group for Research on Organizations and the Natural Environment (GRONEN), Juin 2020, Portugal.
        • KHAN, Sana Akbar, HUSSAIN, Nazim, GARCIA SANCHEZ, Isabel Maria, MARTINEZ FERRERO, Jennifer (2019). «Managerial Entrenchment and Organizational Facades: An International Evidence». Corporate Social Responsibility 2019, The third conference on CSR, the economy and financial markets, Otto Beisheim School of Management, Düsseldorf, Germany. Octobre 2019, Düsseldorf, Allemagne. [+]
        • LE BAS, Christian, KHAN, Sana Akbar (2019). «Sustainability in Frugal Innovation». 28ème conférence de l’Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS), AIMS, Juin 2019, Dakar, Sénégal.
        • KHAN, Sana Akbar, BOHNSACK, René, WELLER, Stéphanie (2018). «Finding product-market fit through pivoting: A business model perspective». 25th IPDMC: Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, Université de Porto, Juin 2018, Porto, Portugal.
        • KHAN, Sana Akbar, HUSSAIN, Nazim, STOCCHETTI, Andrea (2017). «Corporate governance and corporate social responsibility: A meta-analytic review and directions for future research». 6th International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics and Sustainable Business, Septembre 2017, Berlin, Allemagne.
        • KHAN, Sana Akbar, HUSSAIN, Nazim, STOCCHETTI, Andrea (2017). «Corporate governance and corporate social responsibility: A meta-analytic review and directions for future research». Corporate Responsibility Research Conference, Septembre 2017, Séville, Espagne.
        • LAZINI, Pietro, KHAN, Sana Akbar (2016). «Investigating the determinants of travel mode choice: Measurement matters». 20th Conference of the Environmental and Sustainability Management Accounting Network, Septembre 2016, Luneburg, Allemagne.
        • KHAN, Sana Akbar, BOHNSACK, René (2016). «Value proposition innovation: The case of vehicle-to-grid technology». R&D Management Conference 2016, Juillet 2016, Cambridge, Royaume Uni.
  • Collaborations scientifiques
    • Membre de laboratoires de recherche
      • Depuis 07/01/2020, Membre du Pôle de recherche Entreprises et organisations durables de l'UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités (EA 1598), UCLy, France
  • Diplomes
    • 2017, Doctorat en Management, Essays on the adoption of sustainable innovation and sustainable behavior, Université Ca' Foscari, Italie
  • Expérience professionnelle dans le domaine de la recherche
    • 2017 - 2018, Post-doctorat, Catolica Lisbon School of Business & Economics, Portugal
  • Activités et responsabilités pédagogiques
    • Depuis 2018, Enseignant-chercheur, ESDES - Marketing and Digital Business, UCLy, France
    • Enseignements
      • 2023 - 2024, Account-based Marketing, ESDES, France
      • 2023 - 2024, Frugal Innovation, ESDES, France
      • 2023 - 2024, Research Methodology, ESDES, France
      • 2023 - 2024, Services Marketing, ESDES, France
      • 2023 - 2024, Sustainable Business Models, ESDES, France
      • 2022 - 2023, Account-based Marketing, ESDES, France
      • 2022 - 2023, Frugal Innovation, ESDES, France
      • 2022 - 2023, Frugal Innovation, ESDES, France
      • 2022 - 2023, Research Methodology, ESDES, France
      • 2022 - 2023, Services Marketing, ESDES, France
      • 2022 - 2023, Sustainable Business Models, ESDES, France
      • 2021 - 2022, Account-based Marketing, ESDES, France
      • 2021 - 2022, Frugal Innovation, ESDES, France
      • 2021 - 2022, Research Methodology, ESDES, France
      • 2021 - 2022, Services Marketing, ESDES, France
      • 2020 - 2021, Comportement du Consommateur, ESDES, France
      • 2020 - 2021, Innovation Frugale, ESDES, France
      • 2020 - 2021, Marketing Basé sur le Compte, ESDES, France
      • 2020 - 2021, Research Methodology, ESDES, France
      • 2020 - 2021, Services Marketing, ESDES, France
  • Langues
    • Anglais - Capable d'enseigner
    • Ourdou - Capable d'enseigner